NBC: David Irving “working through” personal problems “the best that I can”

I'm not sure what's missing. "needs to be here on a consistent basis... needs to be working more with us... Can be a huge
part of this team if he wants to be... he'said got to show that commitment."

Hardly seems knee-jerk to me. Sounds more like they haven't seen him since week 17 last season.
At least, not in person. This custody issue is a cheap excuse for not being ready to work. But hey, some people
think like sheep... don't worry, you won't feel a thing... lol

There's nothing missing whatsoever. Lee's saying the exact same thing in both quotes.

But the enabler doesn't like that, so he'll try to use different quotes as his latest sad attempt at finding an excuse.
Do you see anything different in what Lee said? Or is this yet more reaching to find yet another accuse?

It amazes me to find that people can read the exact same thing and come up with a different meaning.
Some people are just terminal, Stash. They won't understand no matter how simply you explain it.
When I was 20, I adopted my soon to be wife's 6 year old son. It was a contested adoption. The grandparents forced
the issue because the "biological father" wanted nothing to do with this boy. The guy called himself a desperado... smh.

He was 4 years older than me but still acted like a juvenile. He was actually heard in the court room hall saying he didn't
want the kid. However, their family lawyer preceded to drag us to court repeatedly. I even had to retain a lawyer solely for the
boy, as well as myself.

Countless hours with lawyers and multiple dates before the majestrate (sp?) and the judge, yet I never missed any time
because I wasn't exactly "making bank" at 20 years old. No, I'd return to work after each court date and burn the midnight oil
to finish my projects on time.

$17,000 later the judge finally ruled in my favor. Two months later, that guy was arrested for
abusing his new girlfriend's 5 year old son while she was at work.

I know it's not exactly the same as Irving's case, but I'm reminded of that time and how difficult it was
for me and my family.

I've never made six figures in a year, much less seven, and I probably never will. However, everyone eventually
goes through something tough in life. I find that the ones who aren't coddled during that time tend to end up
much stronger in the end.
Dayam, Robo, when I was 20, I needed to be adopted. That's some heavy action for a young man..
It amazes me to find that people can read the exact same thing and come up with a different meaning.

If you noticed there's wasn't any different meaning presented at all. It was a clear diversion attempt based on a larger or smaller quote. And the fact is that both versions say the exact same thing.

Some people are just terminal, Stash. They won't understand no matter how simply you explain it.

Some don't want to understand. Intentionally obtuse.

And that's fine. If somebody wants to try to play dumb, that's on them. I'll just point it out for accuracy.
Fortunately for DI, no one here has any effect on his life or situation. Even if some "won't him slack."
Man does what he’s supposed to and gets criticized. Events like this can weigh heavily on individuals even causing some to have bouts of depression. He’s taken care of business. He’s at work when he’s supposed to be and that’s all that matters at this point.
If you noticed there's wasn't any different meaning presented at all. It was a clear diversion attempt based on a larger or smaller quote. And the fact is that both versions say the exact same thing.

Some don't want to understand. Intentionally obtuse.

And that's fine. If somebody wants to try to play dumb, that's on them. I'll just point it out for accuracy.

Ah yes, projection. You post an incomplete quote, get corrected but you're the champion of accuracy. Riiiiight. You and Bobo want to talk about sheep? You lifted an incomplete quote without total context and ran with it as gospel. "If it's in print, it must be true." I can hear the breezes howling through the halls of y'alls collective craniums. Lol. One of you inform me again about how "easy it was to find." The complete quote was. But I understand agenda, and so does the media. Lap it up Pavlov's pets.
Ah yes, projection. You post an incomplete quote, get corrected but you're the champion of accuracy. Riiiiight. You and Bobo want to talk about sheep? You lifted an incomplete quote without total context and ran with it as gospel. "If it's in print, it must be true." I can hear the breezes howling through the halls of y'alls collective craniums. Lol. One of you inform me again about how "easy it was to find." The complete quote was. But I understand agenda, and so does the media. Lap it up Pavlov's pets.

What's different about the quotes?

Oh, that's right - nothing. Absolutely nothing. They both say exactly the same thing, which you still can't actually address. Do you actually think you're fooling anybody with this?

You can try to divert the truth all you want, but you'll get called on it every time.
What's different about the quotes?

Oh, that's right - nothing. Absolutely nothing. They both say exactly the same thing, which you still can't actually address. Do you actually think you're fooling anybody with this?

You can try to divert the truth all you want, but you'll get called on it every time.

What's different? Here, let me show you.

First, the quote you and Bobo ran with (LINK):
"It's a shared sacrifice, all of us working together as a team. It's big deal for all of us. He needs to be here on a more consistent basis."
Then, let's look at the expanded quote which is from an older article (LINK):
"It’s good to have him here. He needs to be here working,” linebacker Sean Lee said. “The more he’s here, the better it is for us, shared sacrifice, all of us working together as a team is a big deal for all of us. He needs to be here on a more consistent basis. He needs to be working more with us.”

Let's recap. In light of the discussion going on here about making accommodations or having zero tolerance, the quote you produced looks as if Lee is dismissing Irving's issues as not special, stating that all the team has issues they're dealing with and that Irving is screwing things up. Not only does the expanded quote show a completely different tone at the start (i.e., "It's good to have him here"), but shows that the truncated quote was reported wrong. There was no "It's" at the beginning of that sentence because it wasn't the beginning of the sentence or his statement.

They left out "It's good to have him here" and "The more he's here, the better it is for us." Why do you think that is? It was reported mid sentence to make it look like a more critical statement from Lee (drama for clicks) and it hooked the gullible, knee-jerk people it was supposed to. Basically, you got duped by the media fishing for angry, leniency-for-self-zero-tolerance-for-everyone-else hypocrites like who've appeared in this thread.

Hope this lesson in critical thinking helps. Maybe you'll think twice before running with partial quotes as gospel.
What's different? Here, let me show you.

First, the quote you and Bobo ran with (LINK):
"It's a shared sacrifice, all of us working together as a team. It's big deal for all of us. He needs to be here on a more consistent basis."
Then, let's look at the expanded quote which is from an older article (LINK):
"It’s good to have him here. He needs to be here working,” linebacker Sean Lee said. “The more he’s here, the better it is for us, shared sacrifice, all of us working together as a team is a big deal for all of us. He needs to be here on a more consistent basis. He needs to be working more with us.”

Let's recap. In light of the discussion going on here about making accommodations or having zero tolerance, the quote you produced looks as if Lee is dismissing Irving's issues as not special, stating that all the team has issues they're dealing with and that Irving is screwing things up. Not only does the expanded quote show a completely different tone at the start (i.e., "It's good to have him here"), but shows that the truncated quote was reported wrong. There was no "It's" at the beginning of that sentence because it wasn't the beginning of the sentence or his statement.

They left out "It's good to have him here" and "The more he's here, the better it is for us." Why do you think that is? It was reported mid sentence to make it look like a more critical statement from Lee (drama for clicks) and it hooked the gullible, knee-jerk people it was supposed to. Basically, you got duped by the media fishing for angry, leniency-for-self-zero-tolerance-for-everyone-else hypocrites like who've appeared in this thread.

Hope this lesson in critical thinking helps. Maybe you'll think twice before running with partial quotes as gospel.

What an utter load of ********!

It's obvious now that you'll stoop to any lengths to pathetically try to excuse this ongoing boneheaded behavior.
This is funny stuff. It’s why my popcorn was ready.
Slice and dice it anyway you want, Lee wants Iriving to have better commitment to the team.
What an utter load of bull****!

It's obvious now that you'll stoop to any lengths to pathetically try to excuse this ongoing boneheaded behavior.

Smart man. I'd stop debating at this point too if I were you.
Smart man. I'd stop debating at this point too if I were you.

As if there ever was anything resembling a "debate". Some guy so desperate for any excuse that he has to resort to pointing to the word "it's". Sad.
This is funny stuff. It’s why my popcorn was ready.
Slice and dice it anyway you want, Lee wants Iriving to have better commitment to the team.

Clear to all but the blind.

None so blind as those who will not see.
As if there ever was anything resembling a "debate". Some guy so desperate for any excuse that he has to resort to pointing to the word "it's". Sad.

Remember, you asked me to show you what was different about the quotes. I showed what was different as well as showing you that the quote you espoused was quoted WRONG. You then stop the discussion by feigning "outrage" to divert from addressing what I presented, which was what you asked for. Nice try, but here, let me quote you (correctly):

If somebody wants to try to play dumb, that's on them.
Do you actually think you're fooling anybody with this?

Don't blame me because you were made to look silly.
I DONT like him being out of shape, And we dont know if this iz a yearly issue, but he has one mors season to break the cycle..This doesnt mean i dont sympathize what he might be going thru with his child..I think what Lee said in context is true.

ITS not all about David!
I can attest to that through personal experience. Had to endure one during my doctoral program. Hope that the organization continues to vouch for him and give him the resources he needs to be successful. Wishing David the best.

What a kind thing to say! What doctorate do you have?

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