No one is coming out to support Dak from the Attacks

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CT Dal Fan

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All this banter from family members is just making them look silly. Both Micah and CeeDee are close to new contracts and their families benefit just as much as the players do. So it's throw anybody under the bus that might get in the way of the payday.

So transparent and easy to understand. Nothing else to say, really. And coming out and defending Dak- or any other player for that matter- from transparent criticism achieves what, exactly?

We can't look at a few tweets from players or their family members and pretend we know what is happening in the locker room. Of course, some people love to pretend that they know if it fits a certain narrative.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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You're saying he's a flat out liar? I mean, the evidence seems pretty convincing that what he says he reported a year and then repeated after teammates family came out saying the same not shock journalism.
No. I did not say he was a liar. I stated what he said was hearsay.

Additionally, I have long posted on this site that I do not agree with anyone in the media using the 'anonymous source' shield for any information that is not life-threatening or will not cause wide-scale societal chaos. This was no different.

I could not care less if it costs him or anyone else, relaying information to the general public, their relationships with 'informants'. News is news. Gossip is gossip.


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There's no team unity. It's just 52 individuals playing with the same uniform. See what lack of leadership and unity does to the team? And some of you still think we're close?
The only thing they agree on is that they are thrilled McCarthy is back. Comfort is priority #1.


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This is an indictment of Micah and CD, not Dak.

Doesn't matter how they do or don't feel. Making a team issue public, or not trying to diffuse it, is on them.

You people are all backwards.

I agree with this take regardless of my feelings on Dak. They should be speaking up regardless of how they feel in private. If they have issue take it up with bosses.


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Was just thinking after CD Mama's and Micah's brother's comments on social media, not one player or our owner has come out in support of the Dakster.
Jerry came out and supported Big Mike but concerning QB 1 nada.
The question is why and what message is being sent.

Go to 3:35 interesting stuff on how our players view Dak.

It’s crazy how much joy they get in rubbing it in the fans faces. It’s a weird bit. We’re loyal fans and this is how we get treated. Grown men proud of themselves for the narratives they created and fueled? Miss me with these jackasses.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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I'v noticed the closer some Dakster get to insanity, because they can't handle the pressure, the more emojis they put in their posts.
Not easy seeing 2 of our star player's relatives pointing the finger exclusively on Dak.
Jerry's biggest problem if he has decided to give Prestrash an extension is how he is going to win back the locker room in favor of Dak as it's evident that Dak has lost the locker room.
Yes, he will give massive deals to CD and Micah but is it enough as these are young guys and in the end want a ring just like CD Mama's confirmed?
I see no going back here as all signs point to Dak having lost the Lockerroom and an extension at this point is not looking very promising.
Either he plays out his deal for 1 more year or he's a post June 1st cut.
The team will play for Trey or Rush as they are not prima donna overpaid fat Cows.
All roads lead to Dak leaving us and even Tad with his Twitter post is preparing the road out of town for his brother.
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There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Send us the pics of you, Ceedee, Micah, and Dak on vacay and I'll believe you.
Remember the last off-season when Dakko held his annual practice on his football field behind his house...........................CD was not there I think for the 1st time since Prestrash been doing this.
Only rooks and Ferguson showed.............


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Which one of you is this? Seriously some of his fans are so insecure. Bringing in a guy at the end of camp who barely got snaps and played scout team was suppose to make a 7 year starter “uncomfortable”, bro what? And Dak with his mental toughness and leadership didn’t let that get to him!! Damn that bar is low.



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Which one of you is this? Seriously some of his fans are so insecure. Bringing in a guy at the end of camp who barely got snaps and played scout team was suppose to make a 7 year starter “uncomfortable”, bro what? And Dak with his mental toughness and leadership didn’t let that get to him!! Damn that bar is low.

Unfortunately Lance has Zero trade value as a $5M emergency QB.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Which one of you is this? Seriously some of his fans are so insecure. Bringing in a guy at the end of camp who barely got snaps and played scout team was suppose to make a 7 year starter “uncomfortable”, bro what? And Dak with his mental toughness and leadership didn’t let that get to him!! Damn that bar is low.

What network does Mr.Martin work for?
Thanks............Looks like the I Love Dak network from his logo insignia.................
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