Observations from a long-time lurker who hates the chicken littles on this board


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First, let me say to the Mods: I apologize if this is misplaced or shouldn't be posted as a new thread. I've been reading this board since '03-'04, but tend to keep my thoughts to myself. Many people may feel this is a good thing once they read my rant...lol. Obviously, feel free to move/merge/delete at your leisure! ;)

Now that that's out of the way....let me say that in all the time I've been hanging around here, I get as much of a kick out of the "chicken littles" as anyone...I roll my eyes and have been PUMPED about this season.

If anyone cares, here are my thoughts on the game:

I'll take the win...but are you gonna tell me that you're comfortable with that performance?

Especially in the first half, on a national stage, the things that were highlighted and killed us were the very things that all the critics have been cutting us down for. And then some!




This team was presented with a chance to step up to the plate tonight, and in reality all they had to do to pass that test was to not f*** it up too much. They failed, in spite of the win. They played some incredibly BAD football, reminiscent of the 2002-2004 teams. With 10x the talent. Wow. Just wow.

Are you kidding me?! I'm extremely troubled with what I saw.

Amongst my friends, family and acquaintances, I've been driving this Cowboys bandwagon for 2008, but its been under the assumption that this team has learned from its past mistakes, that it has grown together and has been working as a cohesive unit to LEARN how to be a championship team.

I saw very little evidence of that against the Eagles, and that's being kind, even though they won.

I'm no expert by any means, but all night long it seemed to me that all 53 members of this team (and the coaches!!!) were hoping that the next series would bail them out. Fortunately for them, in the end they WERE bailed out. At no point did I see evidence of them deciding to take control, I never saw anyone take it upon themselves and say "F*** this, we're gonna win this game." If you need a reference as to what that's about, see Manning, Peyton...2nd half on Sunday in Minnesota. This is just one game, but the point is this: HUGE difference.

Again, I'll take the win, but the concern here is that sooner or later these things are going to bite you in the @$$ over a long NFL season, and at the worst possible time. It's what did us in last year. I remember us blowing out the defending NFC Champion Bears, the overhyped Eagles, and the streaking Giants, all on the road (I was in the crowd for two of those games). But what happened when the chips were down?

To further illustrate the point: think about the New England Patriots these past few years....even this year once they lost Tom Brady, how would they have played this game against the Eagles? If you think it would have been anything close to as sloppy, as undisciplined, as amateurish as the Cowboys played, IN SPITE of winning the game (which does encourage me, just not nearly enough), you're fooling yourself.

I can't think of any reason why the Cowboys sans Tony Romo would have looked nearly as good against the Jets in NY on Sunday. In fact, I would be the least surprised guy in the room had they lost.

And I have a hard time believing that the Brady-less Pats would have performed any worse against the Eagles tonight than the far-more-talented Cowboys SHOULD have. They wouldn't have let the Eagles even have a sniff of this game once it was 14-6, I can almost guarantee you that.

As much as I want to believe it, we're just not a complete team. Not yet. It's depressing, because we have all the pieces. It's demoralizing, because there's no legitimate reason why any fan of this team should feel this way.

There are 14 weeks left in this season, and a lot can happen, but lets be honest....between November of 2007 and right now, I have seen no evidence that this team has learned anything, or has the guts to overcome the true obstacles that have stood in the way since 2006. Hard Knocks fired me up, but tonight was a wakeup call. The bonehead mistakes, the cavalier attitude.... its the same as last year when we were 12-1 before collapsing.

Even though we won, this game came dangerously close to playing itself out as the worst case scenario, and the result came in spite of ourselves.

We got up early, even if it was with a few breaks, against an inferior team that could hang around only if we let them. To compound matters, it was a big game at home that could really set the tone for the rest of the 2008 season.

What happened?

I have loved to blame Parcells' exceedingly conservative approach for holding us back in '06, but now I'm not quite as sure. If he couldn't get this team to get its head out of its @$$, can Wade? I'm far from a Parcells fan, but so far, the answer is NO. I have a hard time believing we will average much less than 8-9 penalties PER GAME this year, most of them in costly situations like 3rd downs. That's junior varsity B.S. for a team that thinks it has all the tools....and completely unacceptable.

We do have a lot of talent, and thats the only reason we didn't get blown out tonight against Philly. But IMO its important to recognize that it was big plays that saved us, not guts or winning in the trenches.

Let's face some hard facts: we are totally ***'d if we don't get a lot tougher mentally and physically, and in a BIG hurry. We better develop an attitude that other teams need to prove themselves against us, and all we have to do is keep a cool head and play our game. We're not doing that.

These guys are soft and undisciplined. They believe their own hype, and think they are almost entitled to win if they just show up (remember how well that worked against the Giants in January?). Maybe thats because of Wade Phillips, or maybe its because of the equipment guys or some other factor....I don't know how, but thats the reality of the situation, whatever the cause. I can only hope Jerry Jones is aware of the cause and fixes it.

I bleed silver and blue, and I would LOVE to be proven wrong. But the fact is that I can't be on this bandwagon, nor can I believe that we have a legitimate shot to be champions with the way this coaching staff is shaping this team. I have not been given any reason to be confident with what I've seen on the field, despite all the talent we have. It's sad, and I hope I'm wrong. But there it is.

Bottom line: tell me with a straight face that this team can win in December and January with what you saw against the Eagles...and this is while we're relatively healthy and excited. That's all that matters this season, winning when it counts. We don't need to be 13-3 again...hell, we don't even need to win the division again, just get to January and then win when it matters.

We're an explosive team for sure, and we can score from anywhere on the field...but do we have the cajones in every phase of the game to survive until the end, and make other teams fear us? Not right now. I can tell you as someone living in NYC, that Giants fans had a lot of fun watching this game.

Please understand that none of this means that I believe that this team can't overcome its problems, because it ABSOLUTELY can. If they do, they will be unstoppable, no question. They are far and away the best team in the NFL if they CHOOSE to be. But I have a real fear that they may not.

That's it. Flame away if you must.


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Nothing really to say ....

Sorry you feel that way .....

Sorry you do not remember division games being just like this in our Superbowl years .......

Sorry you cannot get excited when a team shoots itself in the foot yet still finds a way to win .......

Sorry you do not want to "jump on the bandwagon" ......

Actually I am not ...... Sorry.



Makin' It Rain
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This team can't prove anything until January. If healthy, is there any doubting that the Cowboys are a playoff bound team with about 12 wins? Absolutely not. The question is what they do in the playoffs.

Tonight doesn't change anything for me. Defensively we must improve, but you can nitpick any and every win or loss for any team. How about Green Bay letting those putrid Lions come back from about 20 down to take a late lead? Doesn't mean I don't view the Packers as any less of a threat to the Super Bowl. How about the Giants looking horrible on offense from the second quarter on in the opener? Meaningless. Get my drift? No one's perfect all the time.

We put up 41 points tonight. Woo hoo! Can they do it in January? We made some critical late-game stops on defense, giving up, what, seven second-half points? Great! Can they do that in January?

With all that said, I'm going to enjoy this regular-season ride -- much like I did last year's. It's not very often you can boast a team with this much talent, or this fun to watch. So sometimes I think it's fun to just sit back and enjoy it, and worry about what it all means later on. After going through Quincy, Hambrick, Bryant, Hutchinson, etc., it's nice to have a team fully loaded with cream-of-the-crop weapons --- even if it doesn't result in a Super Bowl.


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RainMan;2262435 said:
This team can't prove anything until January. If healthy, is there any doubting that the Cowboys are a playoff bound team with about 12 wins? Absolutely not. The question is what they do in the playoffs.

Tonight doesn't change anything for me. Defensively we must improve, but you can nitpick any and every win or loss for any team. How about Green Bay letting those putrid Lions come back from about 20 down to take a late lead? Doesn't mean I don't view the Packers as any less of a threat to the Super Bowl. How about the Giants looking horrible on offense from the second quarter on in the opener? Meaningless. Get my drift? No one's perfect all the time.

We put up 41 points tonight. Woo hoo! Can they do it in January? We made some critical late-game stops on defense, giving up, what, seven second-half points? Great! Can they do that in January?

Steve Young is that you?


Makin' It Rain
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zrinkill;2262436 said:
Steve Young is that you?

Nope, but I think I had a post similar to that earlier this offseason. And I absolutely agreed with Young's point tonight. He's entirely right.

This team is loaded. Winning the division, winning 13 games, etc. isn't the goal. Winning a game in January is.

Doesn't make this part of the season any less fun. But it's not that telling just yet.


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That's it. Flame away if you must.

BBQ'ed Chicken Little.



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zrinkill;2262421 said:
Nothing really to say ....

Sorry you feel that way .....

Sorry you do not remember division games being just like this in our Superbowl years .......

Sorry you cannot get excited when a team shoots itself in the foot yet still finds a way to win .......

Sorry you do not want to "jump on the bandwagon" ......

Actually I am not ...... Sorry.


No need to get defensive here, folks! I'm still a fan!! Just a concerned one :D

Exactly which division games during our Super Bowl years are you referring to where we played nearly as sloppy as tonight? Yes, I'm old enough to remember these games and in fact have a lot of games from that era on tape, so please let me know. This is no way a slam, I'm genuinely curious. The only game nearly as awful that I can recall off the top of my head is the '93 opener in Washington without Emmitt, which really isn't a fair comparison. I guess there's also the '92 Monday Nighter in Philly, but I would argue that score tonight should have been closer in our favor as it was for Philly then (31-7) than the slopfest we witnessed this evening, plus I would argue that that '92 team was leaps and bounds ahead in maturity and discipline than our current squad, despite being younger.

I'm very happy we won tonight, despite shooting ourselves in the foot. Actually...both feet. A couple of times each.

Maybe reading comprehension isn't your strong point, but I did say I was DRIVING this bandwagon among fellow fans, but now I'm pretty concerned. I do want to keep driving it. :D


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RoyBiscuit;2262448 said:
Maybe reading comprehension isn't your strong point, but I did say I was DRIVING this bandwagon among fellow fans, but now I'm pretty concerned. I do want to keep driving it. :D

I read perfectly, this is what you said at the end.

RoyBiscuit;2262400 said:
But the fact is that I can't be on this bandwagon, nor can I believe that we have a legitimate shot to be champions

And I am not defensive at all .... just feel sorry for you that you cannot enjoy these Cowboys.

I enjoyed the hell out of the first two games.


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The way McNabb played TODAY. I honestly would say that the Pat without Brady can't stay close. Brady less Pats simply would not be able to keep up the score. Once the Pat falls behind, they are done.

A healthy McNabb presents SO many problems. He had 5-8 sec to throw sometimes because he was able to scramble and gotten out of would be sacks multiple time today. The pass rush can't stunt because of his escapability and that limits your pass rush.

I admit that we got a little lucky today. Multiple facemask penalties and Romo's carelessness with the ball bothers me more than anything else.

The first half was a disaster.

The 2nd half was what I was expecting and we outscored them 17-7.

We needed this game more than the Eagles did. Romo REALLY needed this game for his confidence.

We got holes.........so does every other team in the league. But I'll say this........NFC East is one killer division. There will be no sure W's in this division.

ps. enjoy the W ;) they aren't easy to come by.

pps. last year's cowboys would have allowed Eagles to score and lose this game.....I have NO Question in my mind.


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You do realize this is one of the best teams in the NFC we played right?


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zrinkill;2262455 said:
I read perfectly, this is what you said at the end.

And I am not defensive at all .... just feel sorry for you that you cannot enjoy these Cowboys.

I enjoyed the hell out of the first two games.

I enjoyed the hell out of the first game, even though we could've done better. I didn't worry about it though, because a true fan ALWAYS thinks we could've won by more. No worries there. We still dominated and I was happy and excited.

I enjoyed the hell out of tonight in that in had a thrilling end and that we won, but if you enjoyed it without being concerned or yelling at your TV during the numerous setbacks.....well, sir, you are either a) a far more optimistic fan than I (hats off...nothing wrong with that); or b) dishonest.

I plan to enjoy the hell out of the rest of this season....what does that have to do with pointing out what I saw this evening? The point of the post was that more than anything I want to see this team win ALL season, to see it dominate like I know it can. To point out flaws in one game and provoke discussion on them is not to condemn the team.

One more point, I enjoyed the hell out of many games during our 5-11 years too, just because I love watching the Cowboys. So don't go there. ;)


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dre1614;2262458 said:
You do realize this is one of the best teams in the NFC we played right?

Yes, thats a great point. But do we know that for sure? Do we know after 2 weeks that either of these teams is the best in the NFC yet?

Stay on point...I was talking about what I saw IN THIS GAME. Its okay to do that. I promise.


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btcutter;2262457 said:
The way McNabb played TODAY. I honestly would say that the Pat without Brady can't stay close. Brady less Pats simply would not be able to keep up the score. Once the Pat falls behind, they are done.

A healthy McNabb presents SO many problems. He had 5-8 sec to throw sometimes because he was able to scramble and gotten out of would be sacks multiple time today. The pass rush can't stunt because of his escapability and that limits your pass rush.

I admit that we got a little lucky today. Multiple facemask penalties and Romo's carelessness with the ball bothers me more than anything else.

The first half was a disaster.

The 2nd half was what I was expecting and we outscored them 17-7.

We needed this game more than the Eagles did. Romo REALLY needed this game for his confidence.

We got holes.........so does every other team in the league. But I'll say this........NFC East is one killer division. There will be no sure W's in this division.

ps. enjoy the W ;) they aren't easy to come by.

pps. last year's cowboys would have allowed Eagles to score and lose this game.....I have NO Question in my mind.

By far the most intelligent response yet! :laugh2:

You nailed it...yes we (and Romo) needed this game, yes we have holes....and yes I agree, last year's Boys probably would've lost this game.

Once again, I'm happy with the end result (a W is a W), but you can't be an honest fan and say this game didn't infuriate you about 75% of the time you were watching it.

I'd love to have it rubbed in my face over the next few weeks that there is nothing to worry about (starting with a big win in GB), but I was trying to stimulate discussion about what we actually saw the team do tonight. I guess I came to the wrong place.


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zrinkill;2262455 said:
I read perfectly, this is what you said at the end.

And I am not defensive at all .... just feel sorry for you that you cannot enjoy these Cowboys.

I enjoyed the hell out of the first two games.

By the way, still waiting for an answer to my question re: games during the Super Bowl years.


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RoyBiscuit;2262471 said:
I enjoyed the hell out of the first game, even though we could've done better. I didn't worry about it though, because a true fan ALWAYS thinks we could've won by more. No worries there. We still dominated and I was happy and excited.

I enjoyed the hell out of tonight in that in had a thrilling end and that we won, but if you enjoyed it without being concerned or yelling at your TV during the numerous setbacks.....well, sir, you are either a) a far more optimistic fan than I (hats off...nothing wrong with that); or b) dishonest.

I plan to enjoy the hell out of the rest of this season....what does that have to do with pointing out what I saw this evening? The point of the post was that more than anything I want to see this team win ALL season, to see it dominate like I know it can. To point out flaws in one game and provoke discussion on them is not to condemn the team.

One more point, I enjoyed the hell out of many games during our 5-11 years too, just because I love watching the Cowboys. So don't go there. ;)

Personally, I wasn't worried about this game going into it, and I was worried at any point during the first half. We are sloppy with the penalties right now, and you can't really often spot good teams 14 points and come away with a wind, but the game tonight had all the makings of a heavy weight fight. There are games like this every season, so it's silly to worry about them. They're outliers and not indicators. And the Cowboys coming out ahead is a good sign as far as the division goes.

All in all, it was a great game that ended well. The offense was very good and the defense came around when it needed to most and delivered the victory when the offense couldn't convert. What more can you ask for?


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1975 - Dallas Super Bowl champs - lost to Kansas City 34 to 31
1992 - Dallas won Super Bowl - lost to Philly 31 to 7
1993 Dallas won Super Bowl - lost to Washington 35 to 16
1995 - Dallas Won Super Bowl - lost to Sanfran 38 to 20

I think you can give up a ton of points and still win the SB. As long as you don't do it all of the time.


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zrinkill;2262421 said:
Nothing really to say ....

Sorry you feel that way .....

Sorry you do not remember division games being just like this in our Superbowl years .......

Sorry you cannot get excited when a team shoots itself in the foot yet still finds a way to win .......

Sorry you do not want to "jump on the bandwagon" ......

Actually I am not ...... Sorry.


Aikman, Emmitt, Michael, etc all point to the 1994 Conference championship game as the one that really made them a team. The reason? Because they overcame all of their stupid mistakes and almost one that game. I'd say this game counts as one like that - only we WON.

Divisional Opponent beaten is a great win any way you count it.