Well, a saying around here goes like "you wake up next to the one you lay down with" or something in the likes. Lots of "women this women that" in this thread, but in the end its about the individual. Anyone can meet a person that changes over time and in the end they seperate. Especially if one tries to change his/her life while the other one tries to keep things the way they are. And what did the women on the internet have to do with anything? Of course she got the answers she was looking for, thats the nature of such threads. So she "used" him as a way to restart her life from the beginning? Doubt that. Seems like they had a couple of good years and then she recognized that this wasn't the way she want to spent the rest of her life. And for whatever reasons they weren't able to talk about this.
So, just from the initial story I wouldnt put any blame on the woman. Or, to be more precise I wouldn't blame anyone in this relationship. Things change. The one being left is always heartbroken while the one that leaves has had time to make up his/her mind and therefore knows whats coming. Of course going seperate ways or divorcing is always nasty, I had to witness that with my parents. Freakin, especially when it happens to you at the age of 11 and you remember the happy times.
Long story short, I don't see any wrong doing here. You don't "buy" someone, just because you support him/her financially a couple of years. And true love doesn't disappear just because of financial reasons. There was alot of other stuff going on I'm sure. It may be the unpopular opinion here, but this is the way I see it, not knowing either of them of course.