OAK vs. PHI (HoF) Game Thread.

I'm kind of impressed by this here Andrew Walter. Who is he and where did he come from? His vision is good for a young guy.
Crown Royal said:
I'm kind of impressed by this here Andrew Walter. Who is he and where did he come from? His vision is good for a young guy.
Raiders 3rd round pick out of ASU in 2005.
Hostile said:
Raiders 3rd round pick out of ASU in 2005.

Is that the guy who had the shoulder injury, but was red hot the season before? If so, I think that might turn out to be a nice pick for them.
we all saw what happened to the trade centers and we saw how it destroyed peoples families and changed the mentality that we are completely safe here in the U.S. its unnecessary

I think it's long overdue. If it's done right, it's a good thing. A lot of people seem to have forgotten all that stuff you mentioned before. Way too many.
That was a bad sack for him. Being 6'6" and however stout you are, you need to be strong anout to not allow a swipe to bring you down.
I've enjoyed Madden and Michaels tonight. Even Madden's rambles have been enjoyable. Either I really missed football or I'm mellowing.
Hostile said:
I've enjoyed Madden and Michaels tonight. Even Madden's rambles have been enjoyable. Either I really missed football or I'm mellowing.

They are OK. I think we'll miss them when we have to suffer through Theeeeeesman and Co on Monday Nights.

I am queasy. The magic that you old timers have had since the Cosell years has been tainted.:(
Chris Collinsworth, though I hate to agree with him, is right. The Eagles will be hungry to prove their reign isn't yet over. They are going to be ice cold.

Note - just because I think the Eagles are still going to be good, I don't want that to come off as saying I don't think we, or the other Beast teams, can compete. I'm just saying they aren't going to lose every Beast game again this year.
Crown Royal said:
They are OK. I think we'll miss them when we have to suffer through Theeeeeesman and Co on Monday Nights.

I am queasy. The magic that you old timers have had since the Cosell years has been tainted.:(
The best part about tonight is that Bob Costas is back in the NFL. I consider him one of the very best ever.
Da Hammer said:
i agree that its too soon for a WTC movie. and i certainly wont pay to see the movie. its just wrong that they are gonna make $$$ out of a tragic event that affected a lot of peoples lifes forever. sure they'll probably donate part of the money to charity or something but the actors and the people making the movie will still get their cut of the dough. plus why do we need a movie, we all saw what happened to the trade centers and we saw how it destroyed peoples families and changed the mentality that we are completely safe here in the U.S. its unnecessary

although I don't think its necessarily "too soon" I just think that it should never be made. Isn't it nicholas cage? gross, he's horrible anyway.
Its almost as if people try to glamourize the fact that we got blown up.
I hope the movie flops horribly and loses millions. I won't see it. I don't get the feeling that most people care to see it either. Hasn't America lived it ever since? Do we need to watch it in a theater too?

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Hollywood ran out of good ideas about a decade ago. I can't believe they are remaking movies that were remade not that long ago....Superman, Spiderman, Batman...
get some fresh ideas guys. The worst part is that the remakes usually aren't as good as the original anyway. Makes it almost blasphemous. New Star Wars were flat out embarrassing and a horrible insult to the originals.

So we were talking about the Eagles and Raidaahs. So how's Philly's tecmo bowl offense looking? Play 1: screen pass to Westbrook Play 2: Short middle pass to LJ Smith Play 3: Mcnubb acts like he can't find anyone downfield and tucks the ball and runs Play 4: Mcnubb throws the ball either in the dirt or out of bounds (or to Roy Williams)
Extra play: Screen pass to Westbrook to the other side
Hostile said:
The best part about tonight is that Bob Costas is back in the NFL. I consider him one of the very best ever.

I remember really enjoying NBC football before Fox sort of took over for them as the elite.

I still like Fox the best, especially the Troy/Horn duo, but this lineup for NBC looks like it'll work out well.

(cept collinsworth)
Crown Royal said:
Chris Collinsworth, though I hate to agree with him, is right. The Eagles will be hungry to prove their reign isn't yet over. They are going to be ice cold.

Note - just because I think the Eagles are still going to be good, I don't want that to come off as saying I don't think we, or the other Beast teams, can compete. I'm just saying they aren't going to lose every Beast game again this year.

you sound like an eagles fan.
When Collinsworth was doing Fox not that long ago, I didn't really mind him. What was the general problem most people had with him?

P.S. I will hit the mute button every time Joey Thessman opens his mouth.
Kchunda said:
When Collinsworth was doing Fox not that long ago, I didn't really mind him. What was the general problem most people had with him?

P.S. I will hit the mute button every time Joey Thessman opens his mouth.

I just think he is so cynical. Honestly, he's a lot like a message board type guy - his only contributions in the booth is to try to get in one liners and make a joke about a specific play. His commentary just never seemed too insightful to me.

I guess he didn't annoy me so much as he just seemed to take up airspace.