NewyScruggs Blog: Bob Costas Thinks T.O. Has Personality Issues

WoodysGirl;2317678 said:
Original blog entry

Bob: T.O. Has ‘Diagnosable Personality Disorder’
Bob Costas appeared this week on Dan Le Batard’s “790 The Ticket” radio show and had this to say about Terrell Owens:

“I’m not a psychologist"

That one sentence say's it all.:mad:
xWraithx;2319547 said:
I think Spectre misspelled his username.. it's S-p-h-i-n-c-t-e-r
okay, B-a-t-m-a-n.
now get to bed, you've got school in the morning.
TO overdoses on drugs, personality, I believe he has more than personality issues.
Welp. At long last we've found "Bob". King of the moral mountain.
Dave_in-NC;2319293 said:
I get your point but like another poster said, it would all calm down if owens himself would let it. To me his no comment today was huge. If he can keep that up it will get boring even for the media. I doubt he can, he likes the attention, any kind of attention.

Man. Poor Tony. He's got an attention sponge at work and then goes home to the other. Geez. That's gotta suck. He must have a hole in the middle of nowhere.
jobberone;2317714 said:
There is little doubt as to him having narcissistic traits. But it's liabel to state a person has a personality disorder and not know that is a fact. I actually rather doubt he's narcissistic enough to be diagnosed with the disorder though. He's much too different as a private person. From his interviews you can tell he's aware of his self promotion and not taking it too seriously. Narcissistic people don't make jokes about I love me some me then laugh. They are not that self aware. He's also too well liked by his teammates everywhere he's been. No one likes a true narcissistic person. If Costas had actually interviewed one or known one he wouldn't be confused about it. More BS.

I'm afraid I had misinformaton and preconceived notions about TO before he came here. I've since learned to love the guy.

Very well put. And by the way, where did Costas get the reputation of a premier sports reporter?
WV Cowboy;2319328 said:
I understand where people choose not to like Owens.

He is not what most of our parents, or coaches taught us we should be like.

However, I have coached for 16 or 17 seasons and I have seen all kinds, ... not all were what our parents or coaches taught us we should be like.

As the coach, I still had to find a way to embrace them though, whether they were my idea of the model player or not.

That was my initial reaction when he came here.

I have to say, I paid no attention to Owens when he was at SF.

I only started to sort of follow him because he was in the NFC East.

I saw how he reacted in a couple of situations, and I kind of started to like the guy. He reminded me of a couple of kids that I have coached.

Because of my utter disdain for McSpoiled, I tried to see Owens side during that fiasco in Philthy and came to the conculsion that McChunky was as much at fault as Owens, if not more so. He was like the teachers pet that did stuff to get others in trouble, but always came out smelling like a rose.

Donny boy is a big strong athlete, and when healthy, a very good QB, but he is a putz, a spoiled and catered to athlete, ... wouldn't want him as my QB, ever. He is not a leader because he is not secure enough to share the glory.
And he seems to shrink in the clutch.

This passionate hate that the media has for Owens either started when he crossed paths with McPuke, or because he signed with the dreaded Dallas Cowboys.

A move that I was in favor of since I heard he might come here.

But that is when this all became so personal with the media.

I have never seen an athlete villified by the media to the lengths that Owens is. He is not without guilt, be he does not deserve the treatment that he gets. It does not matter what he says or does, they find fault.

They would love to see your Cowboys blow up mid-season, and they would love to blame Owens so they could say, "I told you so."

He hasn't done anything since he has been in Dallas, except work hard, catch balls, score TD's, and set records.

So to say we all hated him prior to him becoming a Cowboy is not true in my case. He is not perfect, but I have found enough to like about him to offset what I don't like.

I'm glad he's here. We would suck offensively without him.

I generally support TO. I think he is villified to an extreme at times.

But to state it doesn't matter what he says or does is simply not true. Two weeks ago he was being hailed for chasing down the CB after the interception in GB. He was not being villified.

Then after poorly wording his struggles with the playcalling vs Washington he was again villified. Was it an overreaction by the media? Yes.

But it was totally brought on by A-His words + B-his past. Its not just totally fabricated "no matter what he says or does."

And today I hear we have a very unemotional TO saying and doing the right things and no one is taking him to task on that.

I guess I'm not seeing how you reconcile "he is not without guilt" and "it does not matter what he says or does, they find fault."
Did he all of a sudden come down with a personality disorder in 2000? Because he had ZERO (literally ZERO) problems in San Francisco his first four seasons there, 1996-1999. He had ZERO in his college days. The people who only knew him from 1999 and prior are completely stunned by his media portrayal.

But, hey 2000, the very same year he twice went to the star at Texas stadium, leading media and fans to head his way with pitchforks, all of a sudden all of these things miraculously started "popping up." Comments that were obviously taken out of context to make it look like he was selfish. Questions that were obviously baiting him that he wasn't savvy enough not to answer. Cameras focusing on him when he was shouting on the sidelines, not even realizing that 99% of the time it's either self or team encouragement...and that hundreds upon hundreds of NFL players scream or have screamed on the sidelines, both to encourage and to complain, and it was not even close to being a big deal.
CanadianCowboysFan;2317789 said:
If Costas isn't a psychologist as he freely admits, why is he still making diagnoses?
I'm no doctor, but I think we should ampuate your leg. I don't like the way it looks.

The above is the equivalent of whast Costas is saying.
Spectre;2319540 said:
Why does no one here seem to grasp the fact that you are accusing the media of attacking T.O. from afar when they don't know him personally, aren't qualified to judge him and have an agenda when that is EXACTLY what the members here are doing, only in defense of Owens?

None of you know him personally or have even the slightest connection to him beyond his presence on your favorite football team. So how is the media, who have at least been in his immediate presence on multiple occasions, spoken with him directly and are employed to follow these players' lives closely, not entitled to their opinion but you are yours?

Doesn't make sense. I understand contraversy is good for business in the media world but I have to admit I am more apt to accept their take on T.O. than yours because they have at least had direct contact with him and have to maintain some kind of credibility in order to stay employed and (most importantly) don't have the vested interest in seeing the Dallas Cowboys as 'all peaches and cream' the way you do.

There are several flaws in your argument.

1. People on this board are not definitely saying he is this kind of person or that kind of person. People saying he seems like a good guy is much different than a person (with no actual expertise in the area) says a guy meets criteria for a major mental disorder.

2. What direct contact has Bob Costas had with TO? I can't recall him ever interviewing TO, but maybe he did and I missed it? How much experience did the talking heads commenting on his "Yea, I want the ball more" have with him? Much of the media is reporting on people and stories that they no little to nothing about.

3. Most people would be unlikely to know if someone close to them has a personality disorder (or most mental disorders for that matter). Very few people problem even have heard of most of the various personality disorders.

If Costas had just said that TO had some issues, I wouldn't have been an irritated by it. Even then, it would have been a potshot against an athlete that he barely knows, if at all. But given the specific verbage that Costas used, it just made him look like a idiot jumping on the TO is Bad Bandwagon. It would be no different than a media person saying that "I'm no doctor, but I think so and so has an STD." It frankly is a comment born out of ignorance without all the facts.

For the record, I think TO can be incredibly selfish at times with his celebrations and whatnot, but that doesn't give a talking head the right to give him a diagnosis of a personality disorder.

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