NFL owners pass rule to place ball at 25 following fair catches on kickoffs

kick returner, probably the most dangerous position in football. Patiently seeing his an extra 5 yards if you play it safe.
This is seriously messed up. It's no longer tackle football. Might as well turn it into flag football.
It will be in our lifetime. It's not a coincidence the league converted the Pro Bowl into a flag game and pushes flag football down our throats with their Play 60 commercials. They're desensitizing us to the transformation now so there isn't shock and outcry when they finally pull the trigger.
Personally, I dislike the rule. Firstly, special team is a key part of several people's jobs. For a lot of a roster, they depend on special teams to stay on the squad. This hampers that. Secondly, I'm someone who, as a former kicker, likes the kicking game. But, the return game is fun and it's because it just takes a few missed tackles for a TD to happen. This robs that from happening to an extent. Finally, I think this is, to an extent, an overblowing of player safety. Yes, player safety is important, but this is a bit of an overcorrection imo. Especially when you watch how kickoffs in rugby and Aussie Rules are done. In rugby, there is no fair catch.
I really don't see it happening all that often. If the kick is that deep, they'll just let it go.
kick returner, probably the most dangerous position in football. Patiently seeing his an extra 5 yards if you play it safe.

Fair enough with this, but still, I mean, roster spots can be gained or lost depending on how good of a returner you are. Turpin probably doesn't make the team last year if not for kick return.
It’s yet another player safety rule to detour players from returning KOs. It’s just another step closer to removing the KO altogether.
Exactly, why reward them with favorable field position? One of the objects of the KO is to pin the receiving team in toward the goal line or make them run it out.
Fair enough with this, but still, I mean, roster spots can be gained or lost depending on how good of a returner you are. Turpin probably doesn't make the team last year if not for kick return. Or maybe we got an extra defensive lineman now. I try to look at the positive. I don’t see this is being a big deal.
I get what you’re saying, my cowboy.
It’s yet another player safety rule to detour players from returning KOs. It’s just another step closer to removing the KO altogether.
Everything starts at 25 they just put the punter closer to being out of a job lol. We can use the roster spot elsewhere. If the punt
goes into the end zone, does it still come out to the 20 or the 25?
Fair enough with this, but still, I mean, roster spots can be gained or lost depending on how good of a returner you are. Turpin probably doesn't make the team last year if not for kick return.
True that.
This is on the owners, like the other household variety ST rules changes they authored and approved. They know full well what they are doing; a minor change this season, a change or two several years later, then another change to the kicking game year later, so forth so on. mission accomplished.
Has more to do with their da** balance sheets than improving the product (NFL competition).
True that.
This is on the owners, like the other household variety ST rules changes they authored and approved. They know full well what they are doing; a minor change this season, a change or two several years later, then another change to the kicking game year later, so forth so on. mission accomplished.
Has more to do with their da** balance sheets than improving the product (NFL competition).

The issue is that, if they start removing kick offs, then they ought to change the name of the sport. There's barely use of the ball on the foot as it is.
You still have the opportunity to takeoff and run if you think you can get better yardage
there is the real issue. In preventing "injury" they are going to cause more with this rule. Most kicks etc are already fair catches, like 99%. To your point, we will see higher risk taking with returners trying to get better field position, thus getting hurt more. This rule is just overcompensating.
Politicians claim it's for the children whenever they try to sneak a whacked out policy change through. The owners have figured out that they can use player safety the same way.
bingo. Usually a politician will "pass" something or tweak it in the dark of night at least. These bastages did it brazenly under the guise of safety and in the light of day. Really what they did was put the player at greater risk, and They know it. We will see guys taking greater risk. All for ratings and $.
This thread
They broke kickoff returns when the moved the ball up. Nothing gained, nothing lost here.
I am content with starting every offensive series from the 25 yd line after KO.... not risk any bad plays happening or injuries. If the returner brings it out more times than not he only makes it to around the 20.....then you get the obligatory blocking in the back penalty and that gets you back to your 10..... no bueno.. Aren't many Hesters around anymore.
According to the league's all about safety and that's a good thing.

Safety is important. CTE is no joke. If you've ever been laid out and concussed or had the wind knocked out of you then you know.

I also want players to be safe..but this takes away from the ST game and strategy and just feels weird.

Not a fan.
I am content with starting every offensive series from the 25 yd line after KO.... not risk any bad plays happening or injuries. If the returner brings it out more times than not he only makes it to around the 20.....then you get the obligatory blocking in the back penalty and that gets you back to your 10..... no bueno.. Aren't many Hesters around anymore.
yes but may still will risk it. Time will tell, but I think this was a bad change.
If they cared about player safety they'd get rid of Thursday Football.
I don’t like thursday games but where is data showing you get more injuries in Thursday night games? The data is pretty clear on kickoffs

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