FEATURED Morning Pops!

Greetings and felicitations, Pops and mi amigos! I'm wishing you all a very happy Hump Day.

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might stop in later.

Headed to Charlotte NC today. Little work there and then, hopefully home tomorrow.

Jobs, Leon, Trouty and any others of the regulars who might drop in, have a great day! I appreciate everybody who contributes to this thread.

Sarge, did you ever believe that this thread would still be going when your first posted it, all those years ago?
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. We had a 45 degree swing in the weather yesterday. It was 39 when I got up and was 84 in the afternoon when I was playing golf. Hey, Y'all have a great day.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may stop in later.

Home today!

That is all.........
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. TGIF! I've got a 10:10 a.m. tee time this morning. The weekend slate is clear to just enjoy myself. Have a great day, everyone.

Oh, and welcome home, ABQ!

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may stop in later.

Welcome to Friday everybody! You know, I've traveled pretty much my entire adult life and I'll tell ya, I never tire of seeing the Sandias when I come home. BTW, thank you Leon.

Everybody, have a great day and an even better weekend!
Morning Pops and a huge howdy to everyone! No tea for me @LeonDixson but I love my expresso machine. One large cup for me and mostly wife. Beautiful day here on the Big Island. Enjoy your day and especially the game all.
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Welcome to Victory Monday! Lots of smiles to go around today.
Morning Pops. Morning fellas and good morning to any and all, who may stop in a little later.

Hope everybody enjoyed their weekend, as well. Always feels a little bit better when you win I guess.

Anyhow, everybody, I hope you all have a great week ahead.

Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. I think I'll go get a little target practice today with my .45 pistol. Have a great day, folks.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may stop in later.

Got my little Grandson asleep here right next to me today. Gonna be a good day for us.

Hope everybody else has just as good a day. Welcome to Tuesday..
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Happy hump day! The coffee is wonderful this morning, ABQ. Having your Grandson there is a blessing. I got busy yesterday and didn't go shooting after all. Y'all have a great day.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may stop in a bit later.

Leon, how right you are! Was a great day for me, lots of fun!

Hump day today and lots of work to do so it should go by fast.

Everyone, have a great day!
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. My gosh we had a beautiful day yesterday. Clear skies and a little brisk in the morning but warmed up nicely. I love fall weather. Have a great day, folks.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who may stop in later.

Already Thursday and headed towards the weekend. Week is flying by.

Everybody, have a good day!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who my stop in later this afternoon.

Leon, shoot well and enjoy!

Everybody, enjoy the weekend!
Afternoon Pops, afternoon dearest friends, and good afternoon to all you wonderful Zoners out there!

@LeonDixson, I'm sorry, sir. I was jumped with mace and a screwdriver. Stabbed, broken nose, broken tooth, gashes on the back of my head. Didn't have my angel this past weekend because we were scared of how we would react. I'm picking him today, tho, even tho I still have a swollen face and black eyes. I posted pics in the Beer Thread.

I saw your PS3 Godfather post, and how you adored the adaptation. So good. Did you see the quote from Alfred Morris about his Lord and Savior that I "@'d" you and a couple other members? I know you're a man of God, and I thought of you when I read it.

Everyone have a blessed Friday.

@jobberone, I'm praying for you, nightly.

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