Are citizens who smoke pot in legalized states addicts? This is for weed...not heroin, cocaine-crack, meth. Alcohol and caffeine are more physically addictive than Marijuana. Go on with your "but he knew" mantra, but the rules also don't follow any logic. He broke a stupid rule that must be obliged to in order to play in the NFL. Add alcohol, then you won't hear a peep from me on the issue as it negatively influences athletic performance and is more addictive. Prohibition didn't work for alcohol bc of the stigma/violence, but we've let this stupid mentality towards pot go on for how long? Nearly a century of this already...smh
Ro doesn't want to play football. Gregory does, but has a habit that is stigmatized by the league, but oddly enough not by the rest of the country (50/50). Big difference and hope the best for him.