Morris Claiborne had a great game


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I wouldn't mind Hardy coming back. It takes alot for me to say that. I know he was late for meetings but it's as important not to be late to the QB either during games. I don't like those kind of late guys either.


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Don't try to turn your own hard knock lessons you had to be taught in life with something you'd actually do. You're the receiver, not the giver. Stay off the keyboard and tuck tail as you've done your whole life.

That's the best you got? Fantasy world tales? Your lame attempt at tough talk is entertaining, but I'll be honest with you, your physche is made of glass. You got called out and can't handle it. It's cool we understand though it happens a lot on this board.


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Bottom line is Mo was never able to put an entire offseason together. Even when he was drafted in 2012 he had the wrist issue that cost him OTA's and minicamp.

I think we're finally seeing the Claiborne we thought we were getting four years ago. If he keeps this up all season, I can easily see Dallas giving him a long term deal. And if I said this a few months ago, I would have called myself crazy.

If I'm
Not mistaken I think this is his first year not getting hurt and actually having a preseason. People want to get rid of it but it really does help players. Zeke would be further along if he had one.


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That's the best you got? Fantasy world tales? Your lame attempt at tough talk is entertaining, but I'll be honest with you, your physche is made of glass. You got called out and can't handle it. It's cool we understand though it happens a lot on this board.

Lol, irony..the simple ones can't help but to walk right into it.


Professional Positive Naysayer
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contract year

Absolutely. AS the team looks to 2017 and 2018...think hard about him and if he really fits in by the time the defense will be better. Nonetheless, good game, but he owes us 3 good seasons before I call it even.



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It's pretty rude and ignorant to tell someone they are clueless to football. I mean who are you to set a standard of knowledge? You're a nobody like the rest of us. Guys like you get smacked in the mouth.

I'll be your huckleberry
He doesn't think much about me to discuss football but yet takes the time to read what I write then replies to it.


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Wilcox just knows the scheme better than Kavon Frazier at this point. I still think Wilcox is here on borrowed time.

I don't hate Wilcox and I'm not one of the posters that's has incessantly bashed him, but every time I watch him specifically, I wonder what the **** he is doing to get on the field on defense. I'm ok with him being on special teams but I don't get why they think he can actually play defense.


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Durant is the closer. It seem that he is limited to a few snaps per games so they use him strategically. :cool:
Eventually as he gets into game shape he'll probably become the starter (it was said that he was retired/ on the couch when the cowboys called him). Hitch plays better as the backup. I wonder how good Nzeocha really is and if he can beat out both hitch and Durant for the starting MLB job?


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He doesn't think much about me to discuss football but yet takes the time to read what I write then replies to it.


Two things can be equally true:

1) You're absolutely clueless when it comes to talking about the game.


2) Some of the nonsense you post is so inane it elicits a reaction from me.


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contract year

I hate this ! The moment a player starts to put together a good season while finally becoming healthy, the ITS A CONTRACT YEAR excuse is the reason cmon! I'm sure Claiborne just loved struggling and catching loads of flak from everyone his first few years.

The reason I hate this argument is because if he played his first few years like last year and beginning of this year his payday would have been huge! So let me get this straight he decided to struggle in the beginning years In order to earn far less money on these one year deals instead of a huge deal to secure his future, while basically being lit up by the media, fan's, and I am sure by the management behind closed doors hence the 1 year deals hmmmm the argument makes no sense!

I mean maybe just maybe he finally has put things together and figured out how to play in the NFL as well as being healthy. How about we give the guy some credit.

Now if you want to argue he was not worth that what they gave up in the draft to get him, OK maybe you right since he took this long to develop and based on scouting reports he was the closest thing to a sure thing so we all expected to see the next Sanders. But that's water under the bridge time to move on !

To me it just took longer to develop but he is playing solid now so let's give the man his props. He keeps this up he will get a long term deal !

Way to get it together Claiborne I am happy for you !


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He did not play well in coverage.

BTW, if Durant doesn't jump that pass it's an easy completion to Garcon because Mo was slow in recovering getting shook of the line again (grabbed Garcon's jersey again).
Now Claiborne is good when his receivers were overthrown half the time.

for real? Mo balled. remember when we drafted Mo. Mo came in as a rookie and was hurt, We threw him in without fully healing. I thought Mo played well the last 2 seasons when healthy


Cowboys Diehard
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Considering our lame pass rush, any Dallas CB who turns in a respectable performance achieves a wonderful task. Congratulations, Mo.
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The truth is..if the Cowboys could draft after the 1st round Mo and Carr would already be gone. Mo is very average at best and is playing for whats left of his pro career.


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Lynch thought so and he knows a few things about secondary play. I thought the holding call on him was a joke. Especially compared to the grab Norman had on Dez in the first quarter. Usually when the receiver goes to separate the CB lets go but he just held on.


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Claiborne was never as bad as fans who were mad because he didn't meet their unrealistic early expectations made him out to be.

He struggled learning the defense because he missed a lot of reps, and he struggled with pressing big WRs early. But he's been ok most of his career here, and has gradually gotten better. So far, it's really early, but he's playing really well this year. Today in particular he played great.
He was hyped to be the next Deion so he was line up to fail right off the bat