The fact that you have the nerve to come on here and write a damn book in response to me explaining what you and some other guy were talking about is hilarious.
Just as hilarious as you reading it, pretending that you didn't and then writing your own book.
Just because I enter a thread and comment does not mean I have hijacked you and another guy's conversation. You assumed that, but you would. It's all about you in your world.
Who said anything about hijacked? Do you even know how to use words correctly?
You entered a thread and started commenting about people making this issue about race. In a thread that had a variety of topics being discussed, you picked the one theme that I and another poster were discussing. And then, as skinscalper stated, you provided
NO context to your statement.
Anyone who understands context and logic would draw the same conclusion. But maybe in
your world, people drop into conversations bellowing about the topic others are discussing then claim they're not talking to anyone specific in that conversation.
Furthermore, your response to me betrays your argument.
After I said we've finished discussing the topic. This is what you said:
Oh I'd love to leave the topic. Unfortunately it'll never be left alone.
Like I said, it's like clockwork.
I can make the same arguments about certain white players as well.
What, you think Cam Newton is the only player to reciever racial hate mail? Do you think that white players haven't recieved it?
Keep them clock dials spinnin', my friend.
Translation: You really wanted to talk about this topic and found a place where you could appropriately do so. Hhhhm. Wonder why you chose this thread if you, indeed, didn't pay attention to the previous comments.
Then instead of stopping you pontificate about how other players have experienced racism (if it's hogwash, why would you reach for other examples that basically confirm my contention that some of Cam's criticism is, indeed, because of race?), then you tell me to keep the clock hands spinning, which means you believe I'm contributing to the Cam-race angle.
But then you say you don't know what I said previously. So you don't know what I said previously yet you accuse me of perpetuating the argument that it's all about race.
And this you deduce without reading my posts.
You're not fooling anyone, except, maybe, yourself.
Whatever you were arguing for or against. Whatever point you were trying to make. Whatever your warped mind was agreeing to with another poster. Whatever disagreements you were having. None of that has anything to do with me or what I posted.
And yet here you are trying to convince yourself that it doesn't.
I live in right outside of Charlotte. The conversation of Cam and his antics as well as his race has come up more times than I can remember. The race card is soon to follow, most of the time. I made a general comment about it based on my opinion. A general comment about the issue. That's it. It wasn't about you. (Yes, I know that's hard to fathom in your world) and it wasn't towards you or anyone you were engaged in a conversation with.
Again, so you just enter conversations and rant about unconnected topics? So if we're having a discussion about Cam Newton's performance, you would enter a conversation to say: "
Ah the racists claim. It's like clockwork. I don't like Cam Newton.............I must be a racists. That must be it."
You understand that's what crazy people do? They enter conversations and start talking about totally unrelated issues without any context. Unless, of course, there is a
PRIOR discussion about the topic ongoing, and you want to weigh in.
Come on. You can admit it.
You obviously took issue with what I said because you refuted my overall premise that I think the race card in this issue for the most part is hogwash. Whatever you said prior to another poster you is your problem, or problem you solved, or whatever.
LOL! I love it when you agree with me and you don't realize you do.

Uh, you do know that your above statement is the same as my statement:
"Again, not everyone who disagrees with Cam's celebration is a racist. Far from it. But some are."
Of course, if you had read this discussion in context, you wouldn't be making yourself look like a complete fool. Maybe a semi-fool, but not a complete one.
Your logic only works in your world. This is a message board. A person can make a general comment and it doesn't always have to be towards, about, or in response to another poster. But again, I can't fault a person like you for thinking anything other than what you thought. Again, to you, it's your world and we are all just living in it.
To the first bold item, yes, people
CAN make general comments, just as people can speak about a situation out of context. A message board doesn't discriminate against topics of discussion - per forum rules. But the
LOGIC of what one says is not something a message board regulates. That would be "regulated" by those who understand how language, conversations and context work.
And as I've pointed out, for you to enter a thread and make statements reflected in
THIS thread but claim you weren't addressing anyone or the conversation in
THIS thread makes you sound senile. And we're pretty familiar with how senile people operate.
To the last bold information in your book review

, you're right you're living in my world. Welcome!