Twitter: NFL announces new domestic violence policy


Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01
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Players are known to give max effort in contract years. They could set it up such that the team gets an option to void the players long term contract if they get the penalty. That would put them into a contract year type of situation. If the player loafed and was already a know 1st time offender, then he would have a hard time getting a job the following season.

That would be a pretty reasonable way to handle that I think. I especially like the idea of being able to void the rest of a long-term deal if a player receives this punishment. However, I can imagine some situations where a less-than-honorable front office might try to frame a player for domestic violence just so they can get out of a 10 year $140 million contract for someone who turns out to suck. Just kidding of course, but could you imagine?


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Really this does not kiss and make up over the Ray Rice thing. Rice got off on a free pass!:(:mad:


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Maybe men just shouldn't hit there wives, or girlfriends?

What if the wives and girlfriends are beating them with frying pans or baseball bats??? Tell me it doesn't happen, I dare you. And when that happens, sometimes the man is surprised and unable to extricate himself without retaliation. Is that ok or is there just no possible way any woman can threaten any man?? Careful with your response. :mad: I'm not talking about Rice's situation either because that was definately unnecessary but situations do arise.


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Is she serious?

If it costs that much I'll just continue to allow myself to be beaten?

I suppose that's one way to say you're only in it for the money.

Do you honestly think that money isn't a consideration for some women?


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What if the wives and girlfriends are beating them with frying pans or baseball bats??? Tell me it doesn't happen, I dare you. And when that happens, sometimes the man is surprised and unable to extricate himself without retaliation. Is that ok or is there just no possible way any woman can threaten any man?? Careful with your response. :mad: I'm not talking about Rice's situation either because that was definately unnecessary but situations do arise.

You dont seem to understand the term domestic abuse


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I think it's a reaction to the Ray Rice thing, but there have been some high profile domestic violence incidents lately in the NFL. Greg Hardy in Jax and the incident in KC a couple years ago, I forget the name. But when you have a murder-suicide take place in an NFL facility, you have to wonder if there was more you could do.

I guess Goodell would rather overcorrect and then dial it back based on counterproposals by the NFL.

I was going to say Andre Rison and his girlfriend from Salt N Peppa but the incident you referenced isn't that. I can't remember that player either. It was right around the same time as Seau's suicide IIRC


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There are going to be a TON of players held hostage and blackmailed by lying beeches.


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I was going to say Andre Rison and his girlfriend from Salt N Peppa but the incident you referenced isn't that. I can't remember that player either. It was right around the same time as Seau's suicide IIRC

Rison was dating Lisa Lopes from TLC. They had a very volatile relationship. She died in a car accident a few years ago.

Quick google.. It was Jovan Belcher. He shot the mother of his child and then killed himself.


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Jason La Canfora ‏@JasonLaCanfora 2m
Asked NFL if pending DV cases grandfathered into new policy, if 2nd Rice offense would be lifetime ban everything "addressed individually"
Also, NFL not making blanket statement on when discipline commences (time of arrest?Charges?) each decision based on individual merits


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You dont seem to understand the term domestic abuse

I understand it perfectly and I also understand how a situation can sneak up on a man. When the police are called for domestic violence they don't call CSI to determine if the woman's story is true they just take the man away. I can give multiple examples but I don't think this is the forum to go into those kind of details. Needless to say it can happen and I would hate to see someone lose their livelihood over a lover's vindictiveness ( If I can't have you then I'll get even syndrome ).


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Jason La Canfora ‏@JasonLaCanfora 2m
Asked NFL if pending DV cases grandfathered into new policy, if 2nd Rice offense would be lifetime ban everything "addressed individually"
Also, NFL not making blanket statement on when discipline commences (time of arrest?Charges?) each decision based on individual merits

As in depending on the situation they will either let the court case settle first (if the guy is saying it didn't happen like that) or they will come down right off the bat if there is irrefutable evidence, or a confession (IE The Ray Rice security footage)


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I understand it perfectly and I also understand how a situation can sneak up on a man. When the police are called for domestic violence they don't call CSI to determine if the woman's story is true they just take the man away. I can give multiple examples but I don't think this is the forum to go into those kind of details. Needless to say it can happen and I would hate to see someone lose their livelihood over a lover's vindictiveness ( If I can't have you then I'll get even syndrome ).

If you didn't hit the woman, then there wouldn't be a problem would there? They won't just suspend you for a year, because a woman cries wolf. There will have to be evidence or confession of guilt.


Cowboy Fan
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The NFL is apparently unaware of how vindictive a woman scorned is.

Unless this will only go into effect if you are dumb enough to be video taped in an elevator.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I fully understand where you're coming from. Cheating on a spouse is a horrible thing and the damage is lasting.

But there are factors that have to be considered. If a spouse is cheating, why? Is that spouse just a POS, or are there factors in the relationship that lead to it happening? If a POS, why put oneself in legal trouble by responding in such a way as you have suggested? Sure you would be angry, but is the POS worth it? If there are other factors, while none may justify the cheating, it may be a good time to evaluate what led up to things getting to this point. Lets face it, many relationships have unresolved issues and shortcomings that are ignored. People that cheat, do so for a reason.

Nobody wins when a cheater is found out and the immediate response by the other spouse is to lash out in anger and react foolishly. Much more damage is done and often its the damage in the aftermath that proves to make it impossible to reconcile. The one hurt wants the other to be hurt and pay for their transgression as payback. And it justified right? It still doesnt help the situation in any way no matter what the ultimate outcome is.

One thing about life, when you take the high road as an individual, even if you've been wronged, other people will always respect you for it. When you play the fool, even if other fools think its justifiable, you look like a fool. And one has to plan ahead of time to not play the fool should a situation ever occur where it may feel like the right thing to do. Its to easy to play the fool when we just react. Its more difficult to take the high road in difficult situations, but if I plan ahead for how I think and react, its truly possible. And you're a better person for it.

If I ever walked in or found out my wife was cheating on me, I would be like, " have a nice life!" I would then immediately move in to a motel, contact a lawyer and after my divorce, I would take half my crap and get the hell out of Dodge and see if she can survive without me paying every household bill, Mortgage, car Insurance, TV, Internet, phone, Health Insurance and all the other expenses that I pay! And, smile at her while I drive off into the sunset.


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If you didn't hit the woman, then there wouldn't be a problem would there? They won't just suspend you for a year, because a woman cries wolf. There will have to be evidence or confession of guilt.

That's what I want to know. Are they going to suspend him without an investigation? And sorry to disagree with you but all it takes for a man to go to jail on domestic abuse is for the woman to say he hit her and stick to her guns. It doesn't take actual physical proof (In most states).


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
The NFL is apparently unaware of how vindictive a woman scorned is.

Unless this will only go into effect if you are dumb enough to be video taped in an elevator.

Well, Screamin Steven Smith says that women bring it on themselves to get the crap beat out of them.


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That's what I want to know. Are they going to suspend him without an investigation? And sorry to disagree with you but all it takes for a man to go to jail on domestic abuse is for the woman to say he hit her and stick to her guns. It doesn't take actual physical proof (In most states).

I doubt they will. the NFL isn't that stupid, and the NFLPA wouldn't allow for it.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
What if the wives and girlfriends are beating them with frying pans or baseball bats??? Tell me it doesn't happen, I dare you. And when that happens, sometimes the man is surprised and unable to extricate himself without retaliation. Is that ok or is there just no possible way any woman can threaten any man?? Careful with your response. :mad: I'm not talking about Rice's situation either because that was definately unnecessary but situations do arise.

If a woman is assaulting in any way, shape or form, you just get the hell out of there and don't fight back, contact the police and see where it goes from there. It makes no sense to stay there and beat the hell out of each other.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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No group of people have ever sat down and hashed out a list of laws or rules which were universally accepted by everyone they were intended to govern. This was an over-reaction by the league office and the commissioner. Continued over-reactions will result in the creation of volumes devoted to rules and regulations covering everything imaginable. One day, the commissioner's office will be lined with rule books--not unlike the law texts commonly on display in attorneys' offices.


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So if they're crazy strippers you could see why it might happen and be OK?

Well alright then.
well you see, its complicated right? sometimes we make bad judgement calls and end up dating crazy strippers who flip out and throw things or say things then you say something then before you know she might blindside you with something I dont know. or so I was told.