Mosley Blog: Parcells: I'm a cat guy

joseephuss;1286750 said:
I have heard that a cat sticking it's butt in someones face is a sign of affection. The mother cats have to clean the butts of the kittens. If they don't, they can get infections and get sick. When they stick their butt in the face, it is a sign that they trust you as if you were their mother even if they truly don't expect you to clean their butt. Weird, but what I have heard.
there you go. i knew there was something about cats i didn't appreciate. lol
I heard that wa s romeo and juliet kinda deal that cat was in love with a dog and the family never woudl accept it.
silver;1286760 said:
there you go. i knew there was something about cats i didn't appreciate. lol

whats not to love

I have 2 cats and 6 dogs in the house. The cats and 2 of the dogs are mine. My only complaint is that one of my dogs wants to kill my cats so I can't have them in the room together. It's a hassle trying to keep them separated. Maybe I should call the Dog Whisperer for help? :D

And one of my cats does stink. BADLY. But he's too fat to reach/clean his anus so it's not really his fault. And I only feed them 1/2 a cup of food a day. Don't know how they got so fat. One of them is a little fat, but the stink one... is a monster. Weighs 23 lbs, which is a lot for a cat. He should be weighing 11 lbs. So imagine yourself being twice as big as you're suppose to be and that's how big my cat is (in proportion).

I clean the litter box twice a week. I don't bother with the scooping. I just dump it all out and put in fresh litter. A bit more expensive, but it doesn't smell bad at all that way.

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