Thanks Kimrose. Believe me, that was more insightful to me than you think. Ok, perhaps it would be good to get some more out after reading your post...
In all seriousness, the following actually happened and I know it will sound strange since I've read the same type of things I'm about to post from others and thought it strange or they imagined it. But it's 100% accurate and true. After my Bullmastiff passed away, approximately 6 months or so later, I was sitting in the living room as I couldn't sleep. I was on my phone playing some Android game in the dark. As I was sitting there, I heard the distinct sound of a dog sigh within 5-8 feet from me and "settle down". I got up and ran like a kid back to the back room where my wife was sleeping and told her about it. She told me she experienced the same thing but didn't want to make anything of it.
That was my first actual very real experience with my 5 senses of something that I could not remotely explain. I haven't been the same since that first episode on what I think about the "unexplainable". For those who have never experienced anything like this, you can't explain it unless it's happened to you. It's like this-imagine you are in a room with the lights out and you hear a basketball bouncing. No big deal right? But how would you feel if the lights were turned on and all you saw were four walls with nothing in the room. No ball, no speakers. That's how I felt the first time. After a short while, my Papillon would look in the air randomly at unseen things and often stare. This has happened very frequently. One day, she was on our bed and looking at the bathroom entrance, all of a sudden, she looked to her left at the closet and I followed her stare only to see the bottom half of the curtains (no door-with curtain instead) moving actively like something had passed through. To this day, I try to discount that it happened but I remember it full well.
My Bullmastiff used to sleep in the other bedroom for years when he got very old and didn't move much. Sometimes my wife will sleep in that room if she wants to take a nap and she has heard several times the sound of something leaning against the wall (where he exactly slept) and the shuffling down of the sound of his back going down the wall, the creak of the wall and the slumping sigh. I will reiterate, I am not saying this was our animal but the exact sounds he made while with us.
This takes me to the most present past few months. Not very long ago, my wife was in that room cleaning and moving a lot of things around when all of a sudden, she heard that same type of sound start again, turned around and the door (no, I am not exaggerating) slowly-moderately began to close from being all the way open to closing up to the latch. This freaked her out and she ran out. The next day I walked into that room and it felt very unsettling. Not because I sensed something bad but this door thing creeped me out. What I did next was probably not something I should have done. I know I am about to say something that I would assume that the majority of people on here will not believe and I can respect that. I decided to see if there was something I could do to make the door move on its own-yeah I know, REAL smart...
But to be honest, I'm a very skeptical kind of person who believes in an explanation for everything. So I stood by the door, said, "Jesse, move the door" (his name). I stared at the door and said it several more times. Nothing. That door would not budge and even when I tried to tap it to see if it would move, it wouldn't go anywhere. I said it again. All of a sudden, the door moved several inches on its own. I left the room immediately. I know, I know, gotta be the door just hitting an air draft or it moves on its own. But that door will never move on its own and never has. That did it for me...
One of the last things to mention, is the master bedroom door has had the sound of something pushing up against it numerous times. It's an older, hollow door that when pushed, will not just intermittently creak, but give at least a series of crackling and creaking. This past week, my wife was sleeping and I was at work. She woke up to the door sounding like something very heavy was leaning up against it. She went over to it and immediately locked it. Shortly after that, she heard sounds outside the door over the concrete that sounded like a dragging sound. Just to be humorous, I said did it sound like big calloused paw pads with nails clicking and she said, that's exactly what it sounded like. Right after the sound, she said she saw shadows go across the bottom of the door, then back again. At this time, both dogs went over and growled under the door. She was able to capture the video of the dogs but not the sound.
Sorry this was drawn out and I hesitated in writing this as I am not one to ever make anything like this up or not think beforehand that it's just something explainable. Regardless of what this all is, its happened and I've experienced it with complete accuracy with my senses. I read about stuff like this all the time and just either never thought anything about it or just thought it would be something I wouldn't ever experience. I won't go against the rules and talk about religion, but I am not concerned about dealing with this if it becomes a bigger issue.
I have never told a friend or any other family any of this as I hesitated with how crazy it all sounds. You guys are the first.