The man in me says "fry her" but the person in me knows of three separate situations where the reverse happened, two wives put their husbands through med school and one through law school only to be divorced when they finally made it. We might say these men used their wives but two of them have circumstances that say different. One used the fact she had helped him to the point it was suffocating to him and her favorite line was "you owe me" over and over. He agreed to pay her more than his lawyer thought he should.
Let's assume this truck driver isn't like Runny, well read and knowledgeable and continuing to grow and learn and your friend was just happy the way things were. She decided to do something about herself and while he was instrumental in that endeavor, nothing was ever guaranteed. Did your friend ever say he expected things to stay the same once she arrived at her dream? Did he not see where she was going? He still saw her as she was, down on her luck, and all she could see was what she could be. And then she arrived.
In every relationship, someone is bound to grow and change and since she went to law school and passed the bar, I can assume she's intelligent, down on her luck when they met or not. Inside, she was not that person at that time and began to realize she had more potential. Did he, inadvertently, send signals he preferred her when she was owing to him?
Rev, your friend is, naturally, feeling something is being done to him but in reality, it is her doing for herself to try and get happy. I don't know how much the truck driver occupation plays into it or is it more the view of the world.
Part of this is my ignorance because I do not know one truck driver and I had then pegged as one kind of cat and along comes Runny and blows that to hell. Now, I have to rethink what I didn't know. What other misconceptions do I have and more importantly, live by?
I do know one thing about relationships between men and women, there are two of them. The surface one that not only do others see but they see as well and often want others to see that and the one underneath that without communication between the two becomes the dominant one.
I can share one thing about my own relationship with my wife. It got to the point with my temper that she had become unhappy and unhappy with me. Here I am thinking 'hey, that's me, the guy you married, I've always been like this'. But she had changed and could no longer put up with it so I was faced with the decision to watch the absolute love of my life, and one that I often took for granted, do what she really didn't want to do or give her reason to think I could change. It took anger management, therapy but most importantly looking at her and imagining her not on my life. I had to change and I did. Wasn't perfect but I was also not impulsive or reactive because I was more aware of that.
I only bring that up because on the outside we looked like the perfect couple but beneath that lurked the real relationship and I got lucky, she cared enough to communicate to me how she felt so I was warned. Some do not get that, it just hits them one day.