My own son is officially embarrassed by our Cowboys

As a 31 year old, I suggest telling him that there's a good chance he and I will outlive Jerry (unless his deal in the 90s gave him a ridiculously long life even with the drinking he does). Who knows what Stephen will do? For all we know, he may prefer to have a GM.
love that chiefs jersey they know how to win it's my new favorite team
Just a dreadful week. Cooper Rush stunk it up and we got blown out by the dirty birds. I’m beat down and have realized this season is over. After the game my son asked me how come our team is never competitive this season and also asked me if he will ever get to see a superbowl winning team. He also told me that he got made fun of at school the other day for wearing a Cowboys jersey to school!

What do I tell my son at this point?!?
Raising your son a Cowboys fan is borderline child abuse. I’m calling someone.
Just a dreadful week. Cooper Rush stunk it up and we got blown out by the dirty birds. I’m beat down and have realized this season is over. After the game my son asked me how come our team is never competitive this season and also asked me if he will ever get to see a superbowl winning team. He also told me that he got made fun of at school the other day for wearing a Cowboys jersey to school!

What do I tell my son at this point?!?
Not sure how old your son but by the sounds of it, probably younger rather than high school age.

Tell him that sports are merely entertainment. These athletes don't care about you. These owners don't care about you. Don't let these teams and games have a big bearing on your life. I was the same way growing up. Luckily when I was your son's age, Dallas was at the top of the NFL, winning 3 rings in 4 years. It was great to enjoy in the moment but didn't shape my life in any way as the years went on.

I'd recommend not rooting for one team as a whole and find some players you enjoy and watch them. Many people do this in the NBA but I get that is a more individualistic sport than football. Fans follow Lebron wherever he went. Football is a beautiful game but the Cowboys don't play that, in fact, the complete opposite.

Tell him as long as the Jones family run this team on the personnel side, we really have no hope.
So? I had moments in the 80's... either get past it or move on to another team. Loyalty has it's price, but the payoff can be a great reward.
Just like the Isrealites that wandered in the dessert for 40 years, there will be redemption for us.....and a leader will come Prime.

.....or not
Are you suggesting Jerry has 11 or 12 more years of wandering the halls at The Star before the Cowboys once again reach the promised land?

Might be about right.
I’m not the one who posted on social media on how I bring them up, that’s a cry for help. What are you gonna do when the team is winning that you sent them to start losing, going to tell them go find another one. Where is the loyalty. oh screw that just go find a winner
My sons are grown college grads sir. I’ve brought them up already. We’re talking about a football team, not life here. A cry for help…..Jesus man!
My son is a CHARGER FAN and even he's dogging me!!
At this point it's borderline child abuse to infect our kids with the Cowboy virus.
Just a dreadful week. Cooper Rush stunk it up and we got blown out by the dirty birds. I’m beat down and have realized this season is over. After the game my son asked me how come our team is never competitive this season and also asked me if he will ever get to see a superbowl winning team. He also told me that he got made fun of at school the other day for wearing a Cowboys jersey to school!

What do I tell my son at this point?!?
Tell him to sleep with all of their mother's...
My sons are grown college grads sir. I’ve brought them up already. We’re talking about a football team, not life here. A cry for help…..Jesus man!
cowboy brother you seem like You’ve done well with your children, cowboy brother you seem like a class person with class, my apologies for mistaken, the personality. I have daughters with masses degrees. They’re doing very well for themselves also. Our children don’t make it that far unless we play apart in their future. Again congratulations.

I get labeled on this site constantly. And it upsets me because people can’t possibly know me. I took you for another wise ***. Obviously you’re not that. Be good be safe.
Maybe you should’ve told him about the history. Go find another team a winner, how pathetic
Funny. I have seen on this board people laughing about the Lions and Browns being bad franchises. But they have each had a decade in their histories when they dominated what was the NFL (sure it was the 50's into the 60's but they won 7 championships between them). Heck, in baseball, the Cubs made the world series three straight seasons from 1907-1909 with two wins.

At what point do those histories honestly no longer matter? Were people seriously talking about the Cubs winning two world series 30 or 40 years earlier as proof the team was a winner? Or the Browns four championships from '51 to '64? Or the Lions and their three wins in the 50's?

To call someone pathetic and say they should reach back 30+ years ago to show how this frahncise is a winner is of itself pathetic. It also directly shows just how far this franchise has caused its fans to redefine what a winning culture really is.

What does the franchise today have in common with that history you are talking about other than its name? I have been a fan of this team for 50 years. I remember that history, I lived through it, but each year it gets further and further away. And honestly, I don't blame a single person that looks at it and says "who cares?" if they aren't in someway connected to it themselves.

I am proud of our history. But at this point that is all it is, history. At some point this current iteration of the Cowboys needs to stop relying on its history as justification that they are winners and, you know, actually win something beyond regular season awards.
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Funny. I have seen on this board people laughing about the Lions and Browns being bad franchises. But they have each had a decade in their histories when they dominated what was the NFL (sure it was the 50's into the 60's but they won 7 championships between them). Heck, in baseball, the Cubs made the world series three straight seasons from 1907-1909 with two wins.

At what point do those histories honestly no longer matter? Were people seriously talking about the Cubs winning two world series 30 or 40 years earlier as proof the team was a winner? Or the Browns four championships from '51 to '64? Or the Lions and their three wins in the 50's?

To call someone pathetic and say they should reach back 30+ years ago to show how this frahncise is a winner is of itself pathetic. It also directly shows just how far this franchise has caused its fans to redefine what a winning culture really is.

What does the franchise today have in common with that history you are talking about other than its name? I have been a fan of this team for 50 years. I remember that history, I lived through it, but each year it gets further and further away. And honestly, I don't blame a single person that looks at it and says "who cares?" if they aren't in someway connected to it themselves.

I am proud of our history. But at this point that is all it is, history. At some point this current iteration of the Cowboys needs to stop relying on its history as justification that they are winners and, you know, actually win something beyond regular season awards.
When someone post on social media. About their children they’re opening themselves up as much as the kids are in school. yeah let’s leave because we’re losing right now and come back when we’re winning. Let’s go find a winning team and what are you doing when they lose go find another one it’s pathetic.
Funny. I have seen on this board people laughing about the Lions and Browns being bad franchises. But they have each had a decade in their histories when they dominated what was the NFL (sure it was the 50's into the 60's but they won 7 championships between them). Heck, in baseball, the Cubs made the world series three straight seasons from 1907-1909 with two wins.

At what point do those histories honestly no longer matter? Were people seriously talking about the Cubs winning two world series 30 or 40 years earlier as proof the team was a winner? Or the Browns four championships from '51 to '64? Or the Lions and their three wins in the 50's?

To call someone pathetic and say they should reach back 30+ years ago to show how this frahncise is a winner is of itself pathetic. It also directly shows just how far this franchise has caused its fans to redefine what a winning culture really is.

What does the franchise today have in common with that history you are talking about other than its name? I have been a fan of this team for 50 years. I remember that history, I lived through it, but each year it gets further and further away. And honestly, I don't blame a single person that looks at it and says "who cares?" if they aren't in someway connected to it themselves.

I am proud of our history. But at this point that is all it is, history. At some point this current iteration of the Cowboys needs to stop relying on its history as justification that they are winners and, you know, actually win something beyond regular season awards.
History always matters, you don’t know where you’re going unless you know where you’ve been
SMH. Same drama with the poor son as the father.


Try teaching him to be tough, loyal and faithful...through good or bad. That's the best advice you can give since that is what life is all about.
Your a father. A father should sacrifice his life for his son.

You need to set your son free.

Before it's too late (I'm assuming he's under 18....if not, it's too late for you AND your legacy/family tree)

Give him a Chiefs jersey for Christmas

Set him free.

Give him hope. Give him a life

Free him from The Jones.

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