NFL Fans by U.S. Counties

Stinking Steelers :mad:

I got to tell you there is a ton of Cowboys fans here in My part of PA, a lot of Eagles fans too. A lot of steelers fans but I know almost as many Eagles and Cowboys fans. Not really to many other teams a smattering of 9ers, Pats and Colts fans.
It amazes me, despite the fact they have very few fans (in the largest media market lol) how the Jets get so many pop culture references, way more than the Giants who have more fans and more titles.....
I can tell you based on nearly 6 years of personal observation (bumper stickers)that in Southeast Louisiana the favorite teams are the Saints(duh) Cowboys, Steelers, Packers then in no particular order Patriots, Eagles, Bears and Giants
lol at the J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets...


I thought a few areas on Long Island for the Jets.
Maybe we need to start doing training camp in Las Vegas. Inside of course if they have one.
Also, Arizona, shows all Cardinals...I say false, as there are as manyCcowboys go to Cardinals games as there are Cardinal fans when they play there....kind of like SF took over Jerry world yesterday, lol.

is this map a represnatation based on what?, just a zone of teams, how the TV rights are given, not an actual fan based survey?

I live in the Phoenix area. Over the past decade or so the Cardinals have really started to gain a lot of hometown loyalty (a big reason is the new stadium) . They actually fill that stadium and are pretty loud. At the same time, the number of Cowboys fans have dropped considerably. There are still a ton of fans of other teams due to all the transplants who've moved here, but the Cardinals are easily number 1 these days.
Dallas has annexes all over the country. And people try to say we aren't America's team. Pffff.
I live in the Phoenix area. Over the past decade or so the Cardinals have really started to gain a lot of hometown loyalty (a big reason is the new stadium) . They actually fill that stadium and are pretty loud. At the same time, the number of Cowboys fans have dropped considerably. There are still a ton of fans of other teams due to all the transplants who've moved here, but the Cardinals are easily number 1 these days.

That stadium was all red last night with pockets of Charger fans scattered but I was surprised to see all that red!
I thought a few areas on Long Island for the Jets.

You would think so, but not really. As a LI'er I can confirm this.

In a somewhat related note, the Mets don't have a plurality anywhere either. We Long Islanders suck at supporting our own teams lol

Broncos are huge!

Low population areas. Also Denver is the closest NFL team for most of this area, so Broncos games are shown in this region.

I would like to see a better breakdown of the numbers. Such as the second and third ranked teams in each county and percentages of total fans for each. My assumption is that the Cowboys would be heavily represented nation wide.
I'm not so sure about the Patriots lock on some parts of New England. A ton of Giants fans around here.

Prior to 2002 it was dominated by Giants fans. Pats fans were really hard to come by.
I am wondering what they went off of, were I am at in Nebraska it shows Green Bay but there alot Cowboys fans in my town, guess it could help there is a Air Force base there, but GB? I dont think I seen but hand full of there fans
Wait, Oakland doesnt even have fans in their own town? :laugh::huh:

Move that team back to Los Angeles already then....

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