CFZ My commitment: Forget the sales pitch. I will believe it when it happens


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Another great post by Bob providing his take .

I think some fans just need or want to believe in something in order to root their team on. It’s just their nature or choice to remain positive and hopeful despite all the contrary evidence and recent history. And that’s fine . Everyone should be able to conduct their fandom as they choose .

Attending games for most of my life see there all types of fans . And not all truly dissect or provide critique for their team. It’s just a fun way to spend an afternoon or evening watching their favorite team. Which is all good.

But if we are going to listen to commentary who would we rather hear; the analysts or the cheerleaders . I’m more apt to follow the guys in the booth on analyzation.
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The irony of your statement is astounding. Rather than take the high road and not say anything, you'd rather get in a little dig at disillusioned fans then whine about how toxic this place has become.
There is no high road any longer and some of us really don’t care for the consistent crying

If you hate it so much leave and come back when they get to the SB it’s seems like all that matters to everyone anyhow

So ya there is a contingent of cowboy fans that that gets on my nerves so if I have to tolerate their crying than they can tolerate my optimistic views

It’s been the whole offseason it’s time to get over yourself and embrace the next season


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Here’s a not so bold prediction that will happen at the conclusion of the NFL draft next weekend: The Jones front office will sell this upcoming draft class as hard as any in recent history. They know their early exit from the playoffs last year coupled with the almost complete inactivity in free agency has left even the staunchest of Cowboys fans disgruntled and disheartened.

Yeah, the most embarrassing playoff loss in Cowboys history last January left a stink not easily washed out of the Star in one off-season. Not to mention 28 years of embarrassing playoff underachievement. I’m expecting a Jones sales pitch so intense PT Barnum will rise from the grave just to say, “Wow”.

Maybe we will get lucky and have a home run draft. Time will tell. I hope so. But the hard sales pitch is coming regardless. “Step right up folks.“

But most Cowboys fans know by now that the Jones boys’ off-season strategy every year centers more on marketing than it does actual strategic roster building. Honestly if Jerry drafted a one legged RB from Nowhere University he would sell that kid as the next coming of Emmitt Smith and for jersey sales purposes mandate #22 be worn to complete the marketing pitch.

With all the above in mind, here’s my off-season commitment:
  • I will believe results when they happen. Not before.
  • I will NOT buy the sales pitch that is coming. Period. If this team goes 16-1, I won’t “believe” anything until they win multiple playoff games.
  • If the Cowboys turn it around this year and win multiple playoff games for the first time in 3 decades, I will be thrilled. But I will believe it when it happens.
Trust me, a huge sales and marketing roll out is coming. We will be expected to trust in the same guys who gave us the last 28 years. They continue to expect this fan base to believe they know what they’re doing by doing it “their way”. The results speak otherwise.

Did I mention I will believe it when it happens?
This is all 100% accurate esp in light of 28 years of evidence as the Jones boys continue the same methods of football micromanagement in search of football glory. Of course football glory to the Jones boys means $$$.

I get it Hazey about becoming a doubting Thomas and it is completely warranted as we approach three decades of futility.

It’s nice and predictable to see the usual “fans” come out of the woodwork to oppose facts about this once proud, once elite franchise but sad to see low IQ fans defend the past 28 seasons as “bad luck” and the tired “refs are part of a conspiracy“ to cheat the Jones boys, as if these two incompetent clowns need help from the refs to spit the bit in the playoffs.

I agree PT Fuhrer will be putting on a full court press to persuade low IQ fans to believe that we are “all in” this season to try to justify raising ticket prices to watch a team of gutless players who seemed fine with getting their butts handed to them at home in the playoffs. These same low IQ fans are the same idiots that would buy an expensive fur sink if it had the Cowboys star printed on it. These same fans “police” any thread that speaks out against the fuhrer and son in a pitiful attempt to defend a family that prefers losing over turning the reigns over to legitimate football minds to run this org like Landry and Jimmy did.

To the low IQ fans I say:
  • Save up this off season because season tickets went up again
  • It must be exhausting to constantly monitor these threads to defend the fuhrer and son when anything remotely negative is posted
  • Landry and Jimmy (in spite of the fuhrer) are the reasons we used to be the gold standard of NFL franchises but that ship sailed three decades ago while the fuhrers legacy and fingerprints are all over the past 28 seasons
  • Remember to buy season tickets, jerseys, and SWAG to continue to endorse the fuhrers brand of losing football
  • For those who think 13-3 with a first round playoff loss is a great season, I suggest you study your Cowboys history to understand what winning looks like
  • Think twice about hating Stephen A Smith as he is the voice of reason for Cowboys fan, a lone voice in the wilderness openly mocking an owner who continues to use the same failed method, winning be damned. As Cowboys fans, we deserve (rather our owner) the ridicule since all we have to do to shut Stephen A up is win a few playoff games, something that seems as impossible as George Strait singing on key without auto tune, Stephan Jones passing up a buffet, or Billy Jean King winning a beauty contest.
It will be a long season, a long decade, and a long century for anyone buying the fools gold the fuhrer sells every year. But thanks to Hazey, you should know better. If you don’t, you might be one of the low IQ fans I alluded to earlier and if so, you’re preparing a round of illogical volleys against the facts to try to make yourself feel like a “real fan”. God speed.


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There is no high road any longer and some of us really don’t care for the consistent crying

If you hate it so much leave and come back when they get to the SB it’s seems like all that matters to everyone anyhow

So ya there is a contingent of cowboy fans that that gets on my nerves so if I have to tolerate their crying than they can tolerate my optimistic views

It’s been the whole offseason it’s time to get over yourself and embrace the next season
Then go ahead and keep crying and whining about how others express themselves. Embrace the hypocrisy I guess.


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Then go ahead and keep crying and whining about how others express themselves. Embrace the hypocrisy I guess.
Call it what you want Stephen A who I can’t stand has a point about some of you


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No disagreement do you think they come in here and read the consistent poor me garbage

We’ve had 3 consecutive 12 win seasons and most certainly will be knocking on that door again what is accomplished by all this whining ? Not a damn thing!

Too many fans on here are looking at the glory days of this franchise and getting aggravated it hasn’t continued

If it isn’t obvious to you that they haven’t quite put together that complete team yet in salary cap era then you’re not paying attention .

We are no more deserving than the other 31 teams in the league and each year we find different ways to lose

I enjoy the ride and hopefully one year that ride will all come together but until then all this whining does nothing

In 50 years of fandom I’ve maybe bought 6 jerseys and attended 8 games but I watch every week

Jerry has season ticket holders that help fund his debotchery and until they quit doing that and until they aren’t game the week for a quarter of the season nothing changes

Your 3 choices are pray he sells or abandon ship or just enjoy the ride and hope it all gets put together and they aren’t far off

There are things I wish were different but I have 0 control and making this place as toxic as it is serves no purpose
I dare you to go find a positive Cowboys spot anywhere on the internet. That toxic nature has spread everywhere, completely brought on by a front office with zero accountability. Thats what separates them from 31 other teams. This absolute mess was created by them and fans are tired. It’s certainly not just the zone.

Maybe they can make a positive sub forum here for the half a dozen people still holding out hope. I’m betting it would be pretty quiet.


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Here’s a not so bold prediction that will happen at the conclusion of the NFL draft next weekend: The Jones front office will sell this upcoming draft class as hard as any in recent history. They know their early exit from the playoffs last year coupled with the almost complete inactivity in free agency has left even the staunchest of Cowboys fans disgruntled and disheartened.

Yeah, the most embarrassing playoff loss in Cowboys history last January left a stink not easily washed out of the Star in one off-season. Not to mention 28 years of embarrassing playoff underachievement. I’m expecting a Jones sales pitch so intense PT Barnum will rise from the grave just to say, “Wow”.

Maybe we will get lucky and have a home run draft. Time will tell. I hope so. But the hard sales pitch is coming regardless. “Step right up folks.“

But most Cowboys fans know by now that the Jones boys’ off-season strategy every year centers more on marketing than it does actual strategic roster building. Honestly if Jerry drafted a one legged RB from Nowhere University he would sell that kid as the next coming of Emmitt Smith and for jersey sales purposes mandate #22 be worn to complete the marketing pitch.

With all the above in mind, here’s my off-season commitment:
  • I will believe results when they happen. Not before.
  • I will NOT buy the sales pitch that is coming. Period. If this team goes 16-1, I won’t “believe” anything until they win multiple playoff games.
  • If the Cowboys turn it around this year and win multiple playoff games for the first time in 3 decades, I will be thrilled. But I will believe it when it happens.
Trust me, a huge sales and marketing roll out is coming. We will be expected to trust in the same guys who gave us the last 28 years. They continue to expect this fan base to believe they know what they’re doing by doing it “their way”. The results speak otherwise.

Did I mention I will believe it when it happens?
O ye of little faith, why can’t you just believe in Jerry.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
  • I will believe results when they happen. Not before.
  • I will NOT buy the sales pitch that is coming. Period. If this team goes 16-1, I won’t “believe” anything until they win multiple playoff games.
  • If the Cowboys turn it around this year and win multiple playoff games for the first time in 3 decades, I will be thrilled. But I will believe it when it happens.
But, you'll be watching along with the rest of us...which is all Jerry wants.

Go Cowboys!!


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I dare you to go find a positive Cowboys spot anywhere on the internet. That toxic nature has spread everywhere, completely brought on by a front office with zero accountability. Thats what separates them from 31 other teams. This absolute mess was created by them and fans are tired. It’s certainly not just the zone.

Maybe they can make a positive sub forum here for the half a dozen people still holding out hope. I’m betting it would be pretty quiet.
It wouldn't get used. They'd rather attack the messenger and focus their frustrations on other fans than admit the team has deep underlying issues.


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I dare you to go find a positive Cowboys spot anywhere on the internet. That toxic nature has spread everywhere, completely brought on by a front office with zero accountability. Thats what separates them from 31 other teams. This absolute mess was created by them and fans are tired. It’s certainly not just the zone.

Maybe they can make a positive sub forum here for the half a dozen people still holding out hope. I’m betting it would be pretty quiet.
There’s not gonna be any accountability because the main culprit sits in the catbird seat

And I get that there’s alot of negativity but what do you think you’re accomplishing? You think Jerry gives a crap or comes in here and reads the zone no h don’t

I’m just not built that way to be as whiny as long as some of yall

So I guess if I got to continue to listen to the constant crapola in here you’ll continue to hear me on occasion say how teenage childish it is

And look forward to draft to camp to the season

It doesn’t mean I don’t crave a championship it’s just I’m smart enough to know the impact I have is minimal in here


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So if you advocate not going to games, not buying merchandise (in which I don't do either anymore, by choice, not by any disappointment).
Then why do you watch the games as well, or come in to post your dislike of them?
Why pay any attention at all?
I can't answer for @diamonddelts, but for me it's simple. The Cowboys were my first sports team. I grew up watching & reading about the legends. Suffered thru the oh so close years with Danny. Saw it fall apart until Jimmy rebuilt it. Basked in the glory of the magnificent 90's. Since then, have slowly come to realize and accept all the fatal flaws with this organization.

So, it's in my blood to want them to restore the legacy I grew up on. It's also become important to see the craziness called out cause I don't think anything will change until they reach a low that forces them to.

I really don't know how much I'll watch this season. The way it's looking, any interest will just be to see it go up in flames.


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There is no high road any longer and some of us really don’t care for the consistent crying

If you hate it so much leave and come back when they get to the SB it’s seems like all that matters to everyone anyhow

So ya there is a contingent of cowboy fans that that gets on my nerves so if I have to tolerate their crying than they can tolerate my optimistic views

It’s been the whole offseason it’s time to get over yourself and embrace the next season
It’s really sad there has to be this divide amongst fans . There is room for all types of fans . Attending games most of life have seen just about everything. Some fans it’s a pure entertainment outing while others take it much more serious. That’s their choice and or nature. It’s all good . There’s room for all types of fans .

But for those fans who are more critical or negative the lack of more success along with the causes and symptoms which have caused it by a franchise with such historical significance and stature is understandable however repetitive and nauseating it can be.

I don’t have a problem with fans who choose the high road. All the power to them . But being more of a critic it’s not who I’m gravitating to for analysis. Attending a game we have little choice who we sit next to and we all know how annoying that can be if they don’t conduct their fandom in the same manner we do.

But in a forum setting as such we don’t have to mingle with others or sit next to them. We have options . We can stay away from threads which we know aren’t aligned with our perspective . We can also place other fans on ignore . Imagine attending a game we could block out the obnoxious loudmouth without seeing or hearing what they said .

Perhaps a more positive fan forum without any negative narratives would be appealing to these type fans . Like a “Silver Lining” forum. We tried this in the old fan forum and it was like a ghost town. Apparently most of these more positive or glass half full fans enjoy or thrive on taking on the negative narratives like they would an opposing fan.

As our Administrator has plainly laid out , we are all or at least mostly Cowboy fans . And we all aren’t going to agree except on the ultimate goal . We need to learn to find our common ground expanding on it instead of focusing on our differences .


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It’s really sad there has to be this divide amongst fans . There is room for all types of fans . Attending games most of life have seen just about everything. Some fans it’s a pure entertainment outing while others take it much more serious. That’s their choice and or nature. It’s all good . There’s room for all types of fans .

But for those fans who are more critical or negative the lack of more success along with the causes and symptoms which have caused it by a franchise with such historical significance and stature is understandable however repetitive and nauseating it can be.

I don’t have a problem with fans who choose the high road. All the power to them . But being more of a critic it’s not who I’m gravitating to for analysis. Attending a game we have little choice who we sit next to and we all know how annoying that can be if they don’t conduct their fandom in the same manner we do.

But in a forum setting as such we don’t have to mingle with others or sit next to them. We have options . We can stay away from threads which we know aren’t aligned with our perspective . We can also place other fans on ignore . Imagine attending a game we could block out the obnoxious loudmouth without seeing or hearing what they said .

Perhaps a more positive fan forum without any negative narratives would be appealing to these type fans . Like a “Silver Lining” forum. We tried this in the old fan forum and it was like a ghost town. Apparently most of these more positive or glass half full fans enjoy or thrive on taking on the negative narratives like they would an opposing fan.

As our Administrator has plainly laid out , we are all or at least mostly Cowboy fans . And we all aren’t going to agree except on the ultimate goal . We need to learn to find our common ground expanding on it instead of focusing on our differences .
Ya I hear you sir and yes I can scroll on by which I have done most of the offseason

I mean it’s been all offseason and I see reality’s repost of his demands and I typically don’t personally insult someone although at times it crosses my mind with a few posters as they are intent on making this place a cesspool of negativity

I am not built that way and there are few threads on the front page that isn’t infected so I will continue to attempt to have civil conversations in a positive tone and everyone ignores me and the masses just want to be negative I’ll talk with the few that aren’t

I mean there has to be more than just me , you ranching and rockport

I believe there’s a contingent of fans on here that don’t prefer the constant negative tones but choose not to say anything perhaps draft and camp proceeds they’ll come out of hiding


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There’s not gonna be any accountability because the main culprit sits in the catbird seat

And I get that there’s alot of negativity but what do you think you’re accomplishing? You think Jerry gives a crap or comes in here and reads the zone no h don’t

I’m just not built that way to be as whiny as long as some of yall

So I guess if I got to continue to listen to the constant crapola in here you’ll continue to hear me on occasion say how teenage childish it is

And look forward to draft to camp to the season

It doesn’t mean I don’t crave a championship it’s just I’m smart enough to know the impact I have is minimal in here
One of the best analogies I’ve used is look how divided we are on the leadership , direction and policies of our country but yet we all can come together in time of war or tragedy.

And that’s pretty well sums up how we can be as fans. We can be divided on our opinions on all of this while coming together for 60 minutes each game rooting our team on.

We all want to win. That’s our common bond despite however our view is towards getting there. Once we are on that 100 yard battlefield we are all rooting for the same result. At least most of us.

Perhaps we all need to take a step back and not over react to both sides of the spectrum as we both ultimately want the same thing. Our approaches, outlooks and demeanors are just different which is pretty normal stuff in the world we live in.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Here’s a not so bold prediction that will happen at the conclusion of the NFL draft next weekend: The Jones front office will sell this upcoming draft class as hard as any in recent history. They know their early exit from the playoffs last year coupled with the almost complete inactivity in free agency has left even the staunchest of Cowboys fans disgruntled and disheartened.

Yeah, the most embarrassing playoff loss in Cowboys history last January left a stink not easily washed out of the Star in one off-season. Not to mention 28 years of embarrassing playoff underachievement. I’m expecting a Jones sales pitch so intense PT Barnum will rise from the grave just to say, “Wow”.

Maybe we will get lucky and have a home run draft. Time will tell. I hope so. But the hard sales pitch is coming regardless. “Step right up folks.“

But most Cowboys fans know by now that the Jones boys’ off-season strategy every year centers more on marketing than it does actual strategic roster building. Honestly if Jerry drafted a one legged RB from Nowhere University he would sell that kid as the next coming of Emmitt Smith and for jersey sales purposes mandate #22 be worn to complete the marketing pitch.

With all the above in mind, here’s my off-season commitment:
  • I will believe results when they happen. Not before.
  • I will NOT buy the sales pitch that is coming. Period. If this team goes 16-1, I won’t “believe” anything until they win multiple playoff games.
  • If the Cowboys turn it around this year and win multiple playoff games for the first time in 3 decades, I will be thrilled. But I will believe it when it happens.
Trust me, a huge sales and marketing roll out is coming. We will be expected to trust in the same guys who gave us the last 28 years. They continue to expect this fan base to believe they know what they’re doing by doing it “their way”. The results speak otherwise.

Did I mention I will believe it when it happens?
I'm with you Bob. However, I can see the "hater" and "not a real fan" coming. So be it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
One of the best analogies I’ve used is look how divided we are on the leadership , direction and policies of our country but yet we all can come together in time of war or tragedy.

And that’s pretty well sums up how we can be as fans. We can be divided on our opinions on all of this while coming together for 60 minutes each game rooting our team on.

We all want to win. That’s our common bond despite however our view is towards getting there. Once we are on that 100 yard battlefield we are all rooting for the same result. At least most of us.

Perhaps we all need to take a step back and not over react to both sides of the spectrum as we both ultimately want the same thing. Our approaches, outlooks and demeanors are just different which is pretty normal stuff in the world we live in.
Sad to say I'm not sure that's true anymore.
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Ya I hear you sir and yes I can scroll on by which I have done most of the offseason

I mean it’s been all offseason and I see reality’s repost of his demands and I typically don’t personally insult someone although at times it crosses my mind with a few posters as they are intent on making this place a cesspool of negativity

I am not built that way and there are few threads on the front page that isn’t infected so I will continue to attempt to have civil conversations in a positive tone and everyone ignores me and the masses just want to be negative I’ll talk with the few that aren’t

I mean there has to be more than just me , you ranching and rockport

I believe there’s a contingent of fans on here that don’t prefer the constant negative tones but choose not to say anything perhaps draft and camp proceeds they’ll come out of hiding
Most of us wish all we had was talk about how wonderful it is playing for or winning championships.

But our frustrating situation with such a historical successful franchise is understandable. Couple that with the unbearable situation we are stuck with our ownership . Plenty of ammo for disappointment.

I think it’s only natural the vibe here would be more negative. And fans are generally looking or gravitating to those with similar viewpoints.

Personally I try to provide a balance. If our forum becomes too negative I try to swing the other way. Same when we were too positive last year with SB Hype which I shot down.

But after one of our most embarrassing playoff loss it’s certainly clear the mood of fans. Couple in our ownership , our QB’s contract situation uncertainty, etc there’s plenty to be upset about.

That said I suppose there is some silver linings we can look to. 3 straight 12 win and playoff seasons despite the endings. But we appear to be at a crossroads with uncertainty of our HC and QB. Much to critic, etc. But until we finally kick this playoff door down I wouldn’t expect the vibe to change much.