Mystery of the Attic

Probably just your house settling. Mine does it all the time.

I would love this to be the answer. I just hear pops and such all the time for the past 20 years and am used to that when it settles especially at night with the temperature difference. Could you post a sound clip of your attic doing this too? :)
Quiet for quite a while. Started back up again at 10:00...
Any chance it could be something to do with any cooling or heating system you have?
Any chance it could be something to do with any cooling or heating system you have?

Anything is possible. However, the temp here was 71 yesterday and our thermostat was set for heat in the upper 60s and AC at the mid 70s. So my central heat and air only came on 2-3 times yesterday. I made very sure that when I hear these sounds that nothing is on.
I was thinking it may be birds somewhere but these sounds happen occasionally at all hours. So unless there are birds who party into the wee hours of the night, I'm thinking that they are not the culprits. The sounds ramp up in activity for a small while and go away for a long time. Plus, I'm still waiting for these stupid footsteps that are not "cooperating" with this camera. Tonight, I will shut off the light like it normally is up there and give that a shot. I was trying to initially rule out an animal walking around and figure if it was an animal, it would have showed itself at least once yesterday. This camera is set up for alerts for both motion and audio and I am hoping that the night-vision feature works well.
Those two short audio clips sure sound like the house settling or some strange pipe noises. Not saying you are crazy, I do love me some ghost stories, but I need more evidence to point towards the supernatural :)
I'll just reiterate the main purpose of this main goal is to try to find the reasoning for the sounds of footsteps that everyone in this house has heard. It has been going on since January. It has never happened prior to this for the past 20 years as I have lived here for that long. I have initially ignored these sounds for a time because I thought it was wind, settling, animals or simply something to not be remotely concerned about. These sounds are an organized chain of events. What I mean by this is, it is not a random grouping of sounds but sounds that travel together. Pressure applied to the wood beam above in the attic-20 seconds later another pressure-applied sound about 1-2 feet over-then this continues across the room within a time frame of 5 or so minutes.

My house settles pretty much every day. I hear it. I know this house in all its minute details. When its normally settling, it usually either pops or exhibits an occasional thud which is both in the walls and all over. When the wind blows, I can hear the house pop from the direction of the wind as it travels over the house. I have heard this house in severe thunderstorms, calm days and even earthquakes. When an earthquake happens, it's like an elephant ran across the attic. What I am trying to rule out as of right now, is this mysterious footstep phenomena. I bought the camera to honestly rule out obvious things. Until someone experiences this with their own senses, they will not understand how unique of an event this really is. Both my son and I need more proof of things then the average person but we are both believers now in regards to this being so far unexplainable and borderline creepy.

I mainly posted the two clips to show what sounds are coming from the attic when there is nothing on. It's only been barely 20+ hours I have even tried to look into true surveillance. There needs to be a much greater expanse of time before I start leaning heavily to one cause. I am not trying to get anyone to believe I am saying, "Look, see, I've got ghosts, I told you!" So far, I have observed this attic in both daytime and nightfall. The sounds could be absolutely nothing. As of now, I don't believe these sounds to be normal. There is no water flowing, no electrical relays, no power surges, no pipe expansion and if the wood was settling like the sounds I have been hearing, then this house shouldn't be standing. I have not posted everything that I have heard in regards to the loud bangs and the shuffling sounds.

As of today, I received a text from my wife who was home alone at the time and was texting her friend. She stated that she got a very cold feeling come over her and the hairs on her neck went up. I've been married to this beautiful lady for as long as I've lived in this home and she doesn't get a cold feeling and have her neck hairs stand on end. At this time, she simply wondered why that was happening and thought it strange. The next few seconds, there was a very loud bang above her head. 1:16 seconds later, a second bang was heard. The very first question I asked her is was she already feeling strange and scared herself since all this was happening? She said no, that she was texting and concentrating on that conversation and thought nothing of anything else. Plus, this house hasn't been too active in regards to sounds so far today. If you trust someone and they are extremely trustworthy and tell you that they felt a sudden surge of coldness and their neck hairs stood up followed by a very loud bang up above 5-10 seconds or so later, you're going to listen after all that we have gone through.

My idea of my posted clips is not to suggest the paranormal. It is to rule out natural things one by one until you are left with a narrowed list of available causes. With a combination of knowing this house, having everything turned off, knowing when the latest earthquake happened as well as ruling out background noise, wind, etc., I am getting the understanding that this MAY be something let's just say, very unusual. These types of sounds require further investigating as I and 2 other people have to live here and deal with this. If we never heard the footsteps across the ceiling in the extreme nature that we have found them to be and someone showed me a recorded clip of what I posted, I would think it strange but that would be it. It's as if you got routine blood work drawn and found a couple of things to barely be out of range but felt fine. You'd probably pay no attention to it. However, if you were ill and had the same readings, perhaps you'd be a bit more interested in wondering if these readings are affecting your symptoms.

With other things happening lately that are in addition to the attic noises, I have to piece them together to find a common cause...IF there is one. :)
By the way-I confirmed these very loud bangs on the recorded data.
I think you are doing a great job, Route. As I said, you are doing this the right way. Logically and analytically. I sure hope that you find a perfectly mundane cause. I really do. I can hear the frustration in your spirit. I understand. We are still pulling for yall. Keep up the good work on cause hunting and also keep note on the cold spots, it's new, could be nothing, could be more. Yall stay safe and please continue to keep us updated, regardless of what it turns out to be. You know that you have several people waiting and hanging on your every word right now.:)
I'm not making fun of ya Route, anything is possible. I don't know where ya live, but I assume the West Coast? No matter, since you do get earthquakes, maybe try finding a site that shows daily tremors which aren't noticeable. See if you can time the noises to the deep tremors, maybe that is causing the house to do strange things. I don't know, just a possibility.

Once every few years, I comb the net for ghost stories and read them for hours, find them fascinating!
I live in Oklahoma. I've got the Earthquake Alert! app on my phone as well as receiving email and text alerts for any quake over 3.0+. In this next clip, someone tell me my house is settling here. If that's the case, I imagine it wouldn't have still stood all these years with it sounding like this...

I live in Oklahoma. I've got the Earthquake Alert! app on my phone as well as receiving email and text alerts for any quake over 3.0+. In this next clip, someone tell me my house is settling here. If that's the case, I imagine it wouldn't have still stood all these years with it sounding like this...

Hey R66

This is not the sound of a house settling. dexter makes a good point in terms of earthquakes. By the way I am pulling for you and your family. I hope this thing doesn't turn out to be something paranormal.
The last earthquake we had was at UTC time of 20:20:23 which equates to 2:00 something my time. Nothing I have on camera has any activity related to that. Besides, it was a 3.0 which is virtually unnoticeable. Want to hear something really strange? I know what that sound is...

Behind the camera, I laid all my old storm windows flat on the ground to be tossed in the trash at a later date. They are thin and stacked on each other. I have since stepped on several of them and they cracked and broke. Since this isn't like a drinking glass, when you step on these, they don't shatter or make a typical glass breakage sound as the glass has a limited space to travel. It is only a crunch sound. This sounds exactly like it when I accidentally step on them to get something up there and put my foot directly on them.
I've also received several more of these "pressure/crunching" events on this glass in the past hour. I don't feel like going up there right now...
I'd **** myself and probably never sleep unless medicated if I hear the noises
I just entered another phase of being unnerved. This is the first time I know without any uncertainty that the sound is what I spoke of. I have had ideas about what NOT these sounds could be all this time and I've also speculated about various thuds and such but I have never been able to tie ONE thing to anything until now. There is no doubt, not even a little, that this is the sound of something 50 pounds on up stepping on these old windows.

Edited to add: It's one thing to hear what I have to say and possibly imagine if what I speak of is true. It's another to be the one up there to have stepped on these same windows to know beyond any shadow of doubt that this is an accurate duplication of the exact same sound.
Download one of the free dog whistle apps on your phone. Play it at varying frequencies in the attic. If there is an animal up there the sound may irritate it into showing itself.
Guys, this isn't good...

I am going to treat this as something spiritual as of what just happened to our family. I was in the backroom, my wife was in the bathroom and my son in his bedroom. My wife heard a sound above her in the attic and got upset and tired of the sound so she told me she threw her cup at the wall. Right after, something responded...

Everyone came out to the hallway and nobody did this.

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