No Greg Hardy ruling yet, too many days later

I'm not sure. I see conflicting reports saying both.

What were the rules when it happened? That's all that should matter.

You can't change the speed limit tomorrow and write me a ticket for how fast I drove a week ago.

I agree.
just my opinion, but at this point, the league cant take this long without lowering the suspension. if they do, the nflpa will likely be able to convince a judge that the the arbitration was a farce, and the nfl is purposely dragging their feet.

I expect to see Henderson lower it by 2-4 games, only to see the nflpa still sue. this will likely result in some negotiations, which lead to a larger reduction
21 days and counting.....

I'm having a hard time understanding why the NFLPA is sitting on its hands. They know the longer this process takes, the less likely his court hearing is completed before the season(as does the NFL who's counting on this imo). The only thing I can think of is the NFLPA is negotiating a much shorter suspension, or they've been given some indication it will be significantly reduced.
The NFL is jobbing the Cowboys big time. It's not even funny. I hope Stephen & Jerry are making waves behind the scenes.
This my tin foil thinking cap on:

I think the powers at the NFL are getting worried about what the Cowboys are doing with their team. They got scared last season and it took a nobody sitting in NY to call the "no catch".

The Cowboys are taking chances on good players that needed some help. And, the cost is low and they don't like that.

The NFL powers to be, want to prolong this while they are laughing over the footballs while winning the SB. Cheating is cool...

And, this is just off the top of my head, maybe they are looking into if Jerry beat is wife? Or, did she beat him off...?

I think the NFL powers to be are looking for anything and everything to make sure that America's Team does not win another SuperBowl.

I think the NFL is racking their brains trying to figure out a way to punish the Cowboys. They did it a few years ago with two teams. They screwed that other team in DC.

Is the NFL, with all of their power...cannot make a decision? How about this? Show it on TV and make a decision.

The National Football League does not want America's Team to win another Superbowl.

The Dallas Cowboys are getting their money right, and the NFL, you know who he is? Sure you do....

That's why the NFL is worried. Either **** or get off the pot.

(stupid cowboy fans)
2 games was the max for domestic violence. Roethlisberger was suspended under the Personal Conduct Policy which is completely different.

If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Hardy's 10 Game Tilt for "Conduct Detrimental To The NFL" OR "The Personal Conduct Policy"? I'm of the camp that, first, the NFL has "No Business" trying to function as a "Sudeo-Civil-Monkey-CSI-Investigative-Judge-Jury-Etc", (SECONDARY) option to completely find themselves out of their depth which is why the NFL & Goody-2-Face-Brown-Noser are getting in deeper & deeper hot water! Second, I think since his infraction, (Which He Was EXONERATED For), occurred under the "Old" policy, by definition that means at most, what a 2 or 4 game suspension! But even that leads to my Third point, = If he was given the option to pay a fine of the equivalent of a 2 or 4 game suspension, then he pays back what he made for the games he missed on the exempt list, he's done the time let the man pay back the fine! This leads to the final two points. Fourth, let the man play, opening day after paying back/for whatever the suspension is reduced down to, be it 2, 3 or 4 games. Finally, Fifth, & however my entire post still hinges on a better understanding of "What The Meaning" is behind what he was suspended over, because I'm claiming ignorance on this point, the reason, because I'm not entirely sure that "Buck-Goody-Rodgers" was or wasn't trying to pull a legal stunt by saying Hardy's 10 Game Suspension is either under "The Personal Conduct Policy" OR "Conduct Detrimental To The NFL" I think it was possibly by design..... If someone could set me straight on what the suspension was under & if any of you, (Very Informative Awesome Cowboy Fans), could tell me if you think the change in the "What" he was suspended for is different & therefore Rodger trying to be cute, to get one over on Hardy & Our Cowboys?

Oh & BTW, I also think this is nothing more than a delay tatic & Kudos on the post that we should lock him up with a nice deal, like 3 or 4 years! I totally agree because I honestly love what I'm hearing coming out of Valley Ranch! Not just the praise, that's great & all but I Love, Marranelli's comments, the passion, aggressive, honing his craft & that his work ethic is HUGE! This is awesome because that's hugely contagious, I must say, Lawrence in his 2nd year, Gregory's Rookie Year, Mincy & Hayden both in year 8, both Crawford's going into year 4 AND ALL to have Hardy's influence on this D-Line, well, it will be exciting to see! That's why I agree we should "Lock Him Up" before he hits the open market! Thanks again for anyone who responds to help me understand the top part.
Looks like yet another day with no decision.

Oh, almost forgot, I too think we are now on that line in the sand where the fact we have no decision yet, seems orchestrated & it's getting beyond ridiculous. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing it's taken this long but I'm not liking this, at all!
Kudos on the post that we should lock him up with a nice deal, like 3 or 4 years! I totally agree because I honestly love what I'm hearing coming out of Valley Ranch! Not just the praise, that's great & all but I Love, Marranelli's comments, the passion, aggressive, honing his craft & that his work ethic is HUGE! This is awesome because that's hugely contagious

If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Hardy's 10 Game Tilt for "Conduct Detrimental To The NFL" OR "The Personal Conduct Policy"? I'm of the camp that, first, the NFL has "No Business" trying to function as a "Sudeo-Civil-Monkey-CSI-Investigative-Judge-Jury-Etc", (SECONDARY) option to completely find themselves out of their depth which is why the NFL & Goody-2-Face-Brown-Noser are getting in deeper & deeper hot water! Second, I think since his infraction, (Which He Was EXONERATED For), occurred under the "Old" policy, by definition that means at most, what a 2 or 4 game suspension! But even that leads to my Third point, = If he was given the option to pay a fine of the equivalent of a 2 or 4 game suspension, then he pays back what he made for the games he missed on the exempt list, he's done the time let the man pay back the fine! This leads to the final two points. Fourth, let the man play, opening day after paying back/for whatever the suspension is reduced down to, be it 2, 3 or 4 games. Finally, Fifth, & however my entire post still hinges on a better understanding of "What The Meaning" is behind what he was suspended over, because I'm claiming ignorance on this point, the reason, because I'm not entirely sure that "Buck-Goody-Rodgers" was or wasn't trying to pull a legal stunt by saying Hardy's 10 Game Suspension is either under "The Personal Conduct Policy" OR "Conduct Detrimental To The NFL" I think it was possibly by design..... If someone could set me straight on what the suspension was under & if any of you, (Very Informative Awesome Cowboy Fans), could tell me if you think the change in the "What" he was suspended for is different & therefore Rodger trying to be cute, to get one over on Hardy & Our Cowboys?

Oh & BTW, I also think this is nothing more than a delay tatic & Kudos on the post that we should lock him up with a nice deal, like 3 or 4 years! I totally agree because I honestly love what I'm hearing coming out of Valley Ranch! Not just the praise, that's great & all but I Love, Marranelli's comments, the passion, aggressive, honing his craft & that his work ethic is HUGE! This is awesome because that's hugely contagious, I must say, Lawrence in his 2nd year, Gregory's Rookie Year, Mincy & Hayden both in year 8, both Crawford's going into year 4 AND ALL to have Hardy's influence on this D-Line, well, it will be exciting to see! That's why I agree we should "Lock Him Up" before he hits the open market! Thanks again for anyone who responds to help me understand the top part.

The NFL is trying to play a dangerous game with Hardy's suspension. They are claiming they are using the old standards by giving him 4- 2 game suspensions for 4 separate incidents of laying his hands on Ms Holder during the ONE altercation. Then they mix up the 2 policies and give him 2 more games for guns being present.

The whole thing is a farce and a slap in the face to Judge Doty and Judge Jones who heard the Peterson and Rice cases and ruled against the NFL.
From Jon Machota

Now that Cowboys mini-camp is done and players are about to disperse, you can expect a ruling on Greg Hardy’s appeal in the near future.

Those who search for meaning as to why arbiter Harold Henderson has yet to issue a response, those who wonder if this is a good or bad thing, miss the point.

One, Henderson is under no obligation to reach his decision in a specific timeframe.

Two, did anyone believe a ruling would be handed down when the media still had locker room access to the players?

Think about it. If Henderson upholds the 10-game suspension, don’t you think a player or two would criticize the process? Is it unreasonable to expect that in trying to support Hardy, some players would say they consider the suspension too harsh?

Imagine how those comments would play on a national stage: Cowboys defend Hardy, showing NFL players still don’t understand serious nature of domestic abuse.

The same applies if Henderson significantly reduces commissioner Roger Goodell’s penalty: Cowboys say NFL was right to reduce suspension because it was too severe.

Again, this doesn’t strike the proper political note the NFL desperately needs after its initial tone deaf response in the Ray Rice case.

That’s why Henderson has yet to rule on Hardy’s appeal.

And that’s why we’ll know what he thinks soon.


Certain types of NFL disciplinary appeals apply a firm deadline for reaching a decision. The Personal Conduct Policy does not.

Conducted under Rule 46 of the labor deal, the hearing officer is required to issue a written decision “[a]s soon as practicable” after the completion of the hearing.

In the case of Cowboys defensive end Greg Hardy, the hearing on his 10-game suspension ended 17 days ago. In theory, a ruling could come at any time.

From Hardy’s perspective, the sooner arbitrator Harold Henderson issues a ruling, the better. If Hardy chooses to go to court to challenge the outcome, the more time Hardy has before the start of the regular season, the better chance he’ll have to get a ruling from federal court.

We are the Cowboys they are going to take as long as possible so we have to drag this mess into court. Luckily Peterson helped set a precedent already, so this may end up in our favor when it come to that. Thanks judge Doty
The NFL is trying to play a dangerous game with Hardy's suspension. They are claiming they are using the old standards by giving him 4- 2 game suspensions for 4 separate incidents of laying his hands on Ms Holder during the ONE altercation. Then they mix up the 2 policies and give him 2 more games for guns being present.

The whole thing is a farce and a slap in the face to Judge Doty and Judge Jones who heard the Peterson and Rice cases and ruled against the NFL.

Someday soon this house of cards will crumble.
Goodell is about to sink in the Brady appeal, lets wait and see .. or squat-n-watch as someone once said.
The NFL is trying to play a dangerous game with Hardy's suspension. They are claiming they are using the old standards by giving him 4- 2 game suspensions for 4 separate incidents of laying his hands on Ms Holder during the ONE altercation. Then they mix up the 2 policies and give him 2 more games for guns being present.

The whole thing is a farce and a slap in the face to Judge Doty and Judge Jones who heard the Peterson and Rice cases and ruled against the NFL.

Thank you. I'd say that "Clears it up for me", but it doesn't at ALL! You are absolutely correct this is a FARCE! I guess I'm glad the "Peterson" precedence was set but now I'm getting the feeling this is indeed deliberate & in the end I'm hoping, (Not Because I'm A Sadist), that Goody-2-Shoes, embarrasses himself even more than he has! I mean this is a joke right? The dude, sorry "Hardy" was NOT FOUND GUILTY! What The H$// is going on here? I'm not a huge "Conspiracy Theorist" but maybe it's true Roger has unceremonious ties to the "Gnats & NewEhPatriotActs!" Oh what a world!
Thanks again, BTW.
Thank you. I'd say that "Clears it up for me", but it doesn't at ALL! You are absolutely correct this is a FARCE! I guess I'm glad the "Peterson" precedence was set but now I'm getting the feeling this is indeed deliberate & in the end I'm hoping, (Not Because I'm A Sadist), that Goody-2-Shoes, embarrasses himself even more than he has! I mean this is a joke right? The dude, sorry "Hardy" was NOT FOUND GUILTY! What The H$// is going on here? I'm not a huge "Conspiracy Theorist" but maybe it's true Roger has unceremonious ties to the "Gnats & NewEhPatriotActs!" Oh what a world!
Thanks again, BTW.

Conspiracy Theorist you mean like the Moon landing in 1969?

Or Saudi having Nukes.

==Goodell has sum ballz....those Cajones may become Calf Fries soon enough to help determine the Hardy deal in a positive light for your Dallas Cowboys===it may happen sooner than later, I vote for after the Dr. Brady castration.
Last edited:
The NFL is jobbing the Cowboys big time. It's not even funny. I hope Stephen & Jerry are making waves behind the scenes.

It's now been 4 weeks. a full moth. and this NFL BS is still going on. everyone knows Henderson is going to rubber stamp Goodell's 10 game suspension. there is no reason for it to take this long. yet they are pushing it back because they know it hurts the cowboys. the more they push it back. the longer it takes to get it to court. this is so blatant. yet you will have some do gooder cowboys fans come on here and pretend there is no bias for the NFL NY office, that is full of Giants fans.
If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Hardy's 10 Game Tilt for "Conduct Detrimental To The NFL" OR "The Personal Conduct Policy"? I'm of the camp that, first, the NFL has "No Business" trying to function as a "Sudeo-Civil-Monkey-CSI-Investigative-Judge-Jury-Etc", (SECONDARY) option to completely find themselves out of their depth which is why the NFL & Goody-2-Face-Brown-Noser are getting in deeper & deeper hot water! Second, I think since his infraction, (Which He Was EXONERATED For), occurred under the "Old" policy, by definition that means at most, what a 2 or 4 game suspension! But even that leads to my Third point, = If he was given the option to pay a fine of the equivalent of a 2 or 4 game suspension, then he pays back what he made for the games he missed on the exempt list, he's done the time let the man pay back the fine! This leads to the final two points. Fourth, let the man play, opening day after paying back/for whatever the suspension is reduced down to, be it 2, 3 or 4 games. Finally, Fifth, & however my entire post still hinges on a better understanding of "What The Meaning" is behind what he was suspended over, because I'm claiming ignorance on this point, the reason, because I'm not entirely sure that "Buck-Goody-Rodgers" was or wasn't trying to pull a legal stunt by saying Hardy's 10 Game Suspension is either under "The Personal Conduct Policy" OR "Conduct Detrimental To The NFL" I think it was possibly by design..... If someone could set me straight on what the suspension was under & if any of you, (Very Informative Awesome Cowboy Fans), could tell me if you think the change in the "What" he was suspended for is different & therefore Rodger trying to be cute, to get one over on Hardy & Our Cowboys?

Oh & BTW, I also think this is nothing more than a delay tatic & Kudos on the post that we should lock him up with a nice deal, like 3 or 4 years! I totally agree because I honestly love what I'm hearing coming out of Valley Ranch! Not just the praise, that's great & all but I Love, Marranelli's comments, the passion, aggressive, honing his craft & that his work ethic is HUGE! This is awesome because that's hugely contagious, I must say, Lawrence in his 2nd year, Gregory's Rookie Year, Mincy & Hayden both in year 8, both Crawford's going into year 4 AND ALL to have Hardy's influence on this D-Line, well, it will be exciting to see! That's why I agree we should "Lock Him Up" before he hits the open market! Thanks again for anyone who responds to help me understand the top part.

Doty wrote in the Peterson ruling how domestic violence was conduct detrimental to the league. The suspension arises out of the domestic violence incident no matter how the NFL labels it. The investigation makes that obvious. The court will ask whether in fact it was because of the domestic violence case and conclude the obvious. I imagine they will also show about 30 years of how the NFL handled cases under the Tagliabue system that was still in force at the time of the incident. That is incident after incident of a first time offense getting 2 games for misdemeanor domestic violence with a conviction. The NFL also punished him for his guns when he never saw a gun charge.

I have no doubt that the NFL will retry the same argument. It is very similar to them saying that scheduled free agency was not collusion but instead competitive balance citing their charter. I don't think they expect it to work this time either. I think they are interested in putting up a facade for the public eye and tying it up in court as long as they possibly can.
Doty wrote in the Peterson ruling how domestic violence was conduct detrimental to the league. The suspension arises out of the domestic violence incident no matter how the NFL labels it. The investigation makes that obvious. The court will ask whether in fact it was because of the domestic violence case and conclude the obvious. I imagine they will also show about 30 years of how the NFL handled cases under the Tagliabue system that was still in force at the time of the incident. That is incident after incident of a first time offense getting 2 games for misdemeanor domestic violence with a conviction. The NFL also punished him for his guns when he never saw a gun charge.

I have no doubt that the NFL will retry the same argument. It is very similar to them saying that scheduled free agency was not collusion but instead competitive balance citing their charter. I don't think they expect it to work this time either. I think they are interested in putting up a facade for the public eye and tying it up in court as long as they possibly can.

There's no doubt in my mind that they are delaying it as long as possible to push the court date they know is coming as far down the road as they can. The further they push it, the more likely he misses more games no matter what the ruling is(baring an injunction). Stuff like this really gets under my skin. It's abuse of power.

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