Video: My defensive film review 49ers at Cowboys


Village Idiot
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I remember Ronde Barber pressing the WR often, but rarely seemed to have deep responsibility. I guess that was man under which has a lot in common with zone in that the CB basically drops back in a zone after initially covering the WR for a short distance. I know everybody called that defense Zone, but when Barber pressed I don't know if that was technically Zone.

That's just basic Cover 2 zone.

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Good post on the technical details.

I'm not ready to blame coaching yet. It might or might not be the problem. Early in his career Scandrick had issues being late to plant and drive on the ball. It took him some time to develop.

I would like to see Claiborne in some form of man coverage more often. It could be press man, press bail or man under, but in all 3 he would be just playing the WR and not reading the QB. I think something like man under would still allow the CB to be in a decent position to come up if the QB runs outside which I'm sure was part of the issue against the niners.

I remember Ronde Barber pressing the WR often, but rarely seemed to have deep responsibility. I guess that was man under which has a lot in common with zone in that the CB basically drops back in a zone after initially covering the WR for a short distance. I know everybody called that defense Zone, but when Barber pressed I don't know if that was technically Zone.

Forever on the trail, X. To be good in identification in zone, one has to continually practice good habits, as described in the OP, or have good skillsets through practice following and knowing receiver responses at the professional levels. Either way, it takes time and game time to get those skills.

I agree with your views completely.


Well-Known Member
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Good post on the technical details.

I'm not ready to blame coaching yet. It might or might not be the problem. Early in his career Scandrick had issues being late to plant and drive on the ball. It took him some time to develop.

I would like to see Claiborne in some form of man coverage more often. It could be press man, press bail or man under, but in all 3 he would be just playing the WR and not reading the QB. I think something like man under would still allow the CB to be in a decent position to come up if the QB runs outside which I'm sure was part of the issue against the niners.

I remember Ronde Barber pressing the WR often, but rarely seemed to have deep responsibility. I guess that was man under which has a lot in common with zone in that the CB basically drops back in a zone after initially covering the WR for a short distance. I know everybody called that defense Zone, but when Barber pressed I don't know if that was technically Zone.

The act of pressing a WR doesn't dictate if the corner is in man or zone. It's done under both coverages. The press/jam is to merely disrupt the receiver on the release of the route or to re-route the receiver from taking an inside/outside release depending on where the help is coming from or the split of the WR based on formation.

However, press techniques typically have safety help over the top unless you are Sherman (who doesn't press alot btw) or Revis.

On of the differences in playing man/zone is how the DB plays the WR, head turned inside toward the QB is zone, vs playing head up to the WR is man This isn't the hard fast rule but it is an indicator for me. Sherman can play either technique and fool you with both techniques. That's why he's the best corner playing the game right now.

I think we all assumed that Marinelli would press Claiborne and Carr more based on his comments in the offseason, but that's pretty hard to do if you play single high coverages without en elite FS. Wilcox doesn't have the recognition nor speed to provide help to a corner if they get in trouble. The 49ers presented an even tougher match-up because of the QB's ability to run. They had to play a lot of zone to keep eyes on Kap from breaking big plays on them with his feet.

The issue I saw on tape was that on their zone drops were all over the place. Not basic fundamentals at all, so that leads me to wonder what did they work on in the offseason?


Village Idiot
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The issue I saw on tape was that on their zone drops were all over the place. Not basic fundamentals at all, so that leads me to wonder what did they work on in the offseason?

I find it hard to believe that Marinelli's fundamentals would be drastically different than Kiffin's. You have to wonder what's going on, from the top of the organization to the bottom, especially when guys like Marinelli and Garrett talk a lot of fundamentals and playing solid football.


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I find it hard to believe that Marinelli's fundamentals would be drastically different than Kiffin's. You have to wonder what's going on, from the top of the organization to the bottom, especially when guys like Marinelli and Garrett talk a lot of fundamentals and playing solid football.

The more I see the Cowboys play on Sunday, the more evidence of poor coaching seems to crop up.

I find it hard to believe that Marinelli wanted to exclusively play man coverage all the time. Can't do that in the NFL and expect to be a competent defense. I can understand a heavy skew of man coverages but a full time man defense is not going to matchup with every team on the schedule.

Lack of preseason reps is a valid excuse, but basic DB stuff is inexcusable.


Vet Min Plus
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The Cowboys didn't really play any Tampa 2. It was mostly Cover 3 and Cover 1. When Mo was playing press man, he was terrible. When Mo was playing zone, he wasn't very good. He had a really bad game. Some people are saying that man coverage suits our corners better, and I don't think that's the case. The All 22 isn't out yet, so it's hard to see everything on each play.

Let me know what you guys think of the video.

Nice work we appreciate the time and effort. I guess we are just going to have to deal with some growing pains with the younger db's...


Stop chasing
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why do our cb's always suck? Carr was good in KC we get him and he sucks. Claiborne a star in college we get him suck, newman started to suck in our scheme. Is it the scheme or is it the type of players we get? How the heck to seattle just plug players in that defense especially thats secondary and continue to be good. Is it the way they practice or etc? Our cb's allow too much catch and run and not enough PD's. I mean atleast tackle the guy. Too much catching and running.

Coaching being held to poor standards and not being held responsible for ensuring all assignments (for every circumstance) is fully understood by all players. Seems like coaching 101 but seems like the team culture lends to, "got it? good..., next play", etc. One on one coach film study is what seems like is missing on top of the of the on the field coaching.


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The Cowboys didn't really play any Tampa 2. It was mostly Cover 3 and Cover 1. When Mo was playing press man, he was terrible. When Mo was playing zone, he wasn't very good. He had a really bad game. Some people are saying that man coverage suits our corners better, and I don't think that's the case. The All 22 isn't out yet, so it's hard to see everything on each play.

Let me know what you guys think of the video.

ya know, thats a real bummer, I so wanted Mo to become a steady, forget about that position, its good, type player. Man, we're further in the hole then we thought. Looks like the light at the end of our tunnel is the proverbial freight train.


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Coaching being held to poor standards and not being held responsible for ensuring all assignments (for every circumstance) is fully understood by all players. Seems like coaching 101 but seems like the team culture lends to, "got it? good..., next play", etc. One on one coach film study is what seems like is missing on top of the of the on the field coaching.
I'm beginning to think that our coaches just aren't very good, With the best D rushman last year, we had the worst defense ever. I know about all the injuries, spare me, Ware would make a difference on a well coached team with good schemes and knowing what your players do best. Now we got a bunch of scrubs and wanna bes, and to find out our coaching is just as bad as the team on the field. Its gunna be a long year this year fella's, buckle up cause its gunna be bumpy as well.


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That takes reps, too, which neither guy got in preseason.

I would point out that Scandrick is much better at this, and he played the whole preseason. He's also been noted as a smart player, an adjective no one will apply to Claiborne.

I guess I just have a hard time blaming the coaches too much when this is high school type stuff. It's not complicated -- though again, like with everything, you get better with more reps.

Its really difficult to get a good evaluation on Claiborne, due him never staying healthy. I hope to see Claiborne play the majority of the season and hope to begin to se some consistency.


Stop chasing
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I'm beginning to think that our coaches just aren't very good, With the best D rushman last year, we had the worst defense ever. I know about all the injuries, spare me, Ware would make a difference on a well coached team with good schemes and knowing what your players do best. Now we got a bunch of scrubs and wanna bes, and to find out our coaching is just as bad as the team on the field. Its gunna be a long year this year fella's, buckle up cause its gunna be bumpy as well.

I agree there but these lapses in assignments dates back to even Parcells outside of that first year playoff run with QC when the D ranked 2nd but was also beginning to become exposed towards the end of that season (M. Edwards) and seasons later with our inability to cover a flat pass (James). Wade had a great pass rush but again the secondary looked confused and gave up a lot of big plays outside of his 2009 playoff/defensive success. There just seems to be a lapse in coaching accountability or where the "burden" is passed along to the players more than it should be (esp the young guys). Lack of execution stems from "unfinished" or complacent practices in terms of the confusion and lack of execution (on D in general but also on critical moments on O). Harbaugh would have this team deep into the playoffs assuming Romo bounces back to form, etc. Talent definitely plays a role, but every year it is the same confusion and mental breakdowns on the part of players/coaches.

Know I'm preaching to the choir for the most part but when a coach is justified with a 5m/y contract after failing in 3 consecutive elimination games proves that only players (some) are dealt the burden of crap coaching and a reason for the lack of development amongst any rookies outside of naturals like Lee, Dez, Tyron, Frederick, Ratliff, etc.
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In Claiborne's case, I simply think he lacks at least football intelligence. Perhaps he has trouble grasping the concepts he's being taught...or translating them to the field? In college, Claiborne could get by on his athletic ability, and despite playing in the SEC, he often wasn't facing NFL caliber QB's. He also seems timid at times, and confidence could be a factor as well. He seemingly went out of his way in camp to show he was indeed tough enough with the jawing, etc.

Carr sometimes seems overmatched athletically. Applying to this season...his Mother's passing could certainly be weighing on him as well. But he struggled mightily at times last year as well.

Both Marinelli & Henderson have coached some very good DB's...who grasped & played well in their respective defensive schemes. Even guys like Major Wright, who wasn't resigned by the Bears, played fairly well with Marinelli as DC...and in 2012, the Bears starting CB's, nickel back & safeties, had a combined 21 Int's. I would think that they're teaching the same things...only to different players. I was hoping the Boys would sign Charles Tillman this offseason despite his age...simply to hopefully help with grasping the defense, communication, showing younger guys how to study film, etc.

As of now, Scandrick is their best guy in coverage...and Church is usually pretty solid in run support/tackling. But they seemingly simply lack much talent at any DB spot.


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Yes. Mo looks absolutely horrible in the vid.
Looking forward to the other breakdowns of this game.

Thank you to all who do this.
The Cowboys didn't really play any Tampa 2. It was mostly Cover 3 and Cover 1. When Mo was playing press man, he was terrible. When Mo was playing zone, he wasn't very good. He had a really bad game. Some people are saying that man coverage suits our corners better, and I don't think that's the case. The All 22 isn't out yet, so it's hard to see everything on each play.

Let me know what you guys think of the video.

If Claiborne really is belly-up, then the Cowboys are right back to square one with the secondary. Carr's days are numbered so you have to wonder how many drafts the Cowboys might need to recover. I have read that Wilcox still has the "glaze" as well. The ways in which the defense has gone wrong since they drafted MO is pretty horrid. The issues with Ratliff and Spencer looks to have set the team back years. In hindsight, the move back to 4-3 looks questionable, even if it was welcomed at the time as a way to generate more turnovers.


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I would have gone with ridiculously insane, but ok.

Just trying to avoid the flames my friend...maybe if it were not for so much bad luck with Ratliff, Spencer, Lee, Claiborne and a few others, the transition might not have been so rocky. The best laid plans I guess...


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To me it looked to be Carr's fault. He looked like he was in man. He ran is man all da way next to I believe church (him and church right beside each other guarding the same guy) carr should of handed him off to church and got on davis. Unless they were in man which is didn't look like by watching everyone else. Look to be in zone but carr was stuck guarding his man.

We might can chalk this loss up to carr, claiborne and romo RUST. lol