New Jersey boy not allowed back to school without flu shot

Hopeuhavechange;4952336 said:
Yeah but it's bound up in Thimerosal in a form called ethylmercury, less neurotoxic in this formulation than (unavoidable) free mercury found organically in the food chain (methylmercury). Not quite harmless but not something to hyperventilate over. And the autism link has been debunked. All toxins are dose dependent and this one's closely controlled. Really, as fashionable as it is, it just isn't the chief worry with vaccines. I'd fret over something else.

Oh don't get me wrong. I don't think they are as bad as some make them out to be. My ex was a freak about this crap. She made me sit through some BS seminar about how bad they are. I wanted to jam forks into my eyes. I just question some things and they make me a little uneasy. That alone makes me trust my instincts and say nah not right now. Maybe after a real bad flu I'll change my mind when I'm older and my body doesn't fight off sicknesses the same way. I just wouldn't want someone telling me I have to take one so why should someone make a child. I don't even take tylenol for headaches. I don't like putting things in my body. It's worked out for quite some time now. If it aint broke don't fix it.

On another note, my mother is a teacher in NJ and I just asked her about it. The state makes it mandatory for all preschoolers to get flu shots. I was unaware as I don't have children. She doesn't mind that the state does it but has pretty liberal approach to just about everything. Either way, state mandated flu shots for kids seems wrong to me.
a_minimalist;4952383 said:
Oh don't get me wrong. I don't think they are as bad as some make them out to be. My ex was a freak about this crap. She made me sit through some BS seminar about how bad they are. I wanted to jam forks into my eyes. I just question some things and they make me a little uneasy. That alone makes me trust my instincts and say nah not right now. Maybe after a real bad flu I'll change my mind when I'm older and my body doesn't fight off sicknesses the same way. I just wouldn't want someone telling me I have to take one so why should someone make a child. I don't even take tylenol for headaches. I don't like putting things in my body. It's worked out for quite some time now. If it aint broke don't fix it.

On another note, my mother is a teacher in NJ and I just asked her about it. The state makes it mandatory for all preschoolers to get flu shots. I was unaware as I don't have children. She doesn't mind that the state does it but has pretty liberal approach to just about everything. Either way, state mandated flu shots for kids seems wrong to me.

I choose not to take it myself and am firmly against compulsory vaccs. But for subsets the benefits plainly outweigh the risks. You have to make an infrormed choice either for yourself or for those under your care. Lots of noise and erroneous blather out there to sift thru regreattably. Besides that, tho, I won't pretend it's easy or clear-cut at any rt even within the medical community.
Hopeuhavechange;4952435 said:
I choose not to take it myself and am firmly against compulsory vaccs. But for subsets the benefits plainly outweigh the risks. You have to make an infrormed choice either for yourself or for those under your care. Lots of noise and erroneous blather out there to sift thru regreattably. Besides that, tho, I won't pretend it's easy or clear-cut at any rt even within the medical community.

I absolutely agree. You communicated that much better than I could.
Hoov;4951443 said:
They are just saying that the kid cant come there unless he has the same flu shot that all the other kids have already had. Why does one kid get special treatment and not have to follow the rules.

The parents are not being forced to do anything, they have other options for the childs schooling.

Are they worried he will give the kids who have the flu shot the flu? Really?
a_minimalist;4951444 said:
Doesn't the flu shot protect against flus? If every kid has one and one doesn't why does it matter? I thought the other kids can't get it after the shot? If parents don't want their kid to have the flu give them the shot. If other parents will deal with the flu if their kid gets sick let them. Why does it have to be so black and white?

I'd much rather let my kid get sick like I did and let his or her body learn to fight back. Sorry but I've had the flu many times. You get better. If you're on welfare and live off of soda and potato chips then maybe you should consider it if its free. If not keep your kid hydrated and gets rest. Making sure he or she is taken care of doesn't seem like some arduous task. I'm sure it's not easy, I don't have children so I don't know. I'm sure on top of work and life it's difficult but not everything is supposed to be easy. Let's not make it sound like the flu is some deadly virus. People have also died from the flu shot. All of this stuff is very new. I'd personally rather not be the guinea pig.

LOL! I just posted that before I saw this. Great minds.
Rackat;4952286 said:
Really? What is crazy about that statement? The flu mutates, ie; it doesn't care about vaccines. We can try to slow it down and ameliorate it's effects, but in the end the virus just mutates and moves on. google a history of the flu.

I didn't mean to suggest that your post was crazy, in fact it's one of the most sane in the whole thread. I tend to duck and cover when vaccines come up because there's a lot of irrational nonsense out there. I was just pointing out that the honey badger line was funny.
Cajuncowboy;4952667 said:
Are they worried he will give the kids who have the flu shot the flu? Really?

Cajuncowboy;4952675 said:
LOL! I just posted that before I saw this. Great minds.


Are entirely wrong. Had you read my reply to him then your question above would have ben answered.
influenza IS A deadly pathogen. our healthy immune system mounts cooridinated defenses which typically prevails when strong, but dont minimize it. and as mentioned it mutates/seeks or probes weak cellular entry pts for faulty def mechanisms. it learns or adapts to our responses to our synthetic,weakened clone creations which mimic the pathogen...adaptation in action. War.

wash your hands often, stay healthy, get outside,avoid coughers and large groups where possible,eat well , live in bubble if you must.
Flu shots are such a scam. My nephew recently had one and he coincidently got extremely sick right after shot and had to go to hospital. Seriously?! Over the flu? I'd rather have the flu
Cajuncowboy;4951351 said:
Let me put it this way.

You don't have a right to have an input on how we raise our children.

Got it?

But what if your decision puts my son and others at risk? Is that fair to them?

We have had some epidemics of mumps, whooping cough, measles, German Measles etc, all brought on by a certain religious group that lives mostly in the valley to the east of Vancouver and who are against vaccines. Is that fair to the rest of the population?

My son has all his shots, gets a flu shot every year. Helps him but also is good for society in my view.
CanadianCowboysFan;4953034 said:
But what if your decision puts my son and others at risk? Is that fair to them?

We have had some epidemics of mumps, whooping cough, measles, German Measles etc, all brought on by a certain religious group that lives mostly in the valley to the east of Vancouver and who are against vaccines. Is that fair to the rest of the population?

My son has all his shots, gets a flu shot every year. Helps him but also is good for society in my view.

Oh, then go to another school. That was the option we were given. Not good enough for you?
Cajuncowboy;4953083 said:
Oh, then go to another school. That was the option we were given. Not good enough for you?

Why should my son switch schools because some other parents decide to put him at risk by not taking normal every day precautions against disease?
CanadianCowboysFan;4953243 said:
Why should my son switch schools because some other parents decide to put him at risk by not taking normal every day precautions against disease?

Schools don't have a right to tell parents what to inject their kids with. If you want to give your kid shots for something that's a "you" thing. But don't force it down others throat.

And it's not normal to shoot them up for everything under the sun. If you want to let the government take away all your parental rights and shoot your kid up just to see what happens, then that's up to you.

Earlier in this thread I was told that if I didn't like it I should take my kid out of the school and put them in a private school. Why doesn't that same logic hold true for those who want their kids shot up with drugs just to make the drug companies money?
(By the way we home school. Always have and always will so it doesn't effect us.) Oh and my kids and my wife and I have never had the "flu". we've had a few colds but nothing like the hysteria surrounding this.
Hoofbite;4952920 said:

Are entirely wrong. Had you read my reply to him then your question above would have ben answered.

If it constantly adapts, which I was well aware of, why even take the shot?
Meh, I'm not sure on all the facts, but I know it always seems like the people who take flu shots, lots of medicine while sick, and worry about germs are the ones always getting sick. Maybe they do those things BECAUSE they always get sick but /shrug.

I don't worry about germs, I don't get flu shots, and the only medicine I take while sick is Ibuprofen occasionally. I seem to get sick about once a year.. for a day tops. My wife is a teacher and does all the flu shot stuff, also takes a lot of medicine when she's sick. She teaches special needs kids who already get sick all the time due to bad immune systems, so she gets sick very frequently.

I hardly ever catch it from her even though I do absolutely nothing differently around her, I even refuse to let her not kiss me etc. Last time she got really sick, I caught it, and was over it before she was (bug left me in about 36 hours, took her over a week) without taking medication.

Perhaps I'm just lucky, but it really does just seem like those who concern themselves with all that crap get sick far more often than those who don't.
Cajuncowboy;4953372 said:
Earlier in this thread I was told that if I didn't like it I should take my kid out of the school and put them in a private school. Why doesn't that same logic hold true for those who want their kids shot up with drugs just to make the drug companies money?
(By the way we home school. Always have and always will so it doesn't effect us.) Oh and my kids and my wife and I have never had the "flu". we've had a few colds but nothing like the hysteria surrounding this.

A great man once said:

The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few.
Hoofbite;4951975 said:
I'm not sure where the weird idea that the flu vaccine is a "cocktail" came from and that humans are guinea pigs. Vaccines have been around for a lot longer than many of the current drugs I would assume wouldn't classify as "cocktails".

The basically take the bug, replicate the hell out of it and render it incapable of causing an infection, and inject that. There's probably some more detailed steps but the gist of it is that you are getting injected with deactivated forms of the actual virus.

It's like calibrating a mine detector by using mines with the explosives removed so when you actually come across a real explosive you don't walk right over it.

I'm not sure how "cocktail" comes into play. Vaccines have been developed for a long time. They aren't just throwing together all sorts of chemicals, they actually feeding your immune system the exact information it needs to identify and eradicate the virus before it establishes an infection.

and they have been ineffective for just as long. The strand running rampant right now was not planed for and is not addressed by the current cocktail they are forcing children to be shot up with.

This year’s predominant flu (76 percent) is very similar to a type that caused a severe season in 2003-2004, when the flu shot wasn’t a good match and there were more than 40,000 associated deaths, said Dr. Marc Siegel, a member of the Fox News Medical A Team. [...]

If all the other kids in the school have the magical elixir already injected into their bodies, why should they care if one didn't. They have the magic potion in them already. It should not matter one little bit to them. They have the government mandated solution. Nothing could possibly go wrong, so why are they even worried about it?
CashMan;4953615 said:
A great man once said:

The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few.

You are out of your mind and would be not welcome around me, ever. It is this kind of attitude which has sunk this country. You are all for taking things from anyone who you think will benefit a few more.

I'd like to see you try.

Happy New Year :cool:
Dallas;4953856 said:
You are out of your mind and would be not welcome around me, ever. It is this kind of attitude which has sunk this country. You are all for taking things from anyone who you think will benefit a few more.

I'd like to see you try.

Happy New Year :cool:


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