NewyScruggs Blog: Bob Costas Thinks T.O. Has Personality Issues

Costas' opinion, particularly a psychological one, is well beyond the scope of his profession as a sportscaster...Chalk up another pointless diatribe from the media trying to create 'stories'
TO had a screwed up childhood that most of us can't even imagine. He was raised by his crazy grandma and his father lived across the street for years without TO knowing it. It's very possible that he does have some problems because of that. Most people would.
kevwun;2318575 said:
TO had a screwed up childhood that most of us can't even imagine. He was raised by his crazy grandma and his father lived across the street for years without TO knowing it. It's very possible that he does have some problems because of that. Most people would.


My mother & father were so amazing, they are the reason I am who I am. (not that that is any big deal)

I wouldn't trade places with Owens.
kevwun;2318575 said:
TO had a screwed up childhood that most of us can't even imagine. He was raised by his crazy grandma and his father lived across the street for years without TO knowing it. It's very possible that he does have some problems because of that. Most people would.

I have said this many times to many people. It would be a miracle if he didn't have issues with what he's admitted to going through as a child. Bob has no business throwing stones.
The guy has no issues, he has been vilified by doing what has become envogue with players. They force the hand of the team to pay them or release( trade) them. San Fran was not the same organization and Philly has never played their players well until TO left.
braw;2318626 said:
The guy has no issues, he has been vilified by doing what has become envogue with players. They force the hand of the team to pay them or release( trade) them. San Fran was not the same organization and Philly has never played their players well until TO left.

I wouldn't say he doesn't have any issues. Everyone has issues. I don't think they are as bad as they are portrayed.
CoCo;2318142 said:
Count me amongst those who wish, for his own sake, that TO would simply shut his mouth. Is he treated fairly by the media? No. Will it ever completely stop? Probably not.

But none of that prohibits TO from doing what is best for him, which is to simply walk away from controversy. The media has a job to do that they interpret as giving them license to stir & stir & stir the pot. Think TO is going to change their mind on that? The fact that TO at times chooses to walk into the eye of the storm at the very least shows poor judgment.

So for TO its simply a matter of "cannot" or "will not" walk away from the controversy. Not sure it matters which it is.

But whichever it is there are a number of board members here who deal with it in the same manner, rant and stew and fester. With the close link this site apparently has with some media types it could actually be argued that posters here make matters worse because they advertise to the media "this is what I want to talk about". And so guess what the media talks about?

TO did not answer any media questions on Sunday. He issued a faith-based pre-written statment, which is his right. And guess what? He still got plastered by the media. Mental disorder or not, the guy can't win. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. That is the media's doing, not his. Don't be suckered in. They could easily talk about the undefeated teams in the leagues or the crappy officiating, etc., but they choose to harp on TO 24/7, which shapes the way people view the guy. Surely you are aware of this.
Boyzmamacita;2318634 said:
TO did not answer any media questions on Sunday. He issued a faith-based pre-written statment, which is his right. And guess what? He still got plastered by the media. Mental disorder or not, the guy can't win. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. That is the media's doing, not his. Don't be suckered in. They could easily talk about the undefeated teams in the leagues or the crappy officiating, etc., but they choose to harp on TO 24/7, which shapes the way people view the guy. Surely you are aware of this.

Very well put.
Boyzmamacita;2318634 said:
TO did not answer any media questions on Sunday. He issued a faith-based pre-written statment, which is his right. And guess what? He still got plastered by the media. Mental disorder or not, the guy can't win. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. That is the media's doing, not his. Don't be suckered in. They could easily talk about the undefeated teams in the leagues or the crappy officiating, etc., but they choose to harp on TO 24/7, which shapes the way people view the guy. Surely you are aware of this.

Once you become a villain,fairly or unfairly, in this country it's tough to get back into the masses good graces, especially these young, rich athletes.
These attempts at destroying T.O. and our team have gone too far now. I'm literally sick to my stomach.
Boyzmamacita;2318634 said:
TO did not answer any media questions on Sunday. He issued a faith-based pre-written statment, which is his right. And guess what? He still got plastered by the media. Mental disorder or not, the guy can't win. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. That is the media's doing, not his. Don't be suckered in. They could easily talk about the undefeated teams in the leagues or the crappy officiating, etc., but they choose to harp on TO 24/7, which shapes the way people view the guy. Surely you are aware of this.

I am aware that TO didn't get selected for this treatment at random. He's had a hand in bringing it upon himself.

You're taking a very short term perspective saying that TO essentially kept quiet this week and still got plastered. Yes, he did stay quiet THIS week. But these firestorms don't go away overnight.

My point remains, if TO will simply quit throwing fuel on the fire, and if fans will do the same, this fire will die down greatly over time. Frankly, we've seen that truth born out during his time in Dallas.

But if you want to get caught up in tit for tat and who started what I'll guarantee this firestorm will persist. Its been proven throughout history. It truly does take two to tango. But again that is not an overnight solution when you've played tit for tat as long as TO and the media have done.

The primary reason the media keeps harping on TO is because he fuels the fire with comments that even if they are well-intentioned can be easily misconstrued when you have a history like his. It also fuels the fire when fans get all lathered about every word thats dropped pro or con.

Lest anyone think I'm passing judgment on TO I am not. I honestly like the guy but he's his own worst enemy at times. It may be totally understandable based upon his upbringing. But frankly it doesn't really matter. In the real world we often are held accountable for all our deeds no matter their roots. Please note I didn't say always.

If you want change, take responsibility for change. Don't blame it on everyone else.
Dimuha;2318699 said:
These attempts at destroying T.O. and our team have gone too far now. I'm literally sick to my stomach.

Could be a hernia
I think Bob Costas has personality issues.

Basically, he doesn't have one.

Also, he looks like Willow Ufgood.
Big Dakota;2318678 said:
Once you become a villain,fairly or unfairly, in this country it's tough to get back into the masses good graces, especially these young, rich athletes.

But not impossible. Far from it.

This issue is easily solveable by TO himself. Be the bigger man. Walk in a new manner. Don't even talk to the media. Even being quiet with a surly demeanor would be progress but even better, just politely decline and be friendly about it to boot.

TO, you're a spiritual man! Make turning the other cheek a practice and you'll soon get different results. Don't listen to those who counsel you that you're being unfairly criticized. It only fuels your turmoil & pain and perpetuates the fight.
Big Dakota;2318678 said:
Once you become a villain,fairly or unfairly, in this country it's tough to get back into the masses good graces, especially these young, rich athletes.

This is the reality of the media, however, and it's not limited to rich athletes.

Anyone remember Richard Jewell?...For over a week or so, FBI and the media portrayed him as a ticking bomb waiting to unleash the Atlanta Olympic park bombing...They narrated a story about how he got to the point of being a 'terrorist'.

Of course, they spent about a New York minute 'exonerating' him when discovering he not only didn't perpetrate the crime (Eric Rudolph) but that he assisted in the aftermath...Lesson learned, don't be duped by the media
Tom Cruise knows the history of psychiatry...Bob Costas doesn't!
I suppose let the flaming begin but I couldn't [respectfully] disagree with the above statements more.

IMO, Bob Costas is exactly right on in his statements. I myself came to the same conclusion about T.O., a LONG time ago, as well as Chad Johnson, among others. I don't know how anyone could possibly come to ANY other conclusion. He IS a big child. T.O. said it himself.. 'if it walks like a rat and talks like a rat.' Well T.O. definitely walks and talks like a big child, often. And if you don't see that, then your Cowboys bias is blinding. Kudos to Costas for voicing his opinion on the matter while many others (apparently including the large majority of members here) make excuses for the guy saying "he's just emotional" or the media has it out for him.

Would you honestly defend this guy so vehemently or take criticisms of him so personally if he weren't a Dallas Cowboy? I think not. I doubt you were lining up in his defense when he was labelled the same way during his fallout in Philadelphia. Or San Francisco. In fact, you probably would have agreed with Costas' remarks at that time. I don't see anyone here emphatically defending Chad Johnson when Costas apparently made the same remarks in regards to him. You most likely agree with him on '85'. So why the double-standard when it comes to Owens? It's that coddling mentality Costas is speaking of that enables T.O.'s immaturity to continue and be acceptable behavior. It's especially sad to see the average fan respond that way when they don't know him personally and don't even have the vested interest in the individual that his occupational superiors have. He just plays football for your favorite team.

The bottom line is this. You never have and I don't think you ever will see Jason Witten (for example) act in the immature, flippant fashion that T.O. does. I'm sure Witten has ups and downs as well as personal losses, etc. like anyone other player. We know about Witten's rough upbringing in an abusive household. Yet he performs on the same large stage under the same pressures as T.O. and still handles himself on and off the field in a mature and collected manner and THAT is the standard to which these pro-athletes should be held. They live priviledged lives and earn a fortune to play a game for a living and we shouldn't blindly defend them for their ridiculous antics just because they can catch a football well. (Or not so well sometimes, in T.O.'s case :))

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