NewyScruggs Blog: Bob Costas Thinks T.O. Has Personality Issues

McNabb gets a free pass from the media (ESPN) for taking shots at T.O., and he has taken them in the past. Owens is a former 49er, and now that he is thriving in Dallas, you know Berman can't stand it. Tom Jackson loves Bill Parcells, so he gets his shots in for him. Keyshaun was replaced by T.O., so he gets his shots in, too. Chris Carter just follows the company line and takes his shots as well. Though, he should remember some of his rants towards Dante Culpepper at the end of his career.

McNabb's disrespect and jealousy towards Owens is a hidden secret unless you talk to Owens, Deon Sanders or Micheal Irvin.

In fact, if McNabb would have thrown the ball more to Owens in that game, he might have a ring.

T.O. needs to tune these people out. Don't watch them. However, I can understand his anger, because they are smearing him on national television. So, I don't have a problem with Owens defending himself against these smears, and they are smears. In fact, it shows strength to defend yourself.

The ESPN crew jumps on Owens for "not letting it go". However, they themselves "will not let it go". They are waiting to pounce, and Owens did give them some amunition. However, Owens recent comments after the loss were out of frustration I'm sure.
CanadianCowboysFan;2317789 said:
If Costas isn't a psychologist as he freely admits, why is he still making diagnoses?

I agree. Is it a "personality issue", or is it emotion. T.O. is an emotional person. He takes up for his quarterback after a terrible loss in the playoffs, and he helps strangers who are bleeding in the street.

I'll fight for this guy.
Bob freakin Costas.... your opinion is as good as dead to anyone not named "NBC"... Nothing-Based Checkwriting.

Hey Bob, the day you realize that it's Peyton "M-A-nning" and not Peyton "Men-nning" is the day you cease being an idiot. Except that's just not happening.. is it
Sometimes I'm appalled at what I read here. I suppose let the flaming begin but I couldn't [respectfully] disagree with the above statements more.

IMO, Bob Costas is exactly right on in his statements. I myself came to the same conclusion about T.O., a LONG time ago, as well as Chad Johnson, among others. I don't know how anyone could possibly come to ANY other conclusion. He IS a big child. T.O. said it himself.. 'if it walks like a rat and talks like a rat.' Well T.O. definitely walks and talks like a big child, often. And if you don't see that, then your Cowboys bias is blinding. Kudos to Costas for voicing his opinion on the matter while many others (apparently including the large majority of members here) make excuses for the guy saying "he's just emotional" or the media has it out for him.

Would you honestly defend this guy so vehemently or take criticisms of him so personally if he weren't a Dallas Cowboy? I think not. I doubt you were lining up in his defense when he was labelled the same way during his fallout in Philadelphia. Or San Francisco. In fact, you probably would have agreed with Costas' remarks at that time. I don't see anyone here emphatically defending Chad Johnson when Costas apparently made the same remarks in regards to him. You most likely agree with him on '85'. So why the double-standard when it comes to Owens? It's that coddling mentality Costas is speaking of that enables T.O.'s immaturity to continue and be acceptable behavior. It's especially sad to see the average fan respond that way when they don't know him personally and don't even have the vested interest in the individual that his occupational superiors have. He just plays football for your favorite team.

The bottom line is this. You never have and I don't think you ever will see Jason Witten (for example) act in the immature, flippant fashion that T.O. does. I'm sure Witten has ups and downs as well as personal losses, etc. like anyone other player. We know about Witten's rough upbringing in an abusive household. Yet he performs on the same large stage under the same pressures as T.O. and still handles himself on and off the field in a mature and collected manner and THAT is the standard to which these pro-athletes should be held. They live priviledged lives and earn a fortune to play a game for a living and we shouldn't blindly defend them for their ridiculous antics just because they can catch a football well. (Or not so well sometimes, in T.O.'s case :))
Boysboy;2317682 said:
:bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2:

For the UPteenth time..........HE HAD A FREAKING DEATH IN THE FREAKING FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2:

Has this been confirmed?
burmafrd;2318084 said:
So spectre where is YOUR MEDICAL DEGREE?
Don't have one.
Do you?
I mean if I need one to form my own opinion on T.O.'s character, don't you as well?
By that logic, where's your Degree in Sports Science that makes you qualified to discuss anything in a football forum?
I mean really... Let's not be ridiculous. Aren't we on a forum to simply voice our opinions? That's all I'm doing. I'm not testifying in a court of law against the guy.

Why so serious?
When you support a tool like Costas who claims he can diagnose such things without a degree then you get tarred with the same brush. Capice?
Spectre;2318047 said:
Sometimes I'm appalled at what I read here. I suppose let the flaming begin but I couldn't [respectfully] disagree with the above statements more.

IMO, Bob Costas is exactly right on in his statements. I myself came to the same conclusion about T.O., a LONG time ago, as well as Chad Johnson, among others. I don't know how anyone could possibly come to ANY other conclusion. He IS a big child. T.O. said it himself.. 'if it walks like a rat and talks like a rat.' Well T.O. definitely walks and talks like a big child, often. And if you don't see that, then your Cowboys bias is blinding. Kudos to Costas for voicing his opinion on the matter while many others (apparently including the large majority of members here) make excuses for the guy saying "he's just emotional" or the media has it out for him.

Would you honestly defend this guy so vehemently or take criticisms of him so personally if he weren't a Dallas Cowboy? I think not. I doubt you were lining up in his defense when he was labelled the same way during his fallout in Philadelphia. Or San Francisco. In fact, you probably would have agreed with Costas' remarks at that time. I don't see anyone here emphatically defending Chad Johnson when Costas apparently made the same remarks in regards to him. You most likely agree with him on '85'. So why the double-standard when it comes to Owens? It's that coddling mentality Costas is speaking of that enables T.O.'s immaturity to continue and be acceptable behavior. It's especially sad to see the average fan respond that way when they don't know him personally and don't even have the vested interest in the individual that his occupational superiors have. He just plays football for your favorite team.

The bottom line is this. You never have and I don't think you ever will see Jason Witten (for example) act in the immature, flippant fashion that T.O. does. I'm sure Witten has ups and downs as well as personal losses, etc. like anyone other player. We know about Witten's rough upbringing in an abusive household. Yet he performs on the same large stage under the same pressures as T.O. and still handles himself on and off the field in a mature and collected manner and THAT is the standard to which these pro-athletes should be held. They live priviledged lives and earn a fortune to play a game for a living and we shouldn't blindly defend them for their ridiculous antics just because they can catch a football well. (Or not so well sometimes, in T.O.'s case :))

Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Since mental disorders is a very large dumping ground what axis are you placing TO's mental disorder? What mental disorder do you think he has and how does he meet the criteria?
Count me amongst those who wish, for his own sake, that TO would simply shut his mouth. Is he treated fairly by the media? No. Will it ever completely stop? Probably not.

But none of that prohibits TO from doing what is best for him, which is to simply walk away from controversy. The media has a job to do that they interpret as giving them license to stir & stir & stir the pot. Think TO is going to change their mind on that? The fact that TO at times chooses to walk into the eye of the storm at the very least shows poor judgment.

So for TO its simply a matter of "cannot" or "will not" walk away from the controversy. Not sure it matters which it is.

But whichever it is there are a number of board members here who deal with it in the same manner, rant and stew and fester. With the close link this site apparently has with some media types it could actually be argued that posters here make matters worse because they advertise to the media "this is what I want to talk about". And so guess what the media talks about?
WoodysGirl;2317678 said:
... and yet when the slightest thing that touches his sensitivities comes up, he breaks down in tears and (says) ‘you don’t understand him.’

“(Owens acts like) ‘My feelings are paramount always. The slightest injury to me is a grave injustice.

Are you kidding me??

.. the slightest thing ?

.. the slightest injury to me ?

This guys puts up with more CRAP than any other athlete than I can think of !!

His skin is tougher than I can even imagine.
If I had to put up with people always picking apart and demonizing every single thing I said, like T.O., I would have gone postal by now.

But that's just me.
The only thing I got from reading that was that Costas has a blog.

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