Twitter: NFL announces new domestic violence policy


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So you can be the mastermind of a large scale organized crime syndicate, like Michael Vick, and just get suspended a year. You can kill someone while drunk, and only get 8 games (Leonard Little). Doesn't make any sense.

he never does


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He's not gonna make anyone happy no matter what he does.

The Pro leagues should just fine players for bad conduct. Make a 1st time domestic violence offense result in 1 year without pay, but no suspension.

Suspensions just screw the fans. Fining the players more money than they would lose while suspended would be a bigger deterrent to the players


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I'm not going to say I agree or disagree, as I really haven't thought about it much yet.
But if this seems kind of harsh for a lifetime ban on the 2nd offense. Is it a kneew jerk reaction on his part, because basically Ray Rice is getting away with practically nothing then for punishment, so the next in line gets it worse.

Seems he is doing his usual on making up policies, and throwing darts at a board.
I do believe domestic violence should carry more of a punishment than substance abuse.

It would probably have to be 2 convictions or at least have video evidence which they had with Ray Rice. There won't be video in most cases and most of them won't get convicted.


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Is she serious?

If it costs that much I'll just continue to allow myself to be beaten?

I suppose that's one way to say you're only in it for the money.

There's a couple things at play here. Domestic violence victims can be shamed to keep quiet. Like the ex-girlfriend of Greg Oden. From what's been reported, he beat the hell out of her to the point his mom had to get him off her. She wasn't going to report it, because of who he is. It came out, because her friend said something in front of the police.

Soo, while I wouldn't subject myself to that, I get the point. You got a lot of girls who trying to get taken to the league. I knew a few in college. They try to be ride or die. They want to be wife'd up and will do everything for their man to get him to the league so THEY can get to the league. And once they get there, they will not want to jeopardize his career, even if he is the world's worst man.


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I'm glad thye upped the penalty.
But a lifetime bad for what could potentially be based on one person's word is very extreme.


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I'm not going to say I agree or disagree, as I really haven't thought about it much yet.
But if this seems kind of harsh for a lifetime ban on the 2nd offense. Is it a kneew jerk reaction on his part, because basically Ray Rice is getting away with practically nothing then for punishment, so the next in line gets it worse.

Seems he is doing his usual on making up policies, and throwing darts at a board.
I do believe domestic violence should carry more of a punishment than substance abuse.

I think it's a reaction to the Ray Rice thing, but there have been some high profile domestic violence incidents lately in the NFL. Greg Hardy in Jax and the incident in KC a couple years ago, I forget the name. But when you have a murder-suicide take place in an NFL facility, you have to wonder if there was more you could do.

I guess Goodell would rather overcorrect and then dial it back based on counterproposals by the NFL.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
So let me ask all of you married guys on here. If you catch your wife cheating on you what is the first thing that would come to your mind? I know what mine would be. And that's somebody is about to die. I mean I'm not saying you ever hit a woman but if my wife cheated on me I would freakin snap somebody in half.

Roger Goodell is a clown with this decision .

So I guess I would get a lifetime ban from the nfl or a suspension or something if I played in the Nfl and something like that happened to me.
It sure looks to me like you're saying that you'd hit a woman.

For the record: I'm married, I love my wife, if I found out she was cheating on me I'd be shocked and deeply hurt, and no, "snapping somebody in half" would not come to my mind.


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So you can be the mastermind of a large scale organized crime syndicate, like Michael Vick, and just get suspended a year. You can kill someone while drunk, and only get 8 games (Leonard Little). Doesn't make any sense.

Welcome to Roger's Kingdom


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just make it simple....if you run afoul of the law for drugs or are done forever.....playing in the NFL like any job is a privledge...not a right


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I think it's a reaction to the Ray Rice thing, but there have been some high profile domestic violence incidents lately in the NFL. Greg Hardy in Jax and the incident in KC a couple years ago, I forget the name. But when you have a murder-suicide take place in an NFL facility, you have to wonder if there was more you could do.

I guess Goodell would rather overcorrect and then dial it back based on counterproposals by the NFL.
It's typical NFL reactive decision-making. Rather than make the effort to put together comprehensive, coherent policies, they get blindsided by an incident and move to cover themselves as fast as possible by addressing only that type of activity. And they're left with a complete mish-mash of arbitrary policies.

But it's a lot harder to dial something like this back ("See? The NFL doesn't care about domestic violence!") than it is to make it tougher. So you're stuck with whatever rules you throw together in the heat of the moment.


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Andrew Brandt ‏@adbrandt 5m
Had interesting talk with an NFL league exec about new domestic violence policy. Will tweet out some takeaways...
Public reaction to Rice obviously played a role, but so did reactions of people Goodell respects greatly, including some owners.
In a year of conversation on respectful treatment of others - bullying, Michael Sam, etc. - sense of "not getting it right" re women.
Am told of several recent NFL meetings with domestic violence advocacy groups, education about vast underreporting, impacts, etc.
Goodell had "multiple conversations" w/DeMaurice Smith as well as talks between NFL and NFLPA lawyers. Not "consent" but discussed.

Jane McManus ‏@janesports 3m
New NFL measures include taking message to college, high school football programs -- domestic violence and sexual assault are unacceptable.
The NFL reached out to groups that specialize in domestic violence in order to reach new policy. Listened for 3 weeks, made it a priority.

Albert Breer ‏@AlbertBreer 5m
Union was informed about the NFL's new domestic violence policy. It's under personal conduct, so the commissioner could act unilaterally.


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Sorry to be that guy but, I guess nobody ever dated a stripper before right? Im just saying, women can be crazy and yeah crazy. Ill leave it at that. Im not for hitting women ok.


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So let me ask all of you married guys on here. If you catch your wife cheating on you what is the first thing that would come to your mind? I know what mine would be. And that's somebody is about to die. I mean I'm not saying you ever hit a woman but if my wife cheated on me I would freakin snap somebody in half.

Roger Goodell is a clown with this decision .

So I guess I would get a lifetime ban from the nfl or a suspension or something if I played in the Nfl and something like that happened to me.

I fully understand where you're coming from. Cheating on a spouse is a horrible thing and the damage is lasting.

But there are factors that have to be considered. If a spouse is cheating, why? Is that spouse just a POS, or are there factors in the relationship that lead to it happening? If a POS, why put oneself in legal trouble by responding in such a way as you have suggested? Sure you would be angry, but is the POS worth it? If there are other factors, while none may justify the cheating, it may be a good time to evaluate what led up to things getting to this point. Lets face it, many relationships have unresolved issues and shortcomings that are ignored. People that cheat, do so for a reason.

Nobody wins when a cheater is found out and the immediate response by the other spouse is to lash out in anger and react foolishly. Much more damage is done and often its the damage in the aftermath that proves to make it impossible to reconcile. The one hurt wants the other to be hurt and pay for their transgression as payback. And it justified right? It still doesnt help the situation in any way no matter what the ultimate outcome is.

One thing about life, when you take the high road as an individual, even if you've been wronged, other people will always respect you for it. When you play the fool, even if other fools think its justifiable, you look like a fool. And one has to plan ahead of time to not play the fool should a situation ever occur where it may feel like the right thing to do. Its to easy to play the fool when we just react. Its more difficult to take the high road in difficult situations, but if I plan ahead for how I think and react, its truly possible. And you're a better person for it.


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So let me ask all of you married guys on here. If you catch your wife cheating on you what is the first thing that would come to your mind? I know what mine would be. And that's somebody is about to die. I mean I'm not saying you ever hit a woman but if my wife cheated on me I would freakin snap somebody in half.

Roger Goodell is a clown with this decision .

So I guess I would get a lifetime ban from the nfl or a suspension or something if I played in the Nfl and something like that happened to me.

lol...Good lord no.

Why? Is it going to change the fact she cheated?

This would be a really stupid reaction, to be quite honest. So you're telling me that not only are you finding out that your wife cheated on you, thus ruining your life in that way already, but you're going to compound the problem by being a meat head idiot and beating the hell out of her as well? Thus getting arrested, paying fines, and possibly going to jail?

Well...good luck with all that.

No I wouldn't hit her. I wouldn't touch her. I'd tell her to hit the bricks and she'd be out. It's really that simple. It's not worth going to jail for or paying fines and BS over some woman who obviously didn't love you if she's messing around on you.

I LOVE this decision. I hope it sticks. They should take this very serious. Send a big time message that being a punk *** who hits women simply isn't going to be tolerated. And, yes, unless that woman is threatening/endangering the life of your children then you're a punk *** if you're hitting her. Straight up. Any guy who hits a woman for less than that is useless.


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Sorry to be that guy but, I guess nobody ever dated a stripper before right? Im just saying, women can be crazy and yeah crazy. Ill leave it at that. Im not for hitting women ok.


So if they're crazy strippers you could see why it might happen and be OK?

Well alright then.


Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01
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Suspensions just screw the fans. Fining the players more money than they would lose while suspended would be a bigger deterrent to the players

I disagree with this. Yeah, in theory and on paper, it makes sense. But how many professional athletes do you know of who would give the same amount of effort and dedication to their craft if they are receiving zero pay for that whole time? Doesn't sound to me like a player I'd be excited to watch during that non-paying season.

Don't get me wrong -- if there are guys out there who love the game of football so much that they will still give 110% even when they aren't earning a living (probably Sean Lee), that would be a hell of a thing to witness. But not very likely IMO.


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I disagree with this. Yeah, in theory and on paper, it makes sense. But how many professional athletes do you know of who would give the same amount of effort and dedication to their craft if they are receiving zero pay for that whole time? Doesn't sound to me like a player I'd be excited to watch during that non-paying season.

Don't get me wrong -- if there are guys out there who love the game of football so much that they will still give 110% even when they aren't earning a living (probably Sean Lee), that would be a hell of a thing to witness. But not very likely IMO.

Players are known to give max effort in contract years. They could set it up such that the team gets an option to void the players long term contract if they get the penalty. That would put them into a contract year type of situation. If the player loafed and was already a know 1st time offender, then he would have a hard time getting a job the following season.

In reality, the players would need to be paid something, but it could be like 50K per year to make certain players that didn't save up any money could pay rent.


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Sorry to be that guy but, I guess nobody ever dated a stripper before right? Im just saying, women can be crazy and yeah crazy. Ill leave it at that. Im not for hitting women ok.

I always gave the strippers a psychological review before dating them.;)