strange that such a great leader is at the helm of so many disasters.Team can’t score TD’s. Where is our highest paid player in NFL history?
Problem is, we are getting 3, they are getting 7Just keep getting points
Well who has our kicker on their fantasy?
Not blaming him at all. Not even close. The team is playing like they slept walked through the week. But he hasn’t been sharp. No one hasthe defense hasn't made 1 stop and all you do is blame Dak?
Did you see the DE all over him ?TERRIBLE PLAY TO ZEKE!
Comment of the year candidateDak and Ceedee better throw some cash in the jar for the kicker
Carr would haveThat was 6pts to Tolbert if Prescott throws the football like a man.....
So you’re saying we may see NFL history today? Not just franchise history??Saints will break a record for most Tds while the Cowboys will break a record for most fgs
That pass short to Elliot is like watching reruns.He has to make that throw to Elliott. Elite QBs make that pass.
Laughing at his haters that put so much effort in constantly bashing him. They are wasting their energy and he's Laughing all the way to the bankTeam can’t score TD’s. Where is our highest paid player in NFL history?