NBA Playoffs

Remember that time Jordan got swept in the Finals....................yeah me neither
Finals son.....reading is fundamental
No Finals anywhere in that post.... because MJ wasn't good enough to get there until `90 when he had been in the league for 6 years.
They had to change the rules for him and hand him a Hall of Fame coach before he could get there.
He never made it without another top 50 player of all-time on his team, Scottie Pippen.
Jordan retired the first time and his team dropped a whole 2 regular season games more than the prior year.

But I agree MJ and the teams he had when he got to the Finals were superior than all but maybe 1 of the Heat teams LBJ led.
And those Bulls teams in 95 and 96 are arguably the best to ever play though the recent Warriors would be in that same discussion.
Wonder what Jordan could do in today's NBA, no hand checking, no such thing as a pivot foot, dribbling is basically optional, carry the ball all you want, yea I wonder.
Wonder what Jordan could do in today's NBA, no hand checking, no such thing as a pivot foot, dribbling is basically optional, carry the ball all you want, yea I wonder.
Any rule you can think of you hate now can be laid at Jordan's feet.
He was the reason they got rid of the old physical rules.
And Jordan routinely took an extra step.
He started the superstar favoritism with refs that is insane today.
'Jordan rules' were a very real thing.

Jordan was a very good defender because he could hand check himself and sit back and play passing lanes for steals with an even better wing defender in Pippen across from him.

MJ was a truly great player and the most fun of anyone not named Dr J to watch but the game was literally built for him to succeed and excel. He was the business and they marketed him like crazy.
That's why they let him retire when he had gambling issues versus being exposed like Pete Rose.

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