Nerve firing confusion in Jaylon's recovery

Can you translate everything into one syllable words? I can't pick my knuckles off the ground to do it

Actually a lot of people are turned off by anything remotely technical.

In my previous work, my job was translating Einstein for non-technical people or people with varying degrees of technical capability.
Use of highlighting was standard.

So sections were highlighted to assist those who are turned off by the slightly more technical areas, as well as the lazy people who dont want to read the entire long message.

It was not intended to offend people by talking down to them.
You have a link for this, Waldo?

Here you go.

Who cares where the decision came from, who made it, why they did it that way or any of that. Cowboys leadership structure will never be conventional til Jerry is gone. Worrying about it is a fools errand
Actually a lot of people are turned off by anything remotely technical.

In my previous work, my job was translating Einstein for non-technical people or people with varying degrees of technical capability.
Use of highlighting was standard.

So sections were highlighted to assist those who are turned off by the slightly more technical areas, as well as the lazy people who dont want to read the entire long message.

It was not intended to offend people by talking down to them.

Good for you Waldoputty!!!
Actually a lot of people are turned off by anything remotely technical.

In my previous work, my job was translating Einstein for non-technical people or people with varying degrees of technical capability.
Use of highlighting was standard.

So sections were highlighted to assist those who are turned off by the slightly more technical areas, as well as the lazy people who dont want to read the entire long message.

It was not intended to offend people by talking down to them.

Guarantee if you hadn't done that there would be equal amounts of people saying "I'm not reading all that", "tldr", or "can someone summarize".

Thanks for taking the time sir
I dont get it, can you maybe change the color of the font, as the bold didn't quite clarify it for me.
Actually a lot of people are turned off by anything remotely technical.

In my previous work, my job was translating Einstein for non-technical people or people with varying degrees of technical capability.
Use of highlighting was standard.

So sections were highlighted to assist those who are turned off by the slightly more technical areas, as well as the lazy people who dont want to read the entire long message.

It was not intended to offend people by talking down to them.

Waldo, you do you, brudda... there's a bunch of us (as you can see) in your corner, bro.
I believe the message here is that Jaylon's condition is gradually improving and we should all be happy and relieved to hear this. Knowing exactly what to expect is a matter to be decided by Mother Nature whenever she sees fit to return JS to good health. I'm elated to see that we'll most likely be enjoying the benefits of another excellent athlete at LB for many years to come whenever that blessed event occurs. These are undoubtedly good times in Cowboy Country with the arrows pointing up. I think we can all rejoice now and be thankfully relieved.

That appears to be what is going on.
This seems to be the convergence of the input from the medical people, Jaylon's tweets, Jones' comments, Birddog's tweet and Brandt's comments.
It would be counterproductive for the organization to allow rumors to continue if Jaylon has zero chance to play this year, as they have so much good news for marketing purposes - 4-1/5-1/6-1/7-1/8-1, Romo/Dak, Zeke...

The tone at CZ and else where also appears to have shifted from "if" to "when and how well".
The confusion caused by FO's lack of communication is understandable.
People on the board spend 10X-1000X more time thinking Cowboys than the typical fan.
So the FO has to get a very simple message out to a general audience - like the nerve is firing or not.
This obviously frustrates those who are trying to extract the last 1% of information from the FO by matching with expert opinion, medical articles, timelines etc.
If all Cowboy fans are like us, I suspect the FO may consider marching out Dr. Cooper to give a medical briefing.
Or they may be too busy counting their money because their revenues may have gone up 10X.

We are not out of the woods even if the nerve is working etc, we do not know how complete the recovery will be, and even medical people will not guarantee that.

They will say things like: “He’s had time for his nerve to regrow two inches, and the area of where his nerve was injured is six inches above the muscle that it innervates. I wouldn’t really expect him to get much innervation back into that muscle for two or three more months. Then once it does -- I’ve seen kids who are completely paralyzed like him on the lateral side and not able to pick their foot up at all [that] wind up being totally normal.”

In the same article (April 29 after Jaylon was drafted), this is what Jaylon said: “I get different sensations every day with the nerve, but it’s just timing. I’m only 3½ months out, so time will definitely tell but the knee is fine. That was cleared at the medical recheck, that the knee won’t have any issues. It’s just timing for the nerve.”
You're Waldo? Like, the Waldo? :)

Where ya'at? You're more epic for my childhood than Carmen San Diego!

i am belicheat.
i am here to build up your hopes so i can crush them soon.
i need to crush you so that the Patriots become the official America's Team

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