
True story, when we moved here last December, I had to park my Jet-ski in the drive-way the day we moved in so the movers could unload boxes in our garage.

An HOA "liason" stopped by and reminded us that we were not allowed to park our ski in our driveway or street (movers were still moving us in at that moment). We mentioned it to a few of our neighbors once we got to know them and later found out that one of them was the treasurer on the HOA. That person was so mad at this lady for giving us grief that they relieved her of her duties.
I am lucky to have some pretty good neighbors on each side and across the street.

No drama, no fuss. On one side is an older couple that rarely go outside their house. On the other side is my wife's grandfather so the father in law and I take turns doing the grandfathers lawn.

Across from us we have an older lady who just lost her husband and her daughter who is mentally disabled. The ladies grand daughter keeps an eye on them and the only annoying thing about that is that the grand daughter sometimes wears a bikini top out in their yard...I would not mind if she looked good in it, she however does not.:D

So I am lucky and thankful to live in the area just for the lack of crazy neighbors.

We lived one place for a short time and the people who lived behind us were always making noise. This was years ago when I worked and evening shift and these people were always working on motorcycles that would have been better off in the junkyards.
I used to call them the clampetts they just wore me out with revving up that motorcycle. I mean if all you had to do to have a great motorcyle was to rev it up without going anywhere, they would have had the best motorcycle ever. Too bad the darn thing never went anywhere. Well after asking nicely a few times to give it a rest on occasion since I was working evening shift (just to not rev that thing up before noon) ...well let's just say for some strange mysterious reason the motorcycle would not start up and therefore could not just sit there and be revved up over and over...not sure what happened. <evil grin>
peplaw06;3524609 said:
Good thread..... I've been needing some advice. The neighbors next door have this makeshift soccer net that is out in the front yard. It's probably 4' high by 8' wide or so. I say front yard, it's actually on my side of their drive way, but is technically their yard.

Throw a little wrench into it. The neighbor used to be a client of ours (small town). I'm trying to come up with a socially acceptable (and polite) way to ask them to get that ****ing thing out of my sight!!! :laugh2:

It's about the biggest eyesore on the street.

Break a small hole in the net. Nothing big, just a few pieces of wire. When they notice, they will take the thing to get repaired and then just put something of yours there for the time being.

Better yet, next time you have someone over, just park your car so close to the net that they can't shoot into it without hitting your car. You might have to leave it there for a long time but this is war.
peplaw06;3524609 said:
Good thread..... I've been needing some advice. The neighbors next door have this makeshift soccer net that is out in the front yard. It's probably 4' high by 8' wide or so. I say front yard, it's actually on my side of their drive way, but is technically their yard.

Throw a little wrench into it. The neighbor used to be a client of ours (small town). I'm trying to come up with a socially acceptable (and polite) way to ask them to get that ****ing thing out of my sight!!! :laugh2:

It's about the biggest eyesore on the street.

Put an ad on Craigslist saying free soccer goal. It'll be gone in an hour.
You guys make me glad I live so far out in the country that we can't even see or hear our neighbors as the closest ones are a mile or two away.

Life is good.
big dog cowboy;3524955 said:
No they don't. Anything designed to maintain your property value as high as possible is a good thing.
That is only true if you have members elected to the BoD that are there to serve and not create their own private fiefdom.
big dog cowboy;3524955 said:
No they don't. Anything designed to maintain your property value as high as possible is a good thing.

I would consider having to join an HOA to devalue the property.
Go Big D!;3524561 said:
When we lived in Arlington, the redneck directly across the street would have garage parties, every weekend, and play the music so loud that our windows would vibrate. This, in turn, caused the huge black lab, next door, to sit under my newborn son's window and howl all night long. Man, I hated my neighbors. All of them. I was so glad when the Marines decided to transfer us.

I feel your pain with horrid neighbors.

After reading this, I will quit complaining about my neighbor, even though he is a pain.
Yeagermeister;3524985 said:
I wish I knew what my HOA does other than hold a fish fry that I'd never go to or have a yearly yard sale that screws up traffic flow in and out of the subdivision. My HOA dues aren't that much but I would like to see something that they do with the money.
Write or email your HOA President and tell them you want a copy of the budget.

It's that simple.
ah yes, the HOAs. We live in a tower that is a strata property. Every once in a while the strata goes on tirades for stuff, not like not waiting for the gate to close on the parking garage, dog piss ruining the lawn etc

We have lived in our place since Jan 1997 and pretty much ignore the strata now. Better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission and let a little Hitler tell you what you can or cannot do.

I haven't even gone to a strata meeting in 10 years. They just tell me my monthly strata fees and I pay them.
big dog cowboy;3526008 said:
Write or email your HOA President and tell them you want a copy of the budget.

It's that simple.

Quite simply, the budget is available at every meeting (Texas law) here in Texas. The budget can also be reviewed at the management company's offices with an appointment. Each HOA has their own expenditures, but each expenditure has to be accounted for.

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