far fetched ? the Lakers went to 15 finals in a 30 year period. That's not possible without manipulation.
It has nothing to do with a conspiracy. That is how you run a good tv entertainment business.
all the teams in this years playoffs are boring and unpopular. That's so you believe Lebron can take a team by himself to the final and win..and even if Cleveland doesn't win the objective is met by putting the most popular player in the finals so you watch. Just like putting Manning in the SB against a nationally unpopular team like Seattle.
..well yes, that's of course where the name came from. and I'm white and 6'1" n stuff.
Some teams just sustain greatness over long periods by having an organization that is far superior to that of their peers. It just happens sometimes.
I don't believe a single player can take just ANY team to a championship. Not even one as spectacularly transcendent as LeBron James - the Michael Jordan of his generation. But the Hawks did have the second best overall record in the NBA this year - and Cleveland is just taking their lunch money. The Cavs had a real good year and despite the injury to Kevin Love things have really broken their way in the ECF. The possibility that James may lead that team to a championship is real.
I'm of the belief that major sports operations like the NBA, NFL, and MLB must realize that the fundamental faith of fans in the integrity of the game at the organizational and playing field/court level (unbiased officiating, etc.) is THE keystone of their continued success. At the player level it becomes much more difficult to ensure (PEDs, etc.).
I think the NFL has it all over the other major sports because they have a hard cap on teams spending for players. NBA has soft cap - MLB it's 'spend all you want' but that has guaranteed little of late.
I've been a Bowie fan for over 40 years. His early music was visionary and much of it holds up well by todays standards.