NFL Fans by U.S. Counties


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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lol at the J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets...

....and thus Jerry stays on as GM.

Make no mistake the dynamic is fading fast.

Meanwhile, lots of Dallas Fans not wearing blue anymore.
There should be a crap load of blue dots scattered through out the map....if you know what i mean....:)
All I have to say, is that some here in Corpus Christi, think it is a morale/ethical advantage to root for the Texans...
Also, Arizona, shows all Cardinals...I say false, as there are as manyCcowboys go to Cardinals games as there are Cardinal fans when they play there....kind of like SF took over Jerry world yesterday, lol.

is this map a represnatation based on what?, just a zone of teams, how the TV rights are given, not an actual fan based survey?
I was surprised to see all of Louisiana as Saints fans...

I grew up in Bossier Parish and everyone I knew in Bossier/Shreveport were Cowboy fans first and Saints fans second...
I was surprised to see all of Louisiana as Saints fans...

I grew up in Bossier Parish and everyone I knew in Bossier/Shreveport were Cowboy fans first and Saints fans second...

Times have changed.

Have a buddy from my Army Days that grew up and lived in NOLA that never talked about the saints...if he talked football it was only about LSU.

Now he is constantly blabbling about the saints on Facebook. He is also has some idiotic logic of calling teams like the Falcons...AINTS. I tried to explain that it was and will only ever be the Saints that had the name Aints...but noo now it is the falcons and the saints are no longer the aints and blah blah blah.

Hardly anyone from NOLA area would talk about the Saints when I was at Fort they got a bunch of fans blabbing about them. They were not fair weather fans...they were bandwagon fans cause they never talked about them.

On a side was funny to see my buddy complain about not running the ball enough after they lost. Guess we aren't the only fans that complain about running the ball.
I see Seattle stuff everywhere. Perhaps the map should be revised.

When I lived in South Florida, I never seen a GB fan except one guy I worked with. And only because he moved from Wisconsin, but never talked about them much. he talked more about the Dolphins. Until they won the SB, then he all of a sudden had a GB t-shirt on. but i will give him credit as to, it was not a new one, you could tell it was an older well worn shirt.

However, also I started seeing people wear those stupid cheese head hats, not too many but some.
some once a team wins the SB, people come out like roaches, or jump on the wagon.

It's temporary, they will not take over the country...LOL
I doubt any survey that has Cardinals fans as the plurality in every AZ county.
yes...central VA

As for Denver...anything with horns is counted.

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