Taylor has grown as a player and an individual during his time there but he's a double edged sword. Time and time again he'll make decisions that really shouldn't happen for a guy with as much as experience as he has.
His pass the other night with like 2.5 seconds left against Ohio is basically what I'm talking about.
Have the lead, short amount of time left. Hold the ball, if they foul you go up 2 scores and the game is essentially over.
He passed the ball and it went out of bounds, giving Ohio another possession.
Baylor vs. Notre Dame tomorrow, huge upset if undefeated Baylor doesn't pull off the perfect season and the first 40-0 record ever achieved in collegiate basketball for either sex.
Good win for my Wildcats. Kentucky needed this...hadn't won one since 1998. I was so nervous during the game though... glad they were able to hold on. I now have renewed hope that the Cowboys can return to the big stage and win.