NFL Sunday Ticket Now Available on Apple TV for $679

Ah! Now I see what happened. So I use to screen share from my phone to my Apple TV well the last couple of years Apple started restricting that feature it’s because they were getting ready to offer this overpriced crap. Unreal.
You can get it on YouTube for the low, low price of $479 per year.. Of course new subcribers get a big discount. You can always get a discount. If it’s too steep, try NFL+. Replays soon after all games plus other niceties. It’s supply and demand.
Just posting what it cost. I’m very well aware of the other providers but just wanted to share how absurd the cost is on Apple TV.
I use Kodi. Every game from every sport, pro or college or international, available live. Free.
When NFL Sunday Ticket debuted in 1994 it was $99. Prior to that I used to go to a sports bar in North Hollywood to watch the Cowboys.
All this does is make people want to pirate it even more. I live in Rhode Island there is no way I’m paying that much to watch the few games that Dallas is not on locally. Would I like the access to other games every week? Sure but not at that price. I won’t be missing any Dallas games and I won’t be paying that price so there’s that.
the quality is so good these days too
Instead of this, I plan to use a local sports bar when necessary. Helps support a local business, and I can watch the Cowboys when the Browns are blocking us out.
I hated watching the Cowboys at a sports bar. When I first came to California in 1980, sports bars were my only option when their games weren’t being shown in the area. There was a sports bar in Sherman Oaks that I used to go to that showed the Cowboys. In November 1981 I went there to watch them play Washington. After the game I went to the Sherman Oaks Galleria, which was about a couple of blocks away and they were preparing to shoot the mall scenes for Fast Times at Ridgemont High. I saw Sean Penn, Phoebe Cates and Judge Reinhold eating at the food court.

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