Video: NFL: McFadden admits he and Randle will 'split carries'


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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Not a single person here thought Murray would have the year he did last year. Very well could be the same with Randle/McFadden this year


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My concern isn't over Murray being gone, it's over having the players to replace him.

I can only speak for myself, but I would be ecstatic if the RBs we have succeed. I'm pulling for that, too, because then the team will likely succeed.

I just have no confidence in the plan to build that running game behind an oft-injured running back who's only had a couple of good seasons in seven and two others who have minimally carried the ball.

I will openly admit that I absolutely hope I'm wrong in believing we're making a mistake in believe these are the guys to replace Murray.

I agree for me it is not about Murray it is about replacing the production. If Randle and or McFadden are running the ball great and Dallas is moving the chains, being effective in short yardage and redzone and able to control the clock to seal wins then great. If it is someone we pick up after the cuts great. I just do not want to see this team take a step backwards


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Not a single person here thought Murray would have the year he did last year. Very well could be the same with Randle/McFadden this year

I don't think anyone would have thought Murray would get 1,800 yards heck I would not go into a season predicting that for any RB. I did however feel that with another addition to the OL in Martin that Dallas would look to do as the coaches had talked about and that is run the ball and become more balanced. This talk had been going on for a while. I felt confident heading into 2014 about Murray given his play the year before. My hope is someone stands up and shows they can fill the void


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Maybe my phone sucks or something but even when I go into desktop view I don't see a button on the bottom that says anything about polls. I was trying to create one myself
I think it's a "Zone Supporter" only perk. :oops::)


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How did you feel about the running game last year at this time?

I felt if Dallas was willing to stick to the run they would do very well running the ball. Murray was avg 80 a game on limited carries in 2013. Adding Martin to the OL and listening to coaches heading into the 2014 season I felt they would be a lot more committed to the run game. they were and it showed


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Not a single person here thought Murray would have the year he did last year. Very well could be the same with Randle/McFadden this year

I don't think anyone here thought Murray would be handed the ball as much as he was, and there was uncertainty about his health since 2013 was his first year to start more than 10 games (14).

However, a lot of fans were clamoring for Murray to run the ball more after he rushed for 1,121 yards (5.2 YPC) in 2013.

No one could have expected what Murray did last year, but there was reason to expect his production to at least remain at that 2013 level if he remained healthy.

What about McFadden's 534 yards (3.4 YPC) should give us any kind of confidence that it "very well could be the same"? Or even his previous two seasons? We have to go back for 2010 and 2011 for any kind of hope there.

What about Randle's 54 carries in 2013 and 51 in 2014 gives you any confidence that he can carry 150 to 200 times and maintain an average anywhere close to the 6.7 he had last year instead of the 3.0 he had in 2013?

Frankly, the 6.7 is the only thing that gives me any kind of hope. I don't expect him to come anywhere near that in a "full-time" role, but if he can average in the 4.3 to 4.7 range, we'll probably be in good shape as long as the other backs can at least do the same with nearly 200 more carries split between them. I'm not confident in the second part of that at all.


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Not a single person here thought Murray would have the year he did last year. Very well could be the same with Randle/McFadden this year


And who dares about split and carries.

Just get it done.

First downs and touchdowns.,


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Was not saying it as a success. But as a failure...they learned from that, so are now being more smart in their approach. Giving a player more time to recover and not "rushing" them back into practice or a game.

You can now slash off the over used face palm....

My point was that neither of those players remained healthy no matter what they did. Much like McFadden's injury history. Some guys just aren't physically built for the rigors of the NFL.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Yeah, we don't use polls enough around here, and it's really an effective way to get a bunch of people's take on something all on one page.

Just click the "Post a New Thread" button to start a thread and then look at the bottom of the page. It has the poll stuff laid out for you.

it looks like this......

Post a Poll
Possible Responses:
  • Allow selection of multiple responses
  • Display votes publicly
  • Close this poll after:
    • Hours Days Weeks Months

I usually have 3-5 answer options and always check the box to display votes publically.
Sometimes it's tough to frame the question without bias. Other times it's just a straight forward question like an over/under range

Thanks very much for that info. I'll start one or two when I get the chance!


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Well, it's a good thing we didn't re-sign Murray then.

We didn't resign Murray because he cost too much, and we didn't think he could handle another load like he did.
I don't think anyone would have thought Murray would get 1,800 yards heck I would not go into a season predicting that for any RB. I did however feel that with another addition to the OL in Martin that Dallas would look to do as the coaches had talked about and that is run the ball and become more balanced. This talk had been going on for a while. I felt confident heading into 2014 about Murray given his play the year before. My hope is someone stands up and shows they can fill the void

You were better than I then because I had lost hope the Cowboys would run the ball more. I had been clamoring for that for years, and the 2013 game against the Packers when we had huge lead we later loss, was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back for me.

Fortunately, Garrett restored my hope. :)

Denim Chicken

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Not a single person here thought Murray would have the year he did last year. Very well could be the same with Randle/McFadden this year

I actually predicted 1200 yards and playing in all 16 games. I don't know how RBBC will work here. I really believe having an RB bell cow wearing down defenses was key to our offense last year, but there's more than one way to skin a cat. Hopefully it works out, but count me as dubious.
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I wonder if these RBs care about "how" the carries are split. Sometimes you'll hear a runner say he needs to get into a rhythm with the game, the OL, etc. Are they happier switching every series? quarter? half? game?


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I'm a big DMC doubter but I love how he seems as a teammate. Solid guy.


Well-Known Member
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I'm a big DMC doubter but I love how he seems as a teammate. Solid guy.

Raider players and even most the fans loved the guy as a standup guy and teammate.
I'm sure their fans hated the injuries, but he never had a rep had a slacker.