Funny. I have seen on this board people laughing about the Lions and Browns being bad franchises. But they have each had a decade in their histories when they dominated what was the NFL (sure it was the 50's into the 60's but they won 7 championships between them). Heck, in baseball, the Cubs made the world series three straight seasons from 1907-1909 with two wins.
At what point do those histories honestly no longer matter? Were people seriously talking about the Cubs winning two world series 30 or 40 years earlier as proof the team was a winner? Or the Browns four championships from '51 to '64? Or the Lions and their three wins in the 50's?
To call someone pathetic and say they should reach back 30+ years ago to show how this frahncise is a winner is of itself pathetic. It also directly shows just how far this franchise has caused its fans to redefine what a winning culture really is.
What does the franchise today have in common with that history you are talking about other than its name? I have been a fan of this team for 50 years. I remember that history, I lived through it, but each year it gets further and further away. And honestly, I don't blame a single person that looks at it and says "who cares?" if they aren't in someway connected to it themselves.
I am proud of our history. But at this point that is all it is, history. At some point this current iteration of the Cowboys needs to stop relying on its history as justification that they are winners and, you know, actually win something beyond regular season awards.