New Jersey boy not allowed back to school without flu shot

CashMan;4950891 said:
Well dude, you seem to post a lot of anti-government things in the off topic forum, and it gets annoying.

I guess it does to someone who would rather be a serf then a free person.

Some people have a problem with letting politicians run their lives
FYI - i went back 15 pages and nope. nothing about the government.

anti-kardashian, anti-x-factor, helped with video questions, technical issues, and the like.

but nothing about anti-government.
CashMan;4950808 said:
The shot is suppose to help your immune system, not block the virus from entering your body.

Oh so your saying I really missed out on something by not getting it done for myself and my son?

He is 12 and has never had it. I never had it when I was young nor had any major problems growing up w/o it.

So yeah...uhhhh no thanks.
Dallas;4950918 said:
Oh so your saying I really missed out on something by not getting it done for myself and my son?

He is 12 and has never had it. I never had it when I was young nor had any major problems growing up w/o it.

So yeah...uhhhh no thanks.

I think you are under the impression, the flu shot is sold as a 100% guarantee thing. The flu shot, is meant for old people and young people, whose immune systems are under developed or deteriorating. So, a 12yr old, I wouldn't be soo concerned about.
This is from the UK. If this is happening in England, what makes us think it is not happening in the US?

30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show UK Government Experts Cover Up Vaccine Hazards To Sell More Vaccines And Harm Your Kids
Posted on March 14,
2012 by

An extraordinary new paper published by a courageous doctor and investigative medical researcher has dug the dirt on 30 years of secret official transcripts of meetings of UK government vaccine committees and the supposedly independent medical “experts” sitting on them with their drug industry connections.
Dallas;4950769 said:
Its offensive as a parent seeing someone w/o children try and relate for a second on this topic.

Hoof, nothing personal, but you have NO IDEA what you are talking about. You have no children nor bond to even try to understand where a parent is coming from when they say you will not vaccinate my child. You will not stick my child w/ things I do not support.

There should be nothing offensive about it.

Why would I need to have an understanding of the parent-child bond when the vast majority of reasons that people cite for refusing the flu shot are irrational, something I do have an understanding of? I won't necessarily include the concern over an egg allergy in that because such concerns were reflected in the guidelines. That said, if recent data suggest that egg allergy concerns were blown out of proportion and the possible risk of an allergic reaction is low I would anticipate that people would have their concerns minimized and no longer refuse vaccination for that reason alone. When you get a vaccination, the store has EpiPens on hand to handle allergic reactions. If that's not reassuring enough, their primary care provider could administer it in a more supervised setting.

I don't suppose the birth of your child changed your view on the flu shot, why would mine be expected to change?

I understand the value of vaccines on the individual and societal level. Having a child isn't going to change that.

But even if we want to play the "I know what's best for my kid" game, you have to acknowledge that other parents do as well. If all the other parents are taking steps to avoid the spread of influenza because they deem it to be best, you're basically saying you don't care what they think is best because you presenting the possibility of exposure. You're willing to take the trade off that your child might spread the virus to the youngest children who are at the highest risk all because "you know best"? Pretty selfish and irresponsible when you start thinking outside of your own box and what consequences could arise based on your decisions.

My son has never had a flu shot in his life, nor I. We are never sick nor never get sick. We might get a cold, but probably far less than most.

So please, don't sit here and tell us how the flu shot is some savior, when it has never been proven, but has been proven to have complications.


Ummm, the flu shot isn't meant to eradicate influenza. The nature of the bug makes it so. It mutates into different variations that cannot be predicted so the vaccine is only aimed at the variants that are determined to be "most likely". They use these "most likely" variants to create the vaccine. If a new variant were to arise, how could expect it to be covered?

Getting a flu shot doesn't guarantee that you won't get infected by another strain. It's quite possible someone who refuses vaccination be infected by a strain that would have been covered and they infect others who then infect more people, and so on and so forth, until finally a new strain that is not covered arises and infects vaccinated individuals.

The flu shot does reduce the spread of the flu. While there has been some questions about the actual reduction, even the low estimates are significant enough to result in more benefits than harm.
Hoofbite;4951129 said:
There should be nothing offensive about it.

Why would I need to have an understanding of the parent-child bond when the vast majority of reasons that people cite for refusing the flu shot are irrational, something I do have an understanding of? I won't necessarily include the concern over an egg allergy in that because such concerns were reflected in the guidelines. That said, if recent data suggest that egg allergy concerns were blown out of proportion and the possible risk of an allergic reaction is low I would anticipate that people would have their concerns minimized and no longer refuse vaccination for that reason alone. When you get a vaccination, the store has EpiPens on hand to handle allergic reactions. If that's not reassuring enough, their primary care provider could administer it in a more supervised setting.

I don't suppose the birth of your child changed your view on the flu shot, why would mine be expected to change?

I understand the value of vaccines on the individual and societal level. Having a child isn't going to change that.

But even if we want to play the "I know what's best for my kid" game, you have to acknowledge that other parents do as well. If all the other parents are taking steps to avoid the spread of influenza because they deem it to be best, you're basically saying you don't care what they think is best because you presenting the possibility of exposure. You're willing to take the trade off that your child might spread the virus to the youngest children who are at the highest risk all because "you know best"? Pretty selfish and irresponsible when you start thinking outside of your own box and what consequences could arise based on your decisions.

Ummm, the flu shot isn't meant to eradicate influenza. The nature of the bug makes it so. It mutates into different variations that cannot be predicted so the vaccine is only aimed at the variants that are determined to be "most likely". They use these "most likely" variants to create the vaccine. If a new variant were to arise, how could expect it to be covered?

Getting a flu shot doesn't guarantee that you won't get infected by another strain. It's quite possible someone who refuses vaccination be infected by a strain that would have been covered and they infect others who then infect more people, and so on and so forth, until finally a new strain that is not covered arises and infects vaccinated individuals.

The flu shot does reduce the spread of the flu. While there has been some questions about the actual reduction, even the low estimates are significant enough to result in more benefits than harm.

Makes too much sense, you don't know what you're talking about.
Hoofbite;4951129 said:
There should be nothing offensive about it.

Why would I need to have an understanding of the parent-child bond when the vast majority of reasons that people cite for refusing the flu shot are irrational, something I do have an understanding of?

Let me put it this way.

You don't have a right to have an input on how we raise our children.

Got it?
Cajuncowboy;4951351 said:
Let me put it this way.

You don't have a right to have an input on how we raise our children.

Got it?

Even if he has the "for the common good" label stickied to it. ;)

I am more upset that family rights are being more and more trod upon in this nutso country of ours lately. That's more my point actually.
Dallas;4951366 said:
Even if he has the "for the common good" label stickied to it. ;)

I am more upset that family rights are being more and more trod upon in this nutso country of ours lately. That's more my point actually.

Especially if that tag is is stuck to it because the "government" generally doesn't do what is best for the people anyway.
Cajuncowboy;4951351 said:
Let me put it this way.

You don't have a right to have an input on how we raise our children.

Got it?

But Hoof does make some valid points about the concern of the other parents for their kids.

If the parents dont want to abide by the schools policies they can find another school so in essence no one is telling a parent how to raise their child
Hoov;4951380 said:
But Hoof does make some valid points about the concern of the other parents for their kids.

If the parents dont want to abide by the schools policies they can find another school so in essence no one is telling a parent how to raise their child

Then if the schools are going to put overreaching rules like that in place and the parent chooses to remove the kids then they should be excused from paying the taxes that go to that school district. Can't have it both ways.
Cajuncowboy;4951389 said:
Then if the schools are going to put overreaching rules like that in place and the parent chooses to remove the kids then they should be excused from paying the taxes that go to that school district. Can't have it both ways.
Thats not going to work. Parents that dont have kids still have to pay those taxes and dont parents of kids that go to private school still have to pay the same taxes too ?
6-year-old Dallas girl found dead after being sent home from hospital with flu diagnosis

A 6-year-old girl who had been diagnosed with the flu was found dead this morning at her home in Pleasant Grove.

Tahila Johnson complained Monday morning of aches and pains “all over her body,” according to a police report.

She was taken to Dallas Regional Medical Center in Mesquite that night and discharged about 10 p.m. with Zyrtec and a flu diagnosis, the report says.

WFAA-TV (Channel 8) reports that while the family was told Tahila had the flu, she was never specifically tested for the virus.

That night, Tahila’s grandmother checked on her around 2 a.m. and heard the girl snoring in bed at their home on Hollow Ridge Road. In the morning, she found the girl “stiff and cold to the touch,” the report says.

Paramedics declared the child dead at 7:22 a.m.

The Dallas County medical examiner’s office has yet to confirm the child’s cause of death. An autopsy won’t be performed until Wednesday.

Our Scott Farwell and Marc Ramirez reported in this morning’s paper that this flu season could be one of the worst in North Texas since the H1N1 epidemic hit three years ago.
Hoov;4951398 said:
Thats not going to work. Parents that dont have kids still have to pay those taxes and dont parents of kids that go to private school still have to pay the same taxes too ?

Of course not. That's why they don't have the right to over reach.
Cajuncowboy;4951401 said:
Of course not. That's why they don't have the right to over reach.
In this case it seems that a policy was created based on what was best overall and there is one family that is resisting. They will just have to deal with it and find another school and yes, they will have to pay the taxes.

I dont think it is overreaching because the goal is to look out for the welfare of all the kids.

In life there will always be people that dont agree with a policy at a school or job or something. That is part of life, everyone cant have things the way they want because people differ in oppinions about what is best and what should be done so there is usually a consensus when creating rules or regulations or policies. Someone will always be the odd man out. Sometimes its you, next time its the otherr fella.
Hoov;4951418 said:
In this case it seems that a policy was created based on what was best overall and there is one family that is resisting. They will just have to deal with it and find another school and yes, they will have to pay the taxes.

I dont think it is overreaching because the goal is to look out for the welfare of all the kids.

In life there will always be people that dont agree with a policy at a school or job or something. That is part of life, everyone cant have things the way they want because people differ in oppinions about what is best and what should be done so there is usually a consensus when creating rules or regulations or policies. Someone will always be the odd man out. Sometimes its you, next time its the otherr fella.

No one has the right to tell a parent what to inject their kids with. Appalling.
DallasCowpoke;4951400 said:
6-year-old Dallas girl found dead after being sent home from hospital with flu diagnosis

A 6-year-old girl who had been diagnosed with the flu was found dead this morning at her home in Pleasant Grove.

Tahila Johnson complained Monday morning of aches and pains “all over her body,” according to a police report.

She was taken to Dallas Regional Medical Center in Mesquite that night and discharged about 10 p.m. with Zyrtec and a flu diagnosis, the report says.

WFAA-TV (Channel 8) reports that while the family was told Tahila had the flu, she was never specifically tested for the virus.

That night, Tahila’s grandmother checked on her around 2 a.m. and heard the girl snoring in bed at their home on Hollow Ridge Road. In the morning, she found the girl “stiff and cold to the touch,” the report says.

Paramedics declared the child dead at 7:22 a.m.

The Dallas County medical examiner’s office has yet to confirm the child’s cause of death. An autopsy won’t be performed until Wednesday.

Our Scott Farwell and Marc Ramirez reported in this morning’s paper that this flu season could be one of the worst in North Texas since the H1N1 epidemic hit three years ago.

the best way to look at this post is simple, people die, it sucks, but you cant outlaw it NOR can you tell other people how to treat their children. that being the simple answer, now dont get in a huff like my friend who became a computer teacher at a school and immediately started thinking he knew what was best for OTHER peoples children, i should add former because he was taking that way to serious.

Bad things are going to happen, you cant stop it NOR prevent it. I dont care how healthy you eat or the carbon imprint you leave upon the earth, when you text while driving and a semi slams into you, dead is dead regardless of health.

The vaccine is for one strain, while many many many many many, (and for the ones that dont get it, multiple manys) strains out there. This is a warning for hte people who buy everything anti biotic and think they are immune to sickness, it isnt going to help. You can pretend all you like or fool yourself. You will end up either sick or worse if its the case, just the way life goes.

I do agree with animlistic, I think its time to tackle that cancer thing head on and start sharing data and techniques and be proud of the road our doctors have traveled to get as far with cancer as we have. And believe me without even being a doctor i am proud of what they have accomplished.

Back to rant, teachers educators and administrators dont have the right or the policy to tell parents how to take care of their kids. I dont have kids and even i would never tell another parent how to raise their child because i dont know their child as they know their child. Even, dare i hope never come to pass, I worked for a school, i would try to fight the policy of "its for the common good" with all my fiber because its not fair to all for a select few to say "we know whats best for you"
ShiningStar;4951430 said:
the best way to look at this post is simple, people die, it sucks, but you cant outlaw it NOR can you tell other people how to treat their children. that being the simple answer, now dont get in a huff like my friend who became a computer teacher at a school and immediately started thinking he knew what was best for OTHER peoples children, i should add former because he was taking that way to serious.

Bad things are going to happen, you cant stop it NOR prevent it. I dont care how healthy you eat or the carbon imprint you leave upon the earth, when you text while driving and a semi slams into you, dead is dead regardless of health.

The vaccine is for one strain, while many many many many many, (and for the ones that dont get it, multiple manys) strains out there. This is a warning for hte people who buy everything anti biotic and think they are immune to sickness, it isnt going to help. You can pretend all you like or fool yourself. You will end up either sick or worse if its the case, just the way life goes.

I do agree with animlistic, I think its time to tackle that cancer thing head on and start sharing data and techniques and be proud of the road our doctors have traveled to get as far with cancer as we have. And believe me without even being a doctor i am proud of what they have accomplished.

Back to rant, teachers educators and administrators dont have the right or the policy to tell parents how to take care of their kids. I dont have kids and even i would never tell another parent how to raise their child because i dont know their child as they know their child. Even, dare i hope never come to pass, I worked for a school, i would try to fight the policy of "its for the common good" with all my fiber because its not fair to all for a select few to say "we know whats best for you"

Wow. We are not alone. Thank you for this post.


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