Video: Nick Eatman on why Jerry got so heated

I’m almost certain you’re wrong . Hansen after making the liar statement was gone . Sham at the time had always wanted to give baseball a try but kept the Cowboys gig . He lasted one yr in baseball , too many road trips too many games my guess
Hansen remained after Sham was jettisoned. Brad Sham called Jerry the liar. It was a preseason game and Sham went off script.
Any sports journalist/member of the press, or any other type for that matter that isn't fully condemning this is a coward. Even Jane Slater was making some excuses that sounded like a battered spouse would make for him today. It's pathetic and scary. This is just football. Imagine what goes on with the important stuff in the world.

“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing”.
-Edmund Burke
I’m reminded of the Yankees 1970’s Billy Martin manager said “ one’s a liar the others convicted “ ….he was referring to Reggie Jackson his outfielder as the “ liar “ and owner George Steinbrenner as the “ convicted “ liar for campaign contributions conviction with Richard Nixon .

Martin was fired .
and then Steinbrenner brought him back

Shannon Sharp continues to impress. First with his stand to defend Caitlin Clark and now call Yoda out.
Well done, strident fellow.
Yes, livelihoods should matter greatly and THE NFL SHOULD TAKE A STANCE for workers who give the NFL publicity.
I dunna know why a broadcasters Association has not raised its head on these heinous remarks.
I had absolutely no idea this guy was from Maryland. But don’t get it twisted. I’m from MD - there are loads of Cowboys fans from the DMV.
Hes mentioned it before, he was a Commanders fan. All of a sudden he acts like he's one of us. He's the definition of a sell out.
Someone can share what they know about what control Yoda has over the radio guys jobs? In real terms, not the cliche about big money/influence leverage.
Simply, is Yoda their corporate boss?
Hansen remained after Sham was jettisoned. Brad Sham called Jerry the liar. It was a preseason game and Sham went off script.

Look it up . 1996 . Hanson says Jerry’s lying not telling the truth about Leon Lett suspension plus Switzer couldn’t stand Hanson , Jerry fired him .

Now if he fired Sham as well he should have made it stick . Sham had always wanted to do baseball and it didn’t interfere with football season . Like I said it lasted one year .

Check it out he fired Dale Hanson .
Any sports journalist/member of the press, or any other type for that matter that isn't fully condemning this is a coward. Even Jane Slater was making some excuses that sounded like a battered spouse would make for him today. It's pathetic and scary. This is just football. Imagine what goes on with the important stuff in the world.

“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing”.
-Edmund Burke
Where did Burke play?
Any sports journalist/member of the press, or any other type for that matter that isn't fully condemning this is a coward. Even Jane Slater was making some excuses that sounded like a battered spouse would make for him today. It's pathetic and scary. This is just football. Imagine what goes on with the important stuff in the world.

“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing”.
-Edmund Burke

Leave Jane out of this mess .
Put your rose color glasses on and just talk about the good things I have done. media Censorship to it's core!

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