Newman Has surgery...


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burmafrd;2325377 said:
Anyone comparing Glenn to TNew is a MORON. UNDERLINED.

I'm shocked by all the haters here, actually.

1) They're bitter if we DON'T win by 49-0 scores.

2) They go from throwing JJ under the bus when he didn't pull the trigger(initially) when the Titans wanted a 3rd rounder AND a despite JJ getting the BEST end of the deal, these same haters are now throwing JJ under the bus for even making the deal in the first place.

3) We've been one of the healthiest teams in the league the last few years. But despite that, when a player gets hurt, most Zoners here are quick to label them "injury prone" and subsequently throw them under the bus.

4) They get mad when 3rd tier players like Olgelsby and Aaron Glenn get cut. At the very least, they SHOULD be with our coaching staff to watch these practices. If not, they need to be quiet.

5) It's one thing to keep hating on Wade, but another for their constant bitterness with Garrett just b/c he has a bad game or 2. Heck-why not hire Carl Smith if they hate Garrett so much?

Really-it's cringing to come to this board sometimes b/c all of this is mindboggling.


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Eskimo;2325358 said:
The difference is that Glenn's condition was degenerative and the surgery he had is generally ineffective for his condition.

...what's your thoughts on this surgery and what do you know about the probability for recovery?


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Boysboy;2325380 said:
I'm shocked by all the haters here, actually.

1) They're bitter if we DON'T win by 49-0 scores.

2) They go from throwing JJ under the bus when he didn't pull the trigger(initially) when the Titans wanted a 3rd rounder AND a despite JJ getting the BEST end of the deal, these same haters are now throwing JJ under the bus for even making the deal in the first place.

3) We've been one of the healthiest teams in the league the last few years. But despite that, when a player gets hurt, most Zoners here are quick to label them "injury prone" and subsequently throw them under the bus.

4) They get mad when 3rd tier players like Olgelsby and Aaron Glenn get cut. At the very least, they SHOULD be with our coaching staff to watch these practices. If not, they need to be quiet.

5) It's one thing to keep hating on Wade, but another for their constant bitterness with Garrett just b/c he has a bad game or 2. Heck-why not hire Carl Smith if they hate Garrett so much?

Really-it's cringing to come to this board sometimes b/c all of this is mindboggling.

You act like all of this is brand spanking new. You're not on to a revelation here. Change the names and it's the same exact landscape. You familiar with the phrase "It's like picking up cow ****"?


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davidyee;2325397 said:
...what's your thoughts on this surgery and what do you know about the probability for recovery?

To be honest with you, I don't have much experience with repair of torn groin muscles although for most such injuries (muscle tears) a reasonably complete recovery would be expected in time. This is actually a better injury to have in terms of recovery than a sports hernia which can be very tricky.


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BLEU3ASY;2324634 said:

If he has surgery on a sports hernia or at the groin because of muscle tear (which basically is the same) there is no way he is out only a month. The tissue they operate is usually not very well supplied with blood. So the normal healing process of the tissue takes 6-8 weeks until it can be fully stessed again.

The way i know that surgery its not like you can train alot direct after it because the abdominal muscles are involved and basically every exercise involves those muscles. You normaly have to wait the whole healing process without lifting weights heavy sprinting etc. Maybe after 4-6 weeks light running nothing more. So i don't see him coming back before 8-10 weeks. Everything else would surprise me alot.


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Terence Newman700;2324648 said:
o god is it time to panic?

i just hope he knows when he gets back he wont get his starting spot back just like that.....i hope we keep him in nickel this guy is just way to injury prone.......Pac deserves to start...let him n henry battle it out..if need be....

in my eyes i love Newman.....but he is no longer the cowboys number 1 corner....and he can thank his constant injuries for that...Pacman is the better corner...

this coming from a Newman homer......

how manhy games has newman missed because of injury...he got hurt last year i think for the first time and missed 2 games (and still made the pro bowl) westbrook portis mcnabb, those dudes are injury prone.


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I was worried Newman's contract was a bad one after his injury issues last year. Fears confirmed.

Any Doctors out there with an opinion? One month seems very aggressive on the surface. Man, Newman sure is making a lot of jack for a guy that can't stay on the field. I'm not a hater....I'm a big Newman fan......but after last year I think we should all EXPECT Newman to miss time in the comming seasons as well. I just hope he can be healty for the stretch run and playoffs this year. If Newman gets healthy, gets his sea legs and the younger guys are better for the experience this could be a blessing come playoff time even if it costs the Cowboys a game along of the way.


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noletime95;2325622 said:
I was worried Newman's contract was a bad one after his injury issues last year. Fears confirmed.

Any Doctors out there with an opinion? One month seems very aggressive on the surface. Man, Newman sure is making a lot of jack for a guy that can't stay on the field. I'm not a hater....I'm a big Newman fan......but after last year I think we should all EXPECT Newman to miss time in the comming seasons as well. I just hope he can be healty for the stretch run and playoffs this year. If Newman gets healthy, gets his sea legs and the younger guys are better for the experience this could be a blessing come playoff time even if it costs the Cowboys a game along of the way.

Then tell me why that "golden standard" Eagles FO ripped up Brian "injury prone" Westbrook's contract and gave him a big fat new one? Look what happened to him already this season.

*sigh* Newman is NOT injury prone. He played in EVERY game from '04-'06, missed ONLY 3 games last year(the sloppy field in Carolina likely lead to his knee sprain-remember we had alot of guys getting dinged up on that field), and just had some dumb luck in TC when some guy stepped on him.

So far, I've counted ONLY 5 games he's missed throughout his tenure here in Dallas.


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TwentyOne;2325583 said:
If he has surgery on a sports hernia or at the groin because of muscle tear (which basically is the same) there is no way he is out only a month. The tissue they operate is usually not very well supplied with blood. So the normal healing process of the tissue takes 6-8 weeks until it can be fully stessed again.

The way i know that surgery its not like you can train alot direct after it because the abdominal muscles are involved and basically every exercise involves those muscles. You normaly have to wait the whole healing process without lifting weights heavy sprinting etc. Maybe after 4-6 weeks light running nothing more. So i don't see him coming back before 8-10 weeks. Everything else would surprise me alot.

There is some truth to what you are saying. However, one thing that I've learned is that the degree of pain and discomfort and the degree of tissue damage have a fairly poor correlation for reasons no one understands.

I would go by the surgeon's impression of the degree of damage he saw and how quickly and aggressively he thinks TNew can begin his rehab.

Nevertheless, 4 weeks seems overly optimistic to me as well.


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Boysboy;2325635 said:
Then tell me why that "golden standard" Eagles FO ripped up Brian "injury prone" Westbrook's contract and gave him a big fat new one? Look what happened to him already this season.

*sigh* Newman is NOT injury prone. He played in EVERY game from '04-'06, missed ONLY 3 games last year(the sloppy field in Carolina likely lead to his knee sprain-remember we had alot of guys getting dinged up on that field), and just had some dumb luck in TC when some guy stepped on him.

So far, I've counted ONLY 5 games he's missed throughout his tenure here in Dallas.

He seems to have become injury prone. I hope he proves me wrong. It's not just missing games. Having your top CB play nickel 4-5 games last year vs. having him lock down the top WR is a big deal too.

I'm not talking about Philly, but let's address that. Philly can't win w/out Westbrook. Dallas has, and can, win w/out Newman. If Newman can stay of the field, I want him....good player and good locker room guy. But you can't lock up that kind of cap space on a guy that can't stay healthy. Let's hope he can stay of the field consistently when he get's back.


Maple Leaf
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Eskimo;2325661 said:
There is some truth to what you are saying. However, one thing that I've learned is that the degree of pain and discomfort and the degree of tissue damage have a fairly poor correlation for reasons no one understands.

I would go by the surgeon's impression of the degree of damage he saw and how quickly and aggressively he thinks TNew can begin his rehab.

Nevertheless, 4 weeks seems overly optimistic to me as well.

...that's not what I wanted to hear.

I remember a few things from my groin pull. I couldn't run top speed. I couldn't change direction. The worse was swivel my hips from back pedal to forward run. The process of opening up my hips was painful and I was diagnosed with a "minor" groin pull.


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davidyee;2325836 said:
...that's not what I wanted to hear.

I remember a few things from my groin pull. I couldn't run top speed. I couldn't change direction. The worse was swivel my hips from back pedal to forward run. The process of opening up my hips was painful and I was diagnosed with a "minor" groin pull.

It's one of those funny things but severity of tissue injury and degree of pain/discomfort are not nearly as correlated as most people think.


Kane Ala
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Chocolate Lab;2324689 said:
Here's the story... Sounds like maybe it wasn't a sports hernia after all? Maybe he had the groin muscle reattached to the bone? Jobber or Eskimo?

Sounds more like a defect. Esp if it's only going to be 4 weeks. Reattaching a muscle that size to the bone would require a significant period of rehabilitation. Small incision most likely with application of latest greatest mesh/whatever to enhance wound repair and add strength. My best guess.


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Hey guys, new member here. Personally, this is a pretty big blow to our secondary. No one can deny that when healthy, Newman is the best player in our secondary. The scary situation is, we are heading to Arizona(A pass happy offense) with 2 of our four corners rookies. Lets hope we can pressure Warner so he gets happy feet early, he has a tendency to fumble the ball when sacked.


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ninja;2325304 said:
Meet Terrance Newman, the new Terry Glenn of the 2008 Cowboys.

Put "her" on IR and get it over with. Come on, you all know Newman won't even practice until the season is over. And then he will try to come back for a playoff game. Forget it.

Newman is high maintenance. All that speed parked in the garage. Take it out for a drive and you have to call AAA for a tow.

Try spelling his name right next time.

The hate on this board for our own players is unreal.:bang2::bang2:


Kane Ala
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TwentyOne;2325583 said:
If he has surgery on a sports hernia or at the groin because of muscle tear (which basically is the same) there is no way he is out only a month. The tissue they operate is usually not very well supplied with blood. So the normal healing process of the tissue takes 6-8 weeks until it can be fully stessed again.

The way i know that surgery its not like you can train alot direct after it because the abdominal muscles are involved and basically every exercise involves those muscles. You normaly have to wait the whole healing process without lifting weights heavy sprinting etc. Maybe after 4-6 weeks light running nothing more. So i don't see him coming back before 8-10 weeks. Everything else would surprise me alot.

Muscles are highly vascular but there isn't a lot to suture muscle to and make it last. That's why mesh and special suturing techniques are necessary. Not the same as a sports hernia and the abdominal wall is not involved. Healing process relates to the time it takes for the wound to heal which is generally 90% back to baseline in 10 days if all goes well. Again the problem with muscles are they will tear esp with suture in them. It's like sewing gossamer to moonbeams but the mesh helps. I think 4 weeks is ok if we're talking about a smallish tear and repair. But any error will likely be on the long end IMO. He may also (probably) have a drain which will add a little time to the healing process.

Eskimo;2325661 said:
There is some truth to what you are saying. However, one thing that I've learned is that the degree of pain and discomfort and the degree of tissue damage have a fairly poor correlation for reasons no one understands.

I would go by the surgeon's impression of the degree of damage he saw and how quickly and aggressively he thinks TNew can begin his rehab.

Nevertheless, 4 weeks seems overly optimistic to me as well.

Depends on the size of the tear and repair. Having not done it I'd say we have to go on what they say which as you know might or might not be in the ballpark.

Phantom;2325962 said:
Hey guys, new member here. Personally, this is a pretty big blow to our secondary. No one can deny that when healthy, Newman is the best player in our secondary. The scary situation is, we are heading to Arizona(A pass happy offense) with 2 of our four corners rookies. Lets hope we can pressure Warner so he gets happy feet early, he has a tendency to fumble the ball when sacked.

Welcome. Yes. Warner gets happy when pressured and more so when hit a few times. And he does fumble a lot. A lot.


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Eskimo;2325661 said:
There is some truth to what you are saying. However, one thing that I've learned is that the degree of pain and discomfort and the degree of tissue damage have a fairly poor correlation for reasons no one understands.

I've read and heard the same thing.

Eskimo;2325661 said:
I would go by the surgeon's impression of the degree of damage he saw and how quickly and aggressively he thinks TNew can begin his rehab.

Nevertheless, 4 weeks seems overly optimistic to me as well.

About 10 years ago i had the same problem. What we call in Germany a "soft groin" is basiclly the same as a sports hernia. Before i had surgery i informed myself about possible treatments and there are basically only two ways to treat this injury (operativ).

First one is a new method and it's based on minimal invasive surgery. The surgeon only has to make 2 small cuts both about 1/2 inch long. Through those holes he implants two (or one if your sports hernia is only on one side) meshes at the area of your groin. The The tissue will grow through thoses meshes and they will strengthen the (too) weak tissue.

The advantages from that kind of surgery are that it can be performed abulant and you can leave the doctor at the same day. There is barley pain and therefore you can start working out much sooner. Also sports hernia has always genetic roots. If you have a sports hernia that means that you have weak conjunctive tissue. With this kind of surgery it basically guaranties you to never have a sports hernia again.

Disadvantages are that there is no long term experience with what happens to that mesh and the titanium with which it is attached to the tissue. The mesh can never be removed once the tissue has grown through it. This kind of surgery is now only about 20 years old.

The other possible kind of surgery is the so called "traditional" form of hernia surgery. Basically the tissue will be cut and the layers (especially the muscles) will be sewed together again. Afaik the tissue will be sewed also to the bones of the pelvis.

I myself had the second kind of surgery to both sides at one time. And i can tell you there is no way you can make any kind of sports after 3-4 weeks. You can be happy to have sex after 2-3 weeks again ;-).
The doctors told me that i can start lifting weights again after about 6 weeks. I couldn't. I started light jogging after about 5 weeks and weight lifting after maybe 8-9 weeks.
This was also a head thing for me. When you do squads you rely heavily on your abdominal muscles and believe me knowing you got cut down there you wont push yourself to the limit without good testing.

Anyway i don't know much about TNEWs surgery and i don't know much about his real injury. I don't want to paint things black maybe he will be back after 4 weeks. But i just can't imagine.

Maybe these "4 weeks" are just a misunderstanding and it was meant that he could start training again after 4 weeks. Or maybe there is really another kind of surgery i don't know of. Which again i really doubt because a groin injury or a hernia is a straught forward thing to treat afaik.