I guess off the field news is more important to the media than on the field news.
So this is Fake News.. LOL..
I believe you're missing the point.
If someone wrote about something you did, I could only guess you would want that information for the public to see to be accurate if it's out there for the world to see.
The issue is with news now, it's whoever can write the fastest and get that "news" out electronically. The issue is actually verifying exactly what happened and how you write it and what you may not include in the story that dictates how the story is interpreted by the reader by what information is included or omitted.
The reality is Odell my have been taken off the plane as fact, but the exact circumstances are only what the airline is regurgitating by what they were told by a employee. First fast fact, and we can draw conclusions from those "facts", but it's not until more facts come in from other witnesses and "who said what, and who observed what" that you can come to a conclusion of what those facts exactly are and what and why the person in the story may have done what they did.
Right now, Odell looks bad per the story given out. Reality may be at the end of the day, it could happen to anyone of us, but for a regular smuck, it's not really newsworthy the way it's been written up.
If you ever have the opportunity to be quoted by a reported for a "story" and they use your quote out of context to bolster their story or make it more newsworthy, you will have a better comprehension of how some news reporting agencies work.
Let me guess, you think it doesn't come down to money on how the justice system works and everyone is innocent until proven guilty? LOL
As noted, I'm no fan of Odell, but the whole story sounds kind of fishy and some pieces seem to be missing per the facts given.