Twitter: NFL announces new domestic violence policy


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
well you see, its complicated right? sometimes we make bad judgement calls and end up dating crazy strippers who flip out and throw things or say things then you say something then before you know she might blindside you with something I dont know. or so I was told.

First of all, why kind of man goes around dating strippers? You lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.


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If a woman is assaulting in any way, shape or form, you just get the hell out of there and don't fight back, contact the police and see where it goes from there. It makes no sense to stay there and beat the hell out of each other.

I can see your one of those people who believe that there is no possible way a woman could corner a man or get him into a room with one door "just to talk" or start beating him in his sleep. In your mind, it seems, that a man can just walk away and absorb whatever punishment she is dishing out even if she is smashing him in the head with a baseball bat. Yep just walk away.. I'm not going to waste another moment on this. Enjoy living in denial.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What if the wives and girlfriends are beating them with frying pans or baseball bats??? Tell me it doesn't happen, I dare you. And when that happens, sometimes the man is surprised and unable to extricate himself without retaliation. Is that ok or is there just no possible way any woman can threaten any man?? Careful with your response. :mad: I'm not talking about Rice's situation either because that was definately unnecessary but situations do arise.
All of this should really be up to the legal system. All of these questions already get hashed out from a legal standpoint. Now the NFL just has to go through the same questions.


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If you didn't hit the woman, then there wouldn't be a problem would there? They won't just suspend you for a year, because a woman cries wolf. There will have to be evidence or confession of guilt.
yeah ok lol. pretty much the opposite of everythinhg you said. in a perfect world maybe it works but no


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I can see your one of those people who believe that there is no possible way a woman could corner a man or get him into a room with one door "just to talk" or start beating him in his sleep. In your mind, it seems, that a man can just walk away and absorb whatever punishment she is dishing out even if she is smashing him in the head with a baseball bat. Yep just walk away.. I'm not going to waste another moment on this. Enjoy living in denial.

lol Listen, I know a woman can be hateful and beat you in your sleep. But, something else in the relationship had to have happened to make her that angry...and it won't be because you forgot the Milk and Bread. Enjoy going to jail or prison.


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just make it simple....if you run afoul of the law for drugs or are done forever.....playing in the NFL like any job is a privledge...not a right

Terrible terrible suggestion.


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What is with the uproar? We aren't talking about a lifetime ban after one single incident. If a player is puts himself in a bad position(domestic violence, sexual assault...) not just once, but twice what is to be expected. Maybe that player should not only change themselves in how they handle those types of situations, but also who they are with. And if you are questioning who you are with you probably already know the answer.


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Now can we get recreational drugs off the banned list when testing.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Men and women are equal in all aspects. Just as a man would defend himself from being assaulted by another man, a man should likewise defend himself from a woman attacking him. Domestic abuse is not self-defense, however.

It is wrong for a woman to strike a man in anger.

It is wrong for a man to strike a woman in anger.

Man or woman, if you possess an uncontrollable urge to strike your wife, husband, brother, sister, girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, father, etc.--you have anger management issues. You need help. The domestic abuse victim is not the party requiring corrective action. You are. Blah blah she started it. Nope. You are the problem.


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Men and women are equal in all aspects.

Thats funny, When Im undressed and my wife is undressed I dont see equality.

When it comes to heavy lifting I dont see equality.

When it comes to loving children and nurturing and showing compassion I dont see equality.

She is different and better at a lot of things than I am. And the same can be said for me.

She and I have equal value as persons, just like any other person. But we are not equals. We are different and thats the way we were created. And its a good thing!


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It was a joke that Ray Rice got 2 games for knocking out his wife, meanwhile pot heads are getting 6 games - 1 year of a ban. At least Goodell is righting his wrong on this, though I think 6 games on the first offense is still too lenient.


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I have never hit a woman. But this is a BS overreaction. Most cases are 'he said/she said' so basically you could lose half a season without any real proof of a wrong. Goodell always seems to go overboard with fines and suspensions.


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just make it simple....if you run afoul of the law for drugs or are done forever.....playing in the NFL like any job is a privledge...not a right

Then 70% of the league would be kicked out, that would be the worst move in sports history. Then you have the gray area where some drugs are legal in certain states, but others it's not, what would you do then? And you do realize a rule like that would sideline stars like Dez Bryant off the field. Do you really believe that Dez shouldn't be on the field?


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Thats funny, When Im undressed and my wife is undressed I dont see equality.

When it comes to heavy lifting I dont see equality.

When it comes to loving children and nurturing and showing compassion I dont see equality.

She is different and better at a lot of things than I am. And the same can be said for me.

She and I have equal value as persons, just like any other person. But we are not equals. We are different and thats the way we were created. And its a good thing!
I apologize for not being more clear. Equality and diversity are two separate social concepts. I spoke only about equality between men and women. You are right about the diversity that exists between the two sexes.


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What if the wives and girlfriends are beating them with frying pans or baseball bats??? Tell me it doesn't happen, I dare you. And when that happens, sometimes the man is surprised and unable to extricate himself without retaliation. Is that ok or is there just no possible way any woman can threaten any man?? Careful with your response. :mad: I'm not talking about Rice's situation either because that was definately unnecessary but situations do arise.

Don't let Michelle Beadle read this. She'll start a twitter war again.