NBC: David Irving “working through” personal problems “the best that I can”

Then half the teams in all sports will have a huge roster turnover every week.
I guess if you have issues for a few weeks, then your employer, if not self employed, should just replace you then, and every other person that is going through some issues.

I am in favor of helping someone and give them a second chance but draw the line.There has to be a limit.
A friend of mine has two jobs one in the construction business and at night in a restaurant so he can help his wife who is suffering from cancer and he also take care of his kids.Not even one day he made his situation as an excuse. He never late for work or when meeting someone.

Playing sport for such amount of money is a gift they should take advantage of it.
People who lack mental toughness end up going no where.

I hope he sees the light before it is too late for him and for the team.
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Unless you're a top shelf athlete dealing with similar issues it's really not fair to judge in my opinion.
Well what can he do? All he can do is show the court he is a hard worker who had a stable job and a good home to provide while keeping a huge distance from his ex who has slandered his name twice...

Look I get you wanna be emotional about this but if you wanna stick yourself in a dark hole and wanna cry every night about it I Think that’s he wrong way of handling the situation

When you've had David Irving's particular experience and have expert knowledge of all the possible ways a human being can respond to said experience, you'd be in a much better position to opine about what's "wrong" for him to do or not do in this case.
When you've had David Irving's particular experience and have expert knowledge of all the possible ways a human being can respond to said experience, you'd be in a much better position to opine about what's "wrong" for him to do or not do in this case.

You should send this note to Sean Lee and set him straight too. He's got it as "wrong" as the rest of us.

former philly coach andy reid chose to spend more time on the job as he ignored the problems in his household. two of his sons were arrested on the same day, one for a road rage incident and the other for heroin dealing. the oldest is now dead. reid later took a leave of absence from the eagles to be with his family, something he neglected for years. give david irving kudos for caring about his daughter. some need to walk a mile in someone elses shoes.
WoW! Andy Reid was an avowedly hated opponent while head coach of those hated&despised eagles!,,,now,I'm feeling sadness for that Man,ya-know?o_O

* damn*:(
Unfortunately if you weren’t going through it yourself you may be in the judging zone like most though. I’ve noticed that on here. The lack of perspective and ability to put yourself in another persons shoes even if you’ve never dealt with the particular situation. See Randy Gregory

I think it's the money. When some fans see players outearning them by the boatloads, they go into exacting, no leniency mode to "stick it to 'em."
And he specifically mentioned Irving's custody/GF drama?

"It's a shared sacrifice, all of us working together as a team. It's big deal for all of us. He needs to be here on a more consistent basis," linebacker Sean Lee said. "He can be a huge part of this team if he wants to be, but he's got to show that commitment."
I agree that family is first. But I also believe he is not out of shape because of a custody battle. All of us should put Family first. But you should also be able to take better care of yourself than he has. All I’m saying is David Irving is not the only guy on that team with problems. Most of the others somehow are able to keep their conditioning expectations through their personal issues.
Bullet, it isn't that simple. It's not one size fits all with family issues and I don't know the extent of his except that there's this custody issue. She accused him of DV and then recants it so he's got a baby mama with her own issues to complicate his.

I do know one thing. Actually two. After spending the majority of my career in management with my production dependent on others, I saw totally competent people come undone with family and personal issues and the second thing was that I could not fully understand their issue through my eyes.

If I am Irving, I throw myself into my work and become a gym rat just to take my mind off the problem but that is me and this is not Irving's first emotional rodeo. The guy seems to have all the talent necessary to be a resounding success in the NFL but he's got these nagging brain farts and behavior patterns.

Is he a risk? Yeah, I would say so but is there a team that likes risk better than the Cowboys? I would bet that Booger is looking at this like the Big Smitty situation with his family trying to drain him and causing him all kinds of emotional issues. The Cowboys not only stood by him but helped him and the end result is a great player and loyal man to the Jones.

If I hadn't already blessed Booger with his nickname which seems to incite fury in some, I would call him FF, Father Flanagan, because he doesn't think there are any bad boys. I believe that's the root of this and the pattern. I would bet there are plenty of people on the inside that have suggested Booger cut bait with some of these players but that's not his MO. And I don't believe it is just all about salvaging a player for the team. The Dallas Cowboys are the largest benefactor and contributor to the Salvation Army for a reason.

They're going to give Irving a chance, probably more of a chanced than a lot of posters here think are necessary but that's what they do. How many teams would have welcomed back a player that killed another player while driving drunk?
"It's a shared sacrifice, all of us working together as a team. It's big deal for all of us. He needs to be here on a more consistent basis," linebacker Sean Lee said. "He can be a huge part of this team if he wants to be, but he's got to show that commitment."
I also think he would not have said anything if not for Irving's history and that would lead most to the conclusion of excuse vs reason. The man does have a pattern that is hard to ignore.
At some point, critical mass will be reached and they will have to move on from Irving because they've got a D that needs a lot of attention. The shame is he could make that job so much easier. Could you imagine Irving with Lee's heart and mind for the game? Or better, Watt's because he could be just as good if he wanted that.
Whether you are pro or con doesn't matter unless you've walked in his shoes.

When I was 20, I adopted my soon to be wife's 6 year old son. It was a contested adoption. The grandparents forced
the issue because the "biological father" wanted nothing to do with this boy. The guy called himself a desperado... smh.

He was 4 years older than me but still acted like a juvenile. He was actually heard in the court room hall saying he didn't
want the kid. However, their family lawyer preceded to drag us to court repeatedly. I even had to retain a lawyer solely for the
boy, as well as myself.

Countless hours with lawyers and multiple dates before the majestrate (sp?) and the judge, yet I never missed any time
because I wasn't exactly "making bank" at 20 years old. No, I'd return to work after each court date and burn the midnight oil
to finish my projects on time.

$17,000 later the judge finally ruled in my favor. Two months later, that guy was arrested for
abusing his new girlfriend's 5 year old son while she was at work.

I know it's not exactly the same as Irving's case, but I'm reminded of that time and how difficult it was
for me and my family.

I've never made six figures in a year, much less seven, and I probably never will. However, everyone eventually
goes through something tough in life. I find that the ones who aren't coddled during that time tend to end up
much stronger in the end.
I also think he would not have said anything if not for Irving's history and that would lead most to the conclusion of excuse vs reason. The man does have a pattern that is hard to ignore.

Yes he does, and that's a big part of the reason why - like Sean Lee - I'm not cutting him any slack.
"It's a shared sacrifice, all of us working together as a team. It's big deal for all of us. He needs to be here on a more consistent basis," linebacker Sean Lee said. "He can be a huge part of this team if he wants to be, but he's got to show that commitment."

Funny, that quote's a little different than what I found, and less of it.

"It’s good to have him here. He needs to be here working,” linebacker Sean Lee said. “The more he’s here, the better it is for us, shared sacrifice, all of us working together as a team is a big deal for all of us. He needs to be here on a more consistent basis. He needs to be working more with us.”

Lee said he had that conversation with Irving, who missed eight games last season (four because of a suspension, four because of a concussion) but still had seven sacks, and other team leaders had similar talks with him. The Cowboys placed the second-round tender on him as a restricted free agent and have not discussed a long-term contract.

“He can be a huge part of this team if he wants to be,” Lee said, “but he’s got to show that commitment.”​

Did he have to?
You can read the article for yourself. It's in the Newsfeed Zone... not hard to find.

Given that the parsed quote in the article is written WRONG and all, yes, he would have to mention it specifically for me to know that he was directly referencing it. But kneejerks don't care about accuracy.
Funny, that quote's a little different than what I found, and less of it.

"It’s good to have him here. He needs to be here working,” linebacker Sean Lee said. “The more he’s here, the better it is for us, shared sacrifice, all of us working together as a team is a big deal for all of us. He needs to be here on a more consistent basis. He needs to be working more with us.”

Lee said he had that conversation with Irving, who missed eight games last season (four because of a suspension, four because of a concussion) but still had seven sacks, and other team leaders had similar talks with him. The Cowboys placed the second-round tender on him as a restricted free agent and have not discussed a long-term contract.

“He can be a huge part of this team if he wants to be,” Lee said, “but he’s got to show that commitment.”​


Do you see anything different in what Lee said? Or is this yet more reaching to find yet another accuse?
Given that the parsed quote in the article is written WRONG and all, yes, he would have to mention it specifically for me to know that he was directly referencing it. But kneejerks don't care about accuracy.

And plain jerks don't care about the truth apparently. The exact quote I pulled is from the Newsfeed Zone. Go find it yourself. Like you did when you tried to question my integrity.

The fact is that there's nothing markedly different said in either quote.
Given that the parsed quote in the article is written WRONG and all, yes, he would have to mention it specifically for me to know that he was directly referencing it. But kneejerks don't care about accuracy.

I'm not sure what's missing. "needs to be here on a consistent basis... needs to be working more with us... Can be a huge
part of this team if he wants to be... he's got to show that commitment."

Hardly seems knee-jerk to me. Sounds more like they haven't seen him since week 17 last season.
At least, not in person. This custody issue is a cheap excuse for not being ready to work. But hey, some people
think like sheep... don't worry, you won't feel a thing... lol
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