Movie Moments

The last ten minutes of Signs.


Oh many.

Of course the final scene in Braveheart stands out. But there are actually probably a dozen or more scenes I could mention from that movie.

The end of Shawshank Redemption when Freeman and Robbins meet up on the Beach.

The end of Lean on Me when all the kids are singing the school song for Freeman after he announces that they passed the state exam.

Two scenes in I believe Battle: Los Angeles (I say I believe cause there's two movies with similiar names but one is really good and the other sucks).

The first is the scene where Aaron Eckart's character starts talking about the mistake he made that cost his men their lives and then starts naming off all their names and their numbers.

Then the scene where he goes back out of the Chopper, to find the central becon, and he thinks he's going alone and then all the folks with him come down to stay with him. I love that scene.

The scene in Casino where they beat the hell out of Joe Pesi's character, and his brother, before burying them alive. Geez was that ever a violent scene.

The Rocky movies have a ton but of course everyone knows the "Yo Adrian...I DID IT!!!"

The scene at the end of Rambo (the first one) where Rambo starts talking about Vietnam and how life has been after it and then tells the story about his friend who gets blown apart by the kid with the shoe shine box that is a bomb.

Of course who could forget the end of Rudy when he gets to run out onto the field and gets a sack and then is carried off the field.

There are actually quite a few great scenes in that movie but my favorite is the one where the groundskeeper gives him the speech about going back and not letting them get the best of him. Fantastic speech.

Gosh there are so, so, so many more I could be here for the next three weeks putting scenes in here.
My Cousin Vinny: "Hey, it's either me or them. You're getting ****ed one way or another!" :lmao2: :lmao:
The last 15 to 20 mins of The Natural. It's great because there is almost no actual dialog among the actors except a few lines. That last 20 mins is almost purely narrated by a baseball radio's fantastic.

Raging Bull, the entire scene where Jake gets pummeled in the last round by Sugar Ray...the animal noises while he's in the corner in slow mo, the ring announcer Eddie Quick (classic boxing ring name) the blood on the rope dripping at the end of the scene. That entire movie in black in white is just gorgeous.

The first Rocky, when he wakes up in the morning, drinks the raw eggs, radio on in the background and then runs through the cold streets of Philly at about 4AM.

The Lincoln Letter in Private Ryan and the Indianapolis speech from Jaws mentioned earlier are good ones.
This in no way comes close to the great scenes listed in this thread. However every time I watch it, it is just so freaky even though I am sure it is not the intent.

Since I watched it today it comes to mind.

In the movie Memphis Belle one of the gunners acts like he throws another guys lucky necklace/charm out the plane.

Later in the movie he holds it up and the other guy asks how he did that. The guy says...MAGIC.

However the look on his face and the way he says it is just so weird that it just freaks me out. Don't know why.
MichaelWinicki;4551103 said:
Oh gosh... Several for me too...

"Planet of the Apes" when Charlton Heston finds the smashed Statue of Liberty. I was young when I first saw it, and even at that age understood the pain of seeing it.

"Die Hard" at the end of the movie when Bruce Willis finally meets the cop he had been communicating with for most of the movie, and the cop subsequently shoots the last of the terroists/theives.

When Morgan Freeman and Timothy Robbins meet up at the beach at the end of "Shawshank Redemption".

The pair of Richard Dreyfuss and Roy Schieder paddling back in towards land after Schieder kills "Bruce the shark".

When "Chief" puts Jack Nicholson out of his misery, pulls the sink out of the floor, tosses it through the security window and runs for freedom in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest".

James Caan outlasting everyone else on the track, picking up the metal ball, doing a victory lap and making the winning score in the original "Roller Ball."
This is a great list. A few more:

The "what's in the box" ending to Seven.

The blank stares at the end of The Graduate.

Goose dying in Top Gun.

The first time the dinosaurs are shown in Jurrasic Park.
The court room examination of Jack Nicholson by Tom Cuise in a Few Good Men

The 2nd period motivational speech in the USA/Sweden game by Kurt Russell in the movie Miracle
When Scout formally meets Boo Radley. 'Hey Boo".
Gives me chills.

Duvall doesn't open his mouth yet say's a bundle with his eyes.

BraveHeartFan;4551251 said:
The first is the scene where Aaron Eckart's character starts talking about the mistake he made that cost his men their lives and then starts naming off all their names and their numbers.

Yeah that's a good one.
"bring me a shrubbery"

Not quite as powerful as many of the movies listed, but that entire movie still makes me laugh.
Everything Kubrick. I was always awed by his photographic film style.
Every frame is a work of art.


The look on Michael's face as he is hugging Freido at their mother's wake after saying nothing happens to him while our mother is alive and the reaction of his soldier when he realizes what the look means.
I always get blown away by George C. Scott as Patton when he is speaking to his aide in a deserted hallway and beseechingly cries out..

'.. an entire world at war and i'm not in it! .., i refuse to believe this is my destiny..'
I'll throw a few more in...

Saving Private Ryan, not the Lincoln letter, but when the mother of the Ryan family sees the car pulling up to her house and she stops washing dishes. She knows she's getting notification that one of her sons is dead, but she doesn't know only one of them is still alive. That scene always grabs me when she falls down on the porch.

When Samuel L. Jackson hears the violin played for the first time in the Red Violin.

"Colonel Willie Sharp, United States Airforce, ma'am. Requesting permission to shake the hand of the daughter of the bravest man I've ever met."

When Bruce Willis shakes the hand of Mr. Glass in Unbreakable and gets the flash.

The look on the Fascist leader's face in Pan's Labyrinth when they tell him that his son will never know his name.

The jungle mow-down scene in Predator

The bus scene in Traitor

"Never mind the curveball Ricky, give 'em the heater"
I know When Harry Met Sally is a love story, and not near the caliber of the movies mentioned in this thread, but it's one of the best love stories and my personal favorite. The ending in this movie is just so good, the way Harry suddenly realizes his true love for Sally and takes off running, to deliver his fantastic speech to her. I'm a girl, but not really a "crier", however, I did cry at the end of this one.
When I run a across movies I have seen before I stick around until my favorite scenes playout.

yesterday was an example, My Cousin Vinny was on-

The scene were Morrsia Tormei (man was she hot in that movie) is brought to the witness stand to testify about her general automotive knowledge.


Scent of a Woman-When the colonel (Al Pacino) is on the stage at the end the movie standing up for Charlie- Also from that movie the scene where the colonel dances the Tango.

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest-When all the Crazies are on the boat.

Al Pacino in the scene "And Justic for All" when he turns on his client John Forsythe and gets hauled away.

Debra Winger in Terms of Enderament talking to her little boy before she dies

John Voights dying scene in the Champ.

Steve Martin in HouseSitter singing to his Dad and later on convincing Gwen that he loves her by lying to her.

Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie when he comes out on live TV that he was not a woman.

Warren Beatie and Annette Benning in An Affair to Remember when he realizes she is paralyzed.
hard to beat what has been mentioned so I will just throw a few of my own favorites

In Patton when he is going into II Corps HQ and trips over a private.

"What were you doing down there?" from the Captain

"Trying to get some sleep sir."

Patton: "Well get back down there son. You are the only son of a ***** in this headquarters that knows what he is trying to do."

The Wind and the Lion when the US Marines march through the city to take the Palace

Apollo 13 "Failure is NOT an option!"
Jupiter transforming into a star at the end of 2010.


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