Nerve firing confusion in Jaylon's recovery


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Jerry is quoted as having said the Jaylon's nerve just started firing.
If the muscle is only able to move NOW, Jaylon is NOT playing this year.
The rehab is a long process.

If we want to see Jaylon play while being 100%, let's hope that Jerry is just 'simplifying' things.
The nerve cell has been 'firing' all this time because it is still alive.
When he says 'firing', he probably means the muscle is able to do a lot of good stuff.
For the muscle to be able to do a lot of good stuff, that means the nerve regenerated quite a while ago.

That would be mid August, when things slowly started to work based on Dr. Cooper' estimate.
That would happen be about 6 weeks before Jaylon's happy tweets started.

Dr. Cooper said 9-15 months for full recovery knowing that the nerve only takes about 7 months to get there.
Doing the math, that is 2-8 months of rehab AFTER the nerve gets there.

To clarify, it is the link (axon of nerve cell) from the nerve cell to the muscle that was affected.
In particular, the portion of the cell from the knee to the muscle died.
Until the nerve axon regenerates back to the muscle, the muscle is paralyzed.
During this regeneration, there is more and more feeling down the leg as the axons regenerate towards the muscle, as reported by Jaylon even in April.
This regeneration is what takes about 1 inch per month with a 1 month delay after the surgery.

This was posted before about someone who suffered a similar though somewhat worse recovery injury as Jaylon. This guy is running without an ATO/brace 9 months after injury. His recovery is not yet complete. Ever after the nerve makes connection, it is not an on/off result but slow recovery:

"Running after getting out of my Carbon-AFO. This was 9 months after the initial injury. Dorsiflexion, and eversion were non-existent directly after injury due to blunt force trauma to the right knee, medial side, causing ACL, LCL ligament tears and the peroneal nerve to be crushed. 9 months later, the nerve has regenerated on its own and I am able to jog/run without AFO assistance. I am completely out of my brace at this time as well. Strength and range of motion are not fully recover, but are slowly making progress. Notice the heel hitting on the right foot due to lack of RoM and strength. I am getting better every few weeks!"

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Hard to follow your post a little bit, but appreciate the breakdown.

I have no expectations of seeing Jaylon on the field this year and never have, despite what Jerry says. I think the only reason he's not on IR is because they wanted to keep him with the team because they feel he's every bit as talented as Zeke is.

Whether that's true or not remains to be seen, but I definitely feel it's a Jerry decision to not IR him, not a Garrett decision.
Hard to follow your post a little bit, but appreciate the breakdown.

I have no expectations of seeing Jaylon on the field this year and never have, despite what Jerry says. I think the only reason he's not on IR is because they wanted to keep him with the team because they feel he's every bit as talented as Zeke is.

Whether that's true or not remains to be seen, but I definitely feel it's a Jerry decision to not IR him, not a Garrett decision.

jerry said nerve just started firing.
the term 'firing' is misleading.
if the muscle just started working, he is not going to be able to play this year.
if you interpret his words loosely, jaylon's able to do quite a bit now.
if so, the nerve regeneration was actually done (got there) quite a while ago.
perhaps around the time the doctor estimated - about mid august
typical full recovery is 9-15 months.
that is about 2-8 months for rehab after the nerve gets to the muscle.

if the nerve regeneration got there in august, that would give it 4-5 months for rehab.
that is right in the middle of the estimate - so there is a chance for a return late in the season.
lol. I'll let Jaylon decide if Jaylon is gonna play this year. Who knows, maybe RMcClain comes back instead for the playoff run.

you forgot to mention that gregory may not be suspended due to mishandling of his test samples
I, myself, in my very, very limited knowledge of this type of injury, don't see Jaylon playing this year. But I have the right to hold out hope, and until I'm told he's done for the year, I'll hold that hope to my bosom.

No fan will dissuade me. Again, I give the lowest of low percentage wise, that he plays this year. But I always appreciate these threads. Thanks Waldo, thank Fuzzy, thanks WG, and all the others that add to the ongoing Jaylon 2016 saga.

The rest of you that can't handle these threads, stop being masochists, and just stay out. Lol you guys...
Thank you for the bold and enormous font

Some of us are slow
I'll never understand this preoccupation with who decided.
i have heard over and over ,the coach is undermined.
If this is the results of undermined coach ; well already then let us undermine the do do outa Garrett.

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