burmafrd said:
Thought Brooks was an OLB.
More evidence that you were opinionating without really knowing the subject...
Look, let's see if we can put this to bed-- had you said that you didn't want him because he's too big a drug risk, I could have understood that... I still would have felt as I do now, that if the Boys take a look at that issue and are comfortable with it, then I'm on board, but if they don't like what they learn, I'm comfortable with them passing on him too...
But you and at least one other simply took your criticisms way too far-- that unspecified other labelled him a "thug", which is over the top, given what he really has been guilty of... now, maybe he is a thug in real life, and just hasn't been exposed as such yet, but unless there's concrete evidence of such, it's garbage to make such an accusation...
Then, the both of you have continually made a big deal out of him being fat, and I think both of you are knowledgeable enough to recognize that's completely unfair... he got fat because he got HURT, and the reports now are that he's getting back into shape... so to say you don't want him because of that is ridiculous... if he had a pattern of being lazy, not being in shape, that would be different, but he has shown no such pattern...
Finally, there was your specific assertion, that he's really no better than what the Boys already have... if you can't recognize that the guy showed serious talent his freshman and sophomore years (or if you can't admit that's the truth), then it becomes clear that you're just too biased to offer up a reasonable taste...
Dislike him if you think he's a druggie, and I won't really have too much of a problem with you... I won't agree that the evidence is conclusive in that area, but I will agree that there's enough smoke for folks like you to legitimately wonder...
All the other stuff is crap, though... it's just makin' stuff up to justify your not liking his drug history... as if you think that the drug issue alone isn't enough reason to want to pass on him...
I do believe it's pretty clear that the drug issue is your REAL problem with him, so stand up and own up to that... you'll find that there are a number of folks in here who agree with you, I think... it might even encourage them to sound off on this one...
You more or less painted yourself into a corner by taking a reasonable stance, and piling a bunch of unreasonable crap onto it in an effort to make your opinion even more compelling, and the irony is that doing so had the exact opposite effect...
And as for me, yeah, I'm a Cavs fan, so I appreciate Ahmad's play when he was healthy, and I get a bit of extra pleasure out of having him wind up playing for the Cowboys... the same pleasure I get from having Canty and Parham on the team... so I do naturally HOPE that his off-field issues aren't all that serious, and I've gone looking for reasons to believe that hope is not misplaced... I have, however, been willing to admit that I'm a bit of a cockeyed optimist on this one, and that I might be wrong...
And if I am wrong, if the guy cares more about drugs than playing pro football, then I don't want him on the team either...