Mystery of the Attic

I know, I know, enter jokes now!

At first I was like....ok this sounds a little wierd but whatever. Everyone will take their jabs, we'll all laugh a little and in a couple of days something obvious will be the answer. Now, I don't know what to say. This has gone to a whole different level I didn't think possible. We have left funny in the rear view mirror and offically crossed over into creepy land. At this point I'm speechless.
Guys, this isn't good...

I am going to treat this as something spiritual as of what just happened to our family. I was in the backroom, my wife was in the bathroom and my son in his bedroom. My wife heard a sound above her in the attic and got upset and tired of the sound so she told me she threw her cup at the wall. Right after, something responded...

Everyone came out to the hallway and nobody did this.

time to get the **** out of there

Stay safe and I hope everything turns out OK for you and your family.
Guys, this isn't good...

I am going to treat this as something spiritual as of what just happened to our family. I was in the backroom, my wife was in the bathroom and my son in his bedroom. My wife heard a sound above her in the attic and got upset and tired of the sound so she told me she threw her cup at the wall. Right after, something responded...

Everyone came out to the hallway and nobody did this.

When I was younger I had a couple of things that gave me cause for concern.
The first was in school times and my girlfriend and I were parking in an open area in a pasture, we had been there about five min. when all of a sudden a feeling of apprehension,or dread started interfering with my hormone flow and shut down my urge to make out,I raised up and started the car and left there as fast as i could. My girlfriend kept asking me what was wrong,where was I going. Not wanting to scare her and have to take her home I went to my other favorite place and everything was OK. Never did figure that one out,just felt as if something was coming.
The other time I woke up one night and the hair was standing up on the back of my neck,I didn't move,just lay there quiet and listened and wished I had my gun under my pillow,heard nothing,and couldn't decide what had awakened me. Had the definite feeling someone was in the room with me.
Finally went back to sleep. Several years later I woke myself up with my snoring and it came to me that is what woke me up before.LOL!!
The last earthquake we had was at UTC time of 20:20:23 which equates to 2:00 something my time. Nothing I have on camera has any activity related to that. Besides, it was a 3.0 which is virtually unnoticeable. Want to hear something really strange? I know what that sound is...

Behind the camera, I laid all my old storm windows flat on the ground to be tossed in the trash at a later date. They are thin and stacked on each other. I have since stepped on several of them and they cracked and broke. Since this isn't like a drinking glass, when you step on these, they don't shatter or make a typical glass breakage sound as the glass has a limited space to travel. It is only a crunch sound. This sounds exactly like it when I accidentally step on them to get something up there and put my foot directly on them.

Route, I am replying to this post, but responding to all four of your latest posts, incl. your latest video.

Starting with this post, I knew it! I was thinking earlier today when I was going back and listening to them all again, that it sounded like the noise was actually coming from BEHIND the camera. I wanted to ask you what was behind the camera, because it sounded to me like it was behind it, and there was nothing visual going on in front of the camera (I have studied the footage at great length, to be honest, lol). Like something was being manipulated further away and behind, out of good reach of the mic and lens, like something is being flicked up and dropped back down. Like a hard flapping sound. I felt like it was purposely not doing anything in camera view, but doing it behind to pester you, show it's displeasure. But I realize how silly that sounds. lol. So, I decided not to ask you, figured I had butted in enough, and didn't want to alarm you or make you any more nervous. Or, to make you think I am some kind of drama queen quack. lol. But, I just knew it was behind the camera! Thanks for telling us about the broken window on the attic floor. It makes absolutely perfect sense! It is broken glass crunching and slapping down. Sound fits perfectly.

It's ok that you don't want to go up there, Route. I hate to say it, but it might be better if you don't. Not tonight anyway. I was really hoping that it would turn out to be something mundane, and it still might. But it really is sounding more and more what you, your family, and your Zone family has suspected from the start, my friends (you & Mrs. R.). Those knocks were a direct response to Mrs. Route throwing her cup at the wall? That is so powerful! That is crazy. It is otherworldly. I sure wish I could think of a logical explanation to help yall out. But I can't. That is not the sound of Anything that Any of us have suggested as a possible cause. That is definitely a knocking response. Not saying that something "this world" won't be found, but if you are starting to think like some of us are, Please, Please, Please, DO NOT engage it in any type of communicative interaction. PLEASE! There is more than kind of one Spirit/Paranormal! And if this one is reacting to your wife (not to mention the cold spot earlier today she felt), then this one is of the intelligent kind. That could mean a number of things, ranging from good to "not good". Maybe you should stay down from the attic tonight. Wouldn't hurt nothing.

If you are really starting to think in the line of paranormal, then it is time to ask you a question I have been waiting to ask you until the moment was right. Are you Entirely sure no one has done any kind of activity in the last weeks or even few months or so, trying to contact spirits in any way, or anything like that, even just in innocent fun, even just with a candle? This is not an accusation or a finger pointing, and this is no fault of anyone's, even if this is the case, please understand that. It is more like a doctor asking questions, symptoms, and possible activities that could have contributed to the illness at hand. That is all. (I'm a nurse, hey, it's what I do, lol) It is a "getting to the bottom of it" thing, is all. Once things have been successfully ruled out, completely and honestly, then you can work from there. I've told you a little bit about my family history, and I can tell you that sometimes innocent games can have dire consequences, unfortunately. Your beloved doggie is still with you. That is good, he will stay with you and be there for you as much as he can. What is his name, by the way, if you wouldn't mind, so we know what to call him, instead of just saying "your doggie"?

**IMPORTANT** Route, I don't know if you realize this, but needed to point it out to you. Just went back and listened again to your last clip, and dang. Sure wish I had heard it earlier, and really don't know how I didn't, but at the end of the "Knocking" clip, there are voices at the end of it. It is possibly you and Mrs. Route speaking loudly enough downstairs to be picked up on audio, I know how frustrated yall are, and I'm sure yall yell from time to time, but these voices don't really sound like yelling voices. You might recognize if it is yall or not, or remember if yall were talking right under the attic door or not. It could also be from outside contamination? But seems kind of far away for that, unless your mic is extra sensitive and very high dollar, and unless the wind is really blowing, which could blow the sound in, although your attic is sealed completely. So, I don't know.?. But, if you haven't heard the voices, go back and listen with your headphones on. If you don't have any, borrow your son's. He's probably got some good ones laying around somewhere. (I have two sons, quality headphones are a priority, lol)
Hey R66

Kimrose making a good point. Try not to engage with that thing. I also heard some weak conversation at the end of your last video. Was that you and your family talking?
Route, me and my 20 year old son, who has been following along since the beginning with me, just went back and analyzed all of the video clips, and I have to tell you that in Part 3, my son heard what I didn't, so I went back and listened again, and danged if it isn't there. There is a male voice, right behind the camera, directly before the banging and slapping sounds start. It is most definitely internal, in the attic, behind the camera. When was this clip taken? It is for sure day time, was this earlier today, when Mrs. Route was home alone? It is a voice behind the camera, it is definitely "male". It is very creepy sounding, sounds disembodied, for sure. Meaning, it sounds distant, but close, if that makes any sense. lol. Go back and listen to it, with headphones. You have got some incredible footage on your hands here, sir.

Edit to add: Think of any animal that could fit in your sealed attic, that could make a sound like that. I can't think of any, but maybe there is one I'm not thinking of. Just to keep that as a possibility, or rule it out all together.
I live in Oklahoma. I've got the Earthquake Alert! app on my phone as well as receiving email and text alerts for any quake over 3.0+. In this next clip, someone tell me my house is settling here. If that's the case, I imagine it wouldn't have still stood all these years with it sounding like this...

I live in Wichita and the earthquake phenomenon around these parts is borderline unbelievable. After never experiencing one in over 50 years suddenly I've felt 3 in the last 4-5 months. Go south towards the state line and they only increase. Even more the further south you go. Not so much around here but south of here all the earthquakes are starting to do some damage to buildings. Not trying to come up with an explanation for your situation but immediately after reading you live in OK that was my first thought.
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I live in Wichita and the earthquake phenomenon around these parts is borderline unbelievable. After never experiencing one in over 50 years suddenly I've felt 3 in the last 4-5 months. Go south towards the state line and they only increase. Even more the further south you go. Not so much around here but south of here all the earthquakes are starting to do some damage to buildings. Not trying to come up with an explanation for your situation but immediately after reading you live in OK that was my first thought.

Hey, Big Dog. I live in South Texas, and don't have earthquakes, but just curious, do earthquakes cause any type of noise that sounds like voices? I have never lived through one, and do not know. I am trying to help find an explanation, too. As mundane as possible is the best outcome. Anything would be better than what it is sounding like it is, lol. So, is there any type of sound an earthquake might produce that sounds like a voice? There was definitely a voice in Part 3, and in the Knocking clip, but that clip could have been the family talking about the noise near the attic door, that was picked up on audio. But that Part 3 clip, I really don't think was any of the family at all, nor was it any voice from outside. Is there any way possible an earthquake could cause a sound like that?? Maybe hopefully??:)
Hey, Big Dog. I live in South Texas, and don't have earthquakes, but just curious, do earthquakes cause any type of noise that sounds like voices?

I don't know. The 3 I've lived thru recently I was in such amazement and tried to get over the whole house shaking. The first one was almost over before I realized it wasn't just thunder. The last two were very short. I live in a 13 year old house in very good condition and I got some a few new nail pops. The only noise I remember reminded me of thunder or being close to a train and no noise afterwards or since. A much older home plus a multitude of earthquakes especially if they are decent in strength I can forsee foundation issues. This stuff that is going on in the attic of Route 66 would scare the crap out of me. I don't know if I would call the city, state or Ghostbusters but someone would be getting me in the middle of a panic attack expecting answers.
Hey, Big Dog. I live in South Texas, and don't have earthquakes, but just curious, do earthquakes cause any type of noise that sounds like voices? I have never lived through one, and do not know. I am trying to help find an explanation, too. As mundane as possible is the best outcome. Anything would be better than what it is sounding like it is, lol. So, is there any type of sound an earthquake might produce that sounds like a voice? There was definitely a voice in Part 3, and in the Knocking clip, but that clip could have been the family talking about the noise near the attic door, that was picked up on audio. But that Part 3 clip, I really don't think was any of the family at all, nor was it any voice from outside. Is there any way possible an earthquake could cause a sound like that?? Maybe hopefully??:)

In Earthquakes are too violent to isolate "voices" in a microphone. Even the small, noticeable ones are scary if you are not used to them. At best, aftershocks might cause strange noises but voices would not be one of them.

This is coming from a Houston guy who has experienced about 10 quakes in California when I lived there for a few years recently.
Well, BigDog and Dexter, maybe it is time we rule out earthquakes as a possibility then for Mr. and Mrs. Route? Dang. I was sure hoping maybe there was something in that.

Did yall hear that voice in Part 3?? Dang, that was wild. It is very short, but it is most definitely there. It is a short, quick, deep sigh, in a male voice. It is obviously right behind the camera. It is in the attic. No mistaking. It is right before the sounds start. With good headphones, you can't miss it. I'm gonna have to keep my sons really good headphones with me, and make sure he listens to every clip, as well. He lives for this stuff, and hears better than I do. He has young ears. lol. If you haven't gone back and listened, please do. It is in clip Part 3. It is there, I promise you.
I have been a fan of the paranormal, flying saucers and cryptozoology since I was old enough to read stories about ghosts, UFOs, and bigfoot/yeti... yeti... Yet I... As in 'yet I continue to be underwhelmed' by the evidence to support either... for over half a century. I'm actually hoping your experiences pan out to prove there is something beyond the mundane logical explanations that have, so far, frustrated me with their accuracy at every turn.

Best of luck - but don't be surprised when you lift the sheet off the rocking chair in your attic at midnight and discover - GASP! - a dusty rocking chair. Such is our disappointment when we realize that our best spooks - are merely our own imaginations. Hopeful as we may be. Or have been.

Do I come across as cynical? By now, probably so.
I have been a fan of the paranormal, flying saucers and cryptozoology since I was old enough to read stories about ghosts, UFOs, and bigfoot/yeti... yeti... Yet I... As in 'yet I continue to be underwhelmed' by the evidence to support either... for over half a century. I'm actually hoping your experiences pan out to prove there is something beyond the mundane logical explanations that have, so far, frustrated me with their accuracy at every turn.

Best of luck - but don't be surprised when you lift the sheet off the rocking chair in your attic at midnight and discover - GASP! - a dusty rocking chair. Such is our disappointment when we realize that our best spooks - are merely our own imaginations. Hopeful as we may be. Or have been.

Do I come across as cynical? By now, probably so.

Yeah, man, I suspect you probably do by now. Especially since no one here is hoping for a paranormal outcome. Maybe you need to develop a new hobby, since you have been so "frustrated for over half a century".:rolleyes:
Guys, this isn't good...

I am going to treat this as something spiritual as of what just happened to our family. I was in the backroom, my wife was in the bathroom and my son in his bedroom. My wife heard a sound above her in the attic and got upset and tired of the sound so she told me she threw her cup at the wall. Right after, something responded...

Everyone came out to the hallway and nobody did this.

Holy smokes :eek::omg::popcorn:
At about this point, I'd be inviting any, you know, Priest friends or acquaintances over for dinner, with an "Oh by the way, you DO know how to do, you know, exorcisms and such...?" :eek:
I live in Oklahoma. I've got the Earthquake Alert! app on my phone as well as receiving email and text alerts for any quake over 3.0+. In this next clip, someone tell me my house is settling here. If that's the case, I imagine it wouldn't have still stood all these years with it sounding like this...

I agree with Kimrose, there is something there at the 7 second mark or so. And yeah that sure sounds like glass crunching or something...

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