O/T why is this not the lead on sportscenter?

As we all have seen, anything with Owens name attached draws attention.

The media knows this, and they use that to their advantage. It is weak journalism but you can't blame them if it is easy and beneficial financially.

As was mentioned earlier in this thread, a lot of more serious instances have occurred in the NFL community, yet don't receive the level of exposure or scrutiny as Owens wearing a bicycle jersey.

Not knowing much about Owens prior to him coming here, I have observed that one of his problems is telling the truth, to a fault. At times he should remain silent, or just say I won't comment on that at this time, but he does't do that. He tells the truth even when it will actually work against him. An admirable trait to speak the truth, but some discretion should be used as well.

I also have noticed that some media people seem to just talk about him while others, (Costas, T.Jackson, C.Berman, J.Buck, T.Bradshaw) literally spew venom and call him viscous names when talking about him. Their faces turn red and their veins stick out. They have let him get to them and it affects their judgement and for me, their credibility as a broadcaster. I think less of them for reacting with such animosity.

I also think this season has shown me that Owens is not a cancer to this team.

And I like the way Parcells has handled him. Instead of treating him different, or like a star or anything, he has treated him just like everyone else, like one of the guys. He shows him the same attention as anyone else, (very little)and when the situation presents itself, like at the end of the Carolina game, he even shows affection.

Owens is not an Eagle Scout or anything, but he is not the person that most media want to make him out to be.

I have seen him to be a great player, he has proven to be a team player, he shows up every week and gives his best effort, plays hurt, doesn't make excuses and takes blame when he messes up.

I don't just take up for Owens. We have a lot of players that I like a lot, he is just one of them. If people were bashing or misrepresenting our other players, and I felt it was unjust, I would speak out for them as well.
Because the guy is basically a NOBODY.

Not being mean but I bet the average NFL fan, that is not a chiefs fan, has probably never heard of the guy.

I would also guess the guy has never told reporters that his QB is gay, although he never actually said "gay".

I would also imagine he never was having the press come to his driveway to interview him while he was doing situps.
LaTunaNostra;1288450 said:
Costas referred to Owens as a "dope" and "universally" considered the league's "laughingstock".

Wait, Bob Costas actually called another human being a "laughingstock". That's great Bob, you baseball puriest..

JustSayNotoTO;1288702 said:
Because no one knows who the hell he is?

Thank you.

I get sick of all the conspiracy crap on this board.
JustSayNotoTO;1288702 said:
Because no one knows who the hell he is?

Did anyone outside of Dallas know who Clayton Holmes was? ESPN went out of their way to throw that in our faces.
I try to be fair, and treat people fair.
I try to "walk a mile in their shoes" before judging or critisizing.

My problem is I need to understand that there are many many people that don't feel that way.

Everything or everybody is not fair.

I need to work on realizing that.

It is still sad, but it would help me to learn to live with it.
Yeagermeister;1289015 said:
Did anyone outside of Dallas know who Clayton Holmes was? ESPN went out of their way to throw that in our faces.

Yeah, but Holmes' suspension came the same day as Leon Lett. And it was at a time that tons of Cowboys were in trouble.

Folks need to recognize news services cover what will generate the most interest -- something consistent with an ongoing issue -- e.g., Cowboys in trouble -- or more recently Bengals in trouble -- is a better story because there is an established interest in the issue.
abersonc;1289027 said:
Yeah, but Holmes' suspension came the same day as Leon Lett. And it was at a time that tons of Cowboys were in trouble.

Folks need to recognize news services cover what will generate the most interest -- something consistent with an ongoing issue -- e.g., Cowboys in trouble -- or more recently Bengals in trouble -- is a better story because there is an established interest in the issue.
Not good enough.

News services used to cover the news, all of the news, and only what was news.

Not their opinion of the news.

I miss that.
Jared Allen is not a nobody he damn near made the pro bowl a couple years back he's the Chiefs best pass rusher imo
WV Cowboy;1289048 said:
Not good enough.

News services used to cover the news, all of the news, and only what was news.

Not their opinion of the news.

I miss that.

If you miss that you might write your congressperson about breaking up the 2 or 3 huge media monopolies that own the vast majority of newpapers, tv stations, etc. It isn't about news -- it is about selling papers and getting viewers. Reporting on some player nobody knows about doesn't get that done.
WV Cowboy;1289048 said:
Not good enough.

News services used to cover the news, all of the news, and only what was news.

Not their opinion of the news.

I miss that.

It really does not matter what they USED to do...I doubt anyone in here with any age does not wish they would go back to what they USED to do.

However it is the way it is done now and it is not specific just to the cowboys. Cowboys will garner more attention. TO will garner more attention because both are high profile products.

I am sorry but some DE that most people never heard of in a market that most don't pay attention to is just not going to garner much interest nationwide.

However there was a great deal of Coverage when Big Ben got in that motorcycle accident.

The press went bananas when the Steelers were going to the Superbowl and the Bus was retiring...I can not tell you how many times I read or heard that Jerome was from Detroit. A steeler fan and I would joke about that...weeks later he would say...did you hear Jerome was from Detroit.

Barry Bonds and the steroids issues gathered so much attention they took it to the government level.

Plus...I get so tired of reading about people complaining about the media picking on TO. Good grief the man LOVES IT, he INVITES IT, he DESIRES IT...this is the same man that was doing situps without a shirt on his stinking driveway while they were interviewing him.

Quit making it out like it is just the media picking on TO for no reason...he brings some of this crap on himself.

People love to insult people here.

I simply asked the question about why it is not the lead on sportscenter because Jared Allen is a darn good player. Everyone who plays against him knows who he is.

He is an upper level player in this league. If you dont know who he is, you dont really watch that much football or maybe not the chiefs.

What he did was pretty significant, then got slapped on the wrist and did it again and got slapped on the wrist again.

He has to actually serve jail time? That should be news on all sports stations, the chiefs are in a playoff game this week and he maybe their best defensive player and oh by the way he is playing manning and the colts offense.

That is why I asked, this was a significant incident, to a significant player who has a game saturday that is pretty significant.

I am not even bringing up or saying anything about cowboys bias. People need to back off with the insults.
BrAinPaiNt;1289060 said:
Plus...I get so tired of reading about people complaining about the media picking on TO. Good grief the man LOVES IT, he INVITES IT, he DESIRES IT...this is the same man that was doing situps without a shirt on his stinking driveway while they were interviewing him.

Quit making it out like it is just the media picking on TO for no reason...he brings some of this crap on himself.


Consider you are Terrell Owens. A Dallas police officer who is a spokesman for the FOP calls you a 'silly little football person", after an accidental OD.

Do you then go out and have shirts printed up with "Silly Little Football Person", wear one to work, and distribute them to your colleagues, knowing full well this will keep the story alive?

I don't think so.

You're TO, right? And word has gotten out that you've fallen asleep in meetings. Do you let that die down, or do you mimic a cat nap in the endzone, accruing yet another fine, and a team penalty?

And a media blitz of attention.

I think you do the former.

Owens, on the other hand, does every thing he can possibly do to think out ways to KEEP HIMSELF IN THE NEWS, whether those reasons are derived from fame or infamy.

He drops passes , and then aggravates it by sitting down with MI and whining about 'kinda faking it' and his hc not being solicitous after the alleged OD.

Does the press love a lazy day when they don't have to do anything but sluggishly spout one more "It's Bill or TO" stories? Of course.

But Owens and the media are locked in a symbiotic relationship, the press motivated by business (ratings, 'scoops' melodrama), and Owens from his own pathological craving to always be the center of attention, and his delusion of himself as both hero and victim.

There are plenty of 'hot dogs' in pro sports. But Owens needs center stage like no other 'celebrity" I have ever seen...the press is the instrument he uses to fill that craving for attention, and there's no denying it.
LaTunaNostra;1289117 said:
There are plenty of 'hot dogs' in pro sports. But Owens needs center stage like no other 'celebrity" I have ever seen...the press is the instrument he uses to fill that craving for attention, and there's no denying it.

You don't have to convince me.:laugh1:

Something I do find odd though.

I expect the defending of TO from the younger crowd...It just kind of shocks me from the older crowd. By older I mean mid 30's and up.
BrAinPaiNt;1289158 said:
You don't have to convince me.:laugh1:

Something I do find odd though.

I expect the defending of TO from the younger crowd...It just kind of shocks me from the older crowd. By older I mean mid 30's and up.

Well, I get into media bashing as much as anyone does, but when someone is seeking out media attention as much as Owens does, you gotta view it sorta like a marriage. The kind where each day one partner is trying to get the goods on the other. :)

Btw, did you make me this? Or did I steal it from someone?

I find it funny that some try to appear level-headed and unbiased when they talk negative about Owens, .. when we all know that isn't the truth.

They don't need to do that anymore.

We all know who doesn't like him and we know most of the reasons why.

Those opinions would be respected more if you actually gave him credit where credit is due, and then point out fault where it is due.

When all they bring is negative, I lose interest in what they are saying, because the source is obvious.
theebs;1289114 said:
People love to insult people here.

I simply asked the question about why it is not the lead on sportscenter because Jared Allen is a darn good player. Everyone who plays against him knows who he is.

He is an upper level player in this league. If you dont know who he is, you dont really watch that much football or maybe not the chiefs.

I said average football fan...the average football fan does not know anything more than the star players in the league. I am not talking about football junkies like most of us.

He is not considered an upper echelon character/persona in the NFL like a Peyton Manning, TO, Chad Johnson, Big Ben, Ray Lewis and so on.

Does not mean he is not a good or great player that other teams or players respect.

What he did was pretty significant, then got slapped on the wrist and did it again and got slapped on the wrist again.

He has to actually serve jail time? That should be news on all sports stations, the chiefs are in a playoff game this week and he maybe their best defensive player and oh by the way he is playing manning and the colts offense.

That is why I asked, this was a significant incident, to a significant player who has a game saturday that is pretty significant.

As I said before, he is not the kind of player that garners much attention beyond his local team's media.

I am not even bringing up or saying anything about cowboys bias. People need to back off with the insults.

The cowboy media bias is a normal topic on this board...just the way it is, it does not matter that you did not bring it up, people went with it...it is the nature of sports boards.

As far as insults...I did not see any bad insults in this thread...strong opinions but not bad insults.

The nature of the media today is to take a story and run with it...sometimes it is because of persons persona, a persons attitude, the celebrity factor of a person.

Sometimes it is nothing more than a news story that starts off feeding a slow period but turns into a major media frenzy.

Sometimes it is generated by some sources.

Thank about these examples.

Jessica Lynch during the war...she became a huge story. A female soldier abducted by the enemy. Went on and on.

However another female soldier was abducted by the enemy at the same time and people probably could not even remember that females name...hardly anything but a small blurb was said while the airwaves were saturated by the Lynch story.

Another example.

When news is slow...they take a local story like a young girl in a town being abducted. This happens everyday in the USA but or some reason one story at a time will get a huge push in the major media market.

Another example.

The run away bride story. Was that really important enough to saturate the media waves for as long as it did...some loon woman leaving her husband and making up a story about being abducted? With all the things that could be reported this dominated the headlines for some time.

We..and not talking about you or me, but most of society, have helped create this media type of situation.

With all that is going on in the world...think of how much time is generated in the press over the last year concerning things like Tom Cruise, Ang. Jolie and Brad Pitt and other silly things.

The media does not worry about what the important issues are per say, they worry about what will garner attention and ratings.

Sad...really is, but that is what it has become, and as long as the average person watches it...they will keep doing it because it gets ratings which in turn gets them money.

The Jared Allen story is just not going to appeal to a wide audience so they are not going to spend time with it.
LaTunaNostra;1289167 said:
Well, I get into media bashing as much as anyone does, but when someone is seeking out media attention as much as Owens does, you gotta view it sorta like a marriage. The kind where each day one partner is trying to get the goods on the other. :)

Btw, did you make me this? Or did I steal it from someone?


Yes I made the bomb one.

And I agree with your take.

I don't much care for the media either.

There have been times when I think it has been much worse.

I know the Playmaker did things off the field in the past and deserved some of the grief he got in the media.

However I do remember when he and Big E was accused of rape by a woman.

It was on the sports news all day every day for weeks.. Yet it was funny when the lady finally admitted to making it up, the media covered the story for a day or two and dropped it.
WV Cowboy;1289190 said:
I find it funny that some try to appear level-headed and unbiased when they talk negative about Owens, .. when we all know that isn't the truth.

They don't need to do that anymore.

We all know who doesn't like him and we know most of the reasons why.

Those opinions would be respected more if you actually gave him credit where credit is due, and then point out fault where it is due.

When all they bring is negative, I lose interest in what they are saying, because the source is obvious.

Yet owens continues to bring things on himself.

That is why I just can not understand people continually acting like it is all on the media.

Just like the sleeping in meetings incident. The media was all over that for some time. But oddly enough once that started going away in the media and the cowboys were doing well so the focus was on Romo...Owens once again talks about it in an interview.

When you have a history of doing things like owens does...do you really honestly expect to be treated fairly or like nothing is wrong?

It is hard to expect the benefit of the doubt, when you yourself are part of the problem.

Look at the stuff Keyshawn went through before coming to the cowboys, the media was all over him and rightfully so.

However he did not come in here and keep running his mouth and having things happen to him to get media attention.

Tom Jackson on sportscenter says it best, and make no mistake I know he is bias about TO and makes no bones about it...but he really does bring up a good point.

It is always something with TO.

A man that does not want to be in the media does not hold a press conference in his drive way while he is doing situps with his shirt off.
BrAinPaiNt;1289193 said:
I said average football fan...the average football fan does not know anything more than the star players in the league. I am not talking about football junkies like most of us.

He is not considered an upper echelon character/persona in the NFL like a Peyton Manning, TO, Chad Johnson, Big Ben, Ray Lewis and so on.

Does not mean he is not a good or great player that other teams or players respect.

As I said before, he is not the kind of player that garners much attention beyond his local team's media.

The cowboy media bias is a normal topic on this board...just the way it is, it does not matter that you did not bring it up, people went with it...it is the nature of sports boards.

As far as insults...I did not see any bad insults in this thread...strong opinions but not bad insults.

The nature of the media today is to take a story and run with it...sometimes it is because of persons persona, a persons attitude, the celebrity factor of a person.

Sometimes it is nothing more than a news story that starts off feeding a slow period but turns into a major media frenzy.

Sometimes it is generated by some sources.

Thank about these examples.

Jessica Lynch during the war...she became a huge story. A female soldier abducted by the enemy. Went on and on.

However another female soldier was abducted by the enemy at the same time and people probably could not even remember that females name...hardly anything but a small blurb was said while the airwaves were saturated by the Lynch story.

Another example.

When news is slow...they take a local story like a young girl in a town being abducted. This happens everyday in the USA but or some reason one story at a time will get a huge push in the major media market.

Another example.

The run away bride story. Was that really important enough to saturate the media waves for as long as it did...some loon woman leaving her husband and making up a story about being abducted? With all the things that could be reported this dominated the headlines for some time.

We..and not talking about you or me, but most of society, have helped create this media type of situation.

With all that is going on in the world...think of how much time is generated in the press over the last year concerning things like Tom Cruise, Ang. Jolie and Brad Pitt and other silly things.

The media does not worry about what the important issues are per say, they worry about what will garner attention and ratings.

Sad...really is, but that is what it has become, and as long as the average person watches it...they will keep doing it because it gets ratings which in turn gets them money.

The Jared Allen story is just not going to appeal to a wide audience so they are not going to spend time with it.

Hey man I hear ya. I just think allen is an above average player. And seeing that he is playing against the colts offense, I would think they would bring it up.

I dont think he is an elite player like you said just above average!!

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