News: NFL considering pulling the plug on Thursday Night Football?

But what NFL player will want to play there? The taxes are insane, as is the cost of living.
Oh I'm not denying that there are obstacles to such a plan...and I'm sure Goddell and those boys have regular conversations with Euro gov types all the time. Certainly the big soccer players making WAY more than NFL players (Messi and Renaldo) have taken measures to avoid or manage certain financial hits, such as moving to Monaco. There are ways to structure it to make it reasonably attractive. I'm just saying that those issues won't dissuade the leagues interests.
I liked thursday football. But now that i don't watch Monday or Thursday I don't care if they pull it. Lol
I can safely assume we are ALL looking forward to thursday night football this week though. Lol
Huh, so it is. I stand corrected.
Only half are run on broadcast TV as well as the NFL Network, not all of them

I can only see a roll back of Thurs NF if they add two games to the regular season for 18 total
Eliminate 2 preseason games
Add 5 players to the roster
Add another 2 playoff teams
There aren't enough good teams in the league to have standalone matchups two days per week. Monday Night Football had been having a bad slate of games once it went over to ESPN. Thursday Night Football is even worse than that. Also, factor in the safety issues based on the short turnarounds, and it's been a very poor experiment.

I will bet you that the owners will use getting rid of TNF as a chip in trying to go to an 18 game schedule with the players.
Thursday night games are pretty awful. Neither team plays well due to not having time to prep or heal up from the previous game. The games get very sloppy and it's not a good product to be putting out there. I would be fine with 2 Saturday game every week instead of 1 Thursday game. I'm sure they are trying not to eat into the NCAA agreements, but I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem selling it like they do for the playoffs.
I don't watch them for the most part. Usually a dreg match-up.
That's the biggest problem. The matchups have been bad. I really like to watch on Sunday myself just because I don't like staying up late on week nights but if you had better games then more people would watch. I'm betting this Thurs has very high ratings
Clean up the screen. I don't need to know that the Vikings backup running back had 3 carries for 9 yards. We have smart phones now for that nonsense.
yes ! I hate the moving bar that gives scores etc, it is distracting !
I would rather see the play clock and how many time outs each team has ,plus that bar takes away part of the screen.
There is also too much editing in the games, they switch to different cameras too fast and too much.
When I lived on the west coast I loved every night game I could get my hands on since I moved to the east coast and got old I hate all of them
This is just one of many things they need to pull the plug on.

1. No more Thursday games except for the season opener and Thanksgiving. Dallas and Detroit only........ they wont stop this....more $

2. No more games in Mexico, England, Japan, Kazakhstan, or wherever else Goodell is drooling over. ....... they wont stop this.

3. No more Color Rush, ridiculous throwback uniforms that nobody recognizes, pink in October, camouflage in November, etc. Just a home and away uniform. People want to know who's playing the instant they turn on the game. yes on this I agree. of course some teams have changed
from regular nfl uni's to some crap unis which also turns off older viewers. TB and Cleve are now worse, so are jags.

4. No more after-kickoff commercials. yeah but they like that money. this may be more controlled by the network than nfl.

5. Clean up the screen. I don't need to know that the Vikings backup running back had 3 carries for 9 yards. We have smart phones now for that nonsense.
yeah I wish they would . it is distracting to have stuff moving at bottom of screen. Plus less picture/
If they do away with the TNF games, then they should dump the stupid idea of the season opening on a Thursday night also.

I for one do not mind the Thursday night games. Even if it is 2 teams not as exciting to some. It is to others. Even if 2 lame teams play, you never know how good they may be at the beginnig of the season. But if it ends up being 2 bad teams. To me it is something on other than the crap on all the other channels.

What are you all going to watch if not football.....the rest of anything on TV is just as bad.....and if it was better, then you would watch it and not care what teams are playing, as you would be watching other stuff. Then if football is on, it should not matter to you. As if that game was on Sunday, then you still would not watch it.

What if the Browns and Jets were on a Thursday night, allowing you to get the Dallas game on Sunday...but now without TNF...on Sunday you get the browns and Jets and not Dallas....

Some sunday nite games and thur nite, I dont watch if I dont care about the teams at all.
if it is pitt vs ravens, I dont even turn it on.
I have to have some interest in one of the teams.
If mildy interested, like the denver kc game, I will look at parts or listen to it, and then watch the end if close.

last nite it had a close game and OT.
I think I have only watched about 2 of the thur games. but not many more on the sun nite games.
monday games I dont watch at all. unless it is cowboys.
So I dont really care what they do with thur nites, it should be on sat nite but they wont do that.
Go back to Cowboys/Lions on Thanksgiving and drop the rest of Thursday games.

Move the extra point back to where it was while you're at it. Tired of Roger Goodell messing with the game for no other reason than to say he did.
They co-broadcast it now. It airs on CBS/NBC and NFL Network.

But they only do that to keep the games from being totally invisible to around 85% of the fans. When they started the NFL Network, their vision was to have these games exclusively on their own network & use access to the games as a selling point to get cable companies to carry the channel and pay the price the NFL demanded.

It didn't work. Too many of the games weren't good, and too many cable carriers balked at the high rates the NFL wanted to charge. After several years of trying to use the exclusive NFL Network games to leverage for more subscribers, they finally gave up and started the co-broadcasts.

And with the advent of NFL Now, which you can watch for FREE at, you get a lot of NFL Network segments anyway without paying for it.
I hope they do. Its over saturation

As much as I love football I agree, it's too much. There's three games on Sunday, morning, noon and night. Then you have the Monday Night game. There's only a 3 day break before more football. It's gotten to the point where I DVR the Thursday night game and watch it later because the game starts at 5:30 on the west coast.
Personally, I don't like it. It feels weird to me. I never remember there are Thursday night games when other teams are playing and even have to keep reminding myself when Dallas is playing. I'm mentally prepared for football on weekends, and I can tolerate Monday nights every now and then, but Thursday feels out of place to me.

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