I have 2 cats and 6 dogs in the house. The cats and 2 of the dogs are mine. My only complaint is that one of my dogs wants to kill my cats so I can't have them in the room together. It's a hassle trying to keep them separated. Maybe I should call the Dog Whisperer for help?
And one of my cats does stink. BADLY. But he's too fat to reach/clean his anus so it's not really his fault. And I only feed them 1/2 a cup of food a day. Don't know how they got so fat. One of them is a little fat, but the stink one... is a monster. Weighs 23 lbs, which is a lot for a cat. He should be weighing 11 lbs. So imagine yourself being twice as big as you're suppose to be and that's how big my cat is (in proportion).
I clean the litter box twice a week. I don't bother with the scooping. I just dump it all out and put in fresh litter. A bit more expensive, but it doesn't smell bad at all that way.