Mosley Blog: Parcells: I'm a cat guy

burmafrd;1286355 said:
Cats are so much smarter then dogs its not even funny. Try and make them fetch a stick or something stupid like that, and the look of contempt they will give you is something to behold. Years ago I had a friend who swore he was going to teach his cat to do things; he tried for almost 6 months- total failure. It was funny as hell. Independent, take care of themselves, won't chase parked cars or bark at the moon- much prefer cats.

yea....... but you can hear them at all hours of the night hocking up fur balls and if you don't find it right away you will eventually find it in your sock feet...... I hate wet socks and stinking cats!

My Jack Russells sent one up a tree in August and it stayed there for two days! I finally got the water hose and hosed that sucker down..... got a good laugh out of that one!:laugh1:
Is it just this thread or do all the cat haters have no problem with cruelty to animals?
4lifecowboy;1286506 said:
I've never owned a cat, I've had three Rottweilers as an adult and my dad raised Dobermans when we was growing up, so i'm partial to K-9s. But,my cousin rented my garage while he was in school had a cat and I have to admit he did have this independent nature that was admirable at times, but it also was somewhat annoying as well, I honestly think that cat thought he was the King of the castle.

Well you know what they say. Dog's have masters. Cat's have personal assistants, ;)
Zaxor;1286372 said:
cats and their owners are usually pretty full of themselves...also cat owners obviously have no nose or their nose is not used for smelling but to hold it in the air..

cats are for the most part lazy and contemptuous... they sometimes make decent enough rodent catchers...but can be easily replaced with something that doesn't constantly meander for food and throw up hairballs all over the place...

Dogs on the other hand earn their keep...
As if passing judgment on other people isn't being "full of yourself". LOL.

One cat in a house is a sign of loneliness, two of barrenness, and three of sodomy.

Edward Dahlberg (1900–1977), U.S. author, critic. Alms for Oblivion,“Moby-Dick: A Hamitic Dream” (1964).
Yes, it seems he had poor opinions of authors like Melville, Walt Whitman, and F. Scott Fitzgerald as well.

Check Wikipedia on this genius. Here's an excerpt:

Dahlberg was born in Boston to Lizzie Dalberg. Mother and son wandered the southern and western United States until 1905, when she opened a barber shop in Kansas City. In April 1912 Dahlberg was sent to the Jewish Orphan Asylum, Cleveland, where he lived until 1917.

Small wonder quotes like this are attributed to this scribe. Considered highly in literary circles, it appears much of what he stood for would find its opposite in this board. Among other things, he felt that much of American literature was glorified trash, and spent a good deal of his time in Europe.

For example, here's two quotes about America:

"The Americans have always been food, sex, and spirit revivalists." - "Our Vanishing Cooperative Colonies," Alms for Oblivion (1964).)

"It is very perplexing how an intrepid frontier people, who fought a wilderness, floods, tornadoes, and the Rockies, cower before criticism, which is regarded as a malignant tumor in the imagination." - "No Love and No Thanks," Alms for Oblivion (1964).

Probably one of the most contradictory ones I found:

"To write is a humiliation." - The Carnal Myth, introduction (1968).

These sound like the dregs of a bitter, disillusioned intellectual.
frankly, any writer like that who is always negative and always looking at the dark sides of things should never be one you should look for as regards judgement or advice.
zeromaster;1286702 said:
As if passing judgment on other people isn't being "full of yourself". LOL.

Yes, it seems he had poor opinions of authors like Melville, Walt Whitman, and F. Scott Fitzgerald as well.

Check Wikipedia on this genius. Here's an excerpt:

Dahlberg was born in Boston to Lizzie Dalberg. Mother and son wandered the southern and western United States until 1905, when she opened a barber shop in Kansas City. In April 1912 Dahlberg was sent to the Jewish Orphan Asylum, Cleveland, where he lived until 1917.

Small wonder quotes like this are attributed to this scribe. Considered highly in literary circles, it appears much of what he stood for would find its opposite in this board. Among other things, he felt that much of American literature was glorified trash, and spent a good deal of his time in Europe.

For example, here's two quotes about America:

"The Americans have always been food, sex, and spirit revivalists." - "Our Vanishing Cooperative Colonies," Alms for Oblivion (1964).)

"It is very perplexing how an intrepid frontier people, who fought a wilderness, floods, tornadoes, and the Rockies, cower before criticism, which is regarded as a malignant tumor in the imagination." - "No Love and No Thanks," Alms for Oblivion (1964).

Probably one of the most contradictory ones I found:

"To write is a humiliation." - The Carnal Myth, introduction (1968).

These sound like the dregs of a bitter, disillusioned intellectual.

Zaxor;1286372 said:
cats and their owners are usually pretty full of themselves...also cat owners obviously have no nose or their nose is not used for smelling but to hold it in the air..

Are you seriously saying that cats smell? Cats don't smell, their litter boxes do -- and you can fix that by changing it regularly. Let's see, litter box vs. a yard full of huge piles of dog crap.

Also, cats, since they are natural hunters, will do everything possible to not smell. They clean themselves constantly. Dogs clean their crotch constantly, but that's more about being perverts.

Oh yeah. And that thing dogs do when they bury their faces in chick's crotches? That's a great one too.
I am a dog person all the way.

Will not own a cat...I am not like the guy on here that wants to go out and kill cats...Just not a cat person.
Well there was one cat I went after.

But I was a very young boy...around whatever age you would start kindergarten.

We were fishing. I caught my very first fish, just a puny little pan fish.

Someone said...get the fish off the hook before old puss gets it (yes that was the cats name lol)

Too late the cat got it, I was mad.

For days I would go after that cat...throw rocks at it, throw it down cellar steps. Of course I was too young to do any real damage to it.

However I guess after some time the cat got tired of being chased and left, that or it got hit by a car:eek: .

So a week goes by and I don't see the cat.

That weekend we are sitting at the table and my grandmother had made meatloaf. I get a slice of it and start to eat.
She says...Do you know what happened to old puss? To which I reply no.

She says...I made her into this meatloaf.

I reply...KACK spitting the food out and everyone got a good laugh.

Now back to topic.

If you have a cat to get rid of about just calling terminex...they will get rid of the mice for you.:)
abersonc;1286728 said:
Are you seriously saying that cats smell? Cats don't smell, their litter boxes do -- and you can fix that by changing it regularly. Let's see, litter box vs. a yard full of huge piles of dog crap.

take em for a walk it does you both good

Also, cats, since they are natural hunters, will do everything possible to not smell. They clean themselves constantly.

they just jump in the shower do they?


Dogs clean their crotch constantly, but that's more about being perverts.

Oh yeah. And that thing dogs do when they bury their faces in chick's crotches? That's a great one too.

abersonc;1286728 said:
Are you seriously saying that cats smell? Cats don't smell, their litter boxes do -- and you can fix that by changing it regularly. Let's see, litter box vs. a yard full of huge piles of dog crap.

Also, cats, since they are natural hunters, will do everything possible to not smell. They clean themselves constantly. Dogs clean their crotch constantly, but that's more about being perverts.

Oh yeah. And that thing dogs do when they bury their faces in chick's crotches? That's a great one too.

Well it might not be the litterbox as the problem...With female cats being in heat and tom cats spraying. The smell can be pretty wicked.

Plus you read more stories about crazy old ladies in houses with a huge amount of cats going nuts.

Not that that is the cats fault.

One other thing...are you a woman? I mean you seem to have a trouble with that last line of yours so I was wondering.
BrAinPaiNt;1286739 said:
Plus you read more stories about crazy old ladies in houses with a huge amount of cats going nuts.

Not that that is the cats fault.


How do you think these old ladies went crazy in the first place?
like them both. just hate the cleanup part on both. prefer dogs because they're like inmature children who don't know any better. love to tease them
superpunk;1286742 said:

How do you think these old ladies went crazy in the first place?


Well I meant to say, the cats are not the ones that brought themselves into the house. I guess unless they snuck in somehow. :p:
well my cat thinks he is a dog he wrestles with the dogs he follows us all out into the fields, he mounts guerilla war-fare style attacks on the dogs and bolts up a tree. Its all good stuff. At least one of my dogs would die to protect me, one of my dogs saved some lady at the lake that was drowing. The other dog is crippled so she doesn't do much. But as I said before dogs and cats all have their charms and their fall backs. The worse thing about a cat is the smells they produce. Though my australian shepard can clear a room with her farts.
BrAinPaiNt;1286731 said:
I am a dog person all the way.

yup me too********%20Cat.png

superpunk;1286389 said:
I only hate the stray cats that my neighbor feeds, who like to live in my yard because there's more sun. I'll admit, the arrogant way they look at me when I get home from work and dare to step on "their" yard makes me want to go "hick" on them. Instead, I've just been working on catching them and taking them to the humane society.

I don't like cats, in general, unless they'll stop being jerks and let you pet them when YOU want to pet them, and not stick their butts in your face if you're lying on the floor, but it's ok if Bill does.

I like both cats and dogs. They are different and similar as well. Both species can be good pets. There are good cats and bad cats. There are good dogs and bad dogs.

I currently own one 12 pound cat. She used to play fetch with her toys. Throw the toy mouse down the hall way and she would bring it back.

I was outside pruning a rose bush and other foliage one day. She was out sunning herself a few feet away. All of a sudden she starts growling and out of the corner of my eye I saw her take off. I turned to look and she was charging at a German Shephard. He was only a few feet away from me and sneaking up behind me. His eyes got big and he yelped and ran off and she continued chasing him down the street until I yelled at her. I had seen this particular dog often roaming the neighborhood. He was not an overly mean dog that attacked people or anything like that, but he was annoying and was not nice. I've had to chase him out of the yard before and it wasn't as simple as just yelling at him. He would growl and bark and take his time about leaving the yard, so it was a bit of a surprise to see him run off by my cat.

I have heard that a cat sticking it's butt in someones face is a sign of affection. The mother cats have to clean the butts of the kittens. If they don't, they can get infections and get sick. When they stick their butt in the face, it is a sign that they trust you as if you were their mother even if they truly don't expect you to clean their butt. Weird, but what I have heard.
stealth;1286747 said:
well my cat thinks he is a dog he wrestles with the dogs he follows us all out into the fields, he mounts guerilla war-fare style attacks on the dogs and bolts up a tree. Its all good stuff. At least one of my dogs would die to protect me, one of my dogs saved some lady at the lake that was drowing. The other dog is crippled so she doesn't do much. But as I said before dogs and cats all have their charms and their fall backs. The worse thing about a cat is the smells they produce. Though my australian shepard can clear a room with her farts.

oh I seen him

Ya part of a cats charm is how they are not ever willing to admit anything is bigger than them.
stealth;1286755 said:
Ya part of a cats charm is how they are not ever willing to admit anything is bigger than them.

not this one


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