NFL considering changing the draft from 3 to 4 days

I used to love it when the draft was all day Sat./ Sun. I used to plan my weekend around it. But now I watch Thursday and Friday with just checking in on the phone Sat. and Sunday.
What in the world is Goodell thinking?

If they put it across more days that would mean less hours of the draft on each day. I don't see how that makes family time more difficult. Should make it easier.
That is not long enough. I propose 71 days, ~March to May, starting two weeks after FA begins.

1st round: 1 pick per day (32 days)
2nd round: 2 picks per day (16 days)
3rd round: 4 picks per day (8 days)
4th round: 4 picks per day (8 days)
5th round: 8 picks per day (4 days)
6th round: 16 picks per day (2 days)
7th round: 32 picks per day (1 day)
1 week later: Undrafted free agency begins.
Pick limits do not apply to comp picks, so if there's 2 third round comp picks between 4 regular picks, there'd be 6 picks that day.

I also have another bad idea for an inverted draft (7th round to 1st round) with say white elephant gifting rules, but once a draft selection is stolen 3x in a row, another pick has to be made before selection stealing can begin again. That should limit it to about a week. Top overall draft picks would bubble their way up from 7th rounder to 1st rounder, while the rest settle towards the bottom.
Growing up no one even thought about showing the draft on TV it was not until 1980 that the draft was first televised and really was not a big success until 1988 when it was held over the weekend.
It's about time for a new USFL to start up where they still hit and focus on football. I'll buy the first ticket.
There are at least 20-30 Vets that should be on a team right now, they need to strike it rich and start their own league....even T.O. & H. Walker could have some more face time.
Seriouly? There's no rating after the 2nd...maybe the 3rd round. I rather watch LPGA.

the NFL couldn't care less if you're watching, the advertising money far out ways your participation, and the ratings say otherwise...
the NFL couldn't care less if you're watching, the advertising money far out ways your participation, and the ratings say otherwise...

Judging by the reactions of this "die hard" group the rating can't be too high. if th is group isn't watching after round 3 I am not sure who is. Advertisers will take note after a year or so of this junk.

Like Cuban said...NFL is will slowly kill itself because of greed.
Even though I would hate it, sadly I would still watch it. I enjoy listening to Norm and the crew during the draft (and watching our chat is always a hoot lol). I would be curious exactly how they would format that. Mostly hardcore peeps follow 4th and beyond.
Just trying to squeeze as much money out of it as possible.

If they're going to stretch it out they better actually put some effort into coming up with content for the third round and beyond. Last year the 4th -7th was crap as they just let a bunch of picks come off the board, talk about one and keep going. So they could rehash the first round over and over.

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