Off-season priority: Release Jaylon Smith


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Cowboys are not going to take the cap hit of releasing him. The out year is 2022 and I don't expect him to be released anytime before that. Cap hit of doing this now would be way to big
As far as what they will actually do, I agree.

They will make excuses and/or continue to tell Jerry what he wants to hear and that they will fix him.


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If I could have one Cowboys-related wish come true above all others, it would be to see Jaylon “king of shameless self promotion” Smith released.

But who’s going to take his place?

Joe Thomas... Joe Dirt... Joe Schmo who’s currently a cashier at Walgreens.. I’d take any of them.

I’m so sick of having to watch him swiping it up after committing PI fouls and tackling guys 20 yards down the field.

*Please, Lord, grant me this one wish.*

I was never a Smith fan and thought wasting a 2nd round pick on him with his injury was a big mistake, but this season Smith ended the season with the 3rd most tackles in the entire league so he must have been doing something right enough of the time to do that. I'm still not a big Smith fan but after this season the Cowboys could do way worse that Smith.


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..good idea, but dont feel Jaylon is going no where. Just signed a contract. What we can really hope for, is getting a coach to bring out his best skills.
bad instincts, poor technique, complete ignorance to his poor play. Team and coaches have to see it on film, someone in the organization doesn't care. If he's not gone this offseason I'm going to say McCarthy is a pet coach, not the coach we need. Smith is easily one of the easiest decisions to make this offseason.


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If I could have one Cowboys-related wish come true above all others, it would be to see Jaylon “king of shameless self promotion” Smith released.

But who’s going to take his place?

Joe Thomas... Joe Dirt... Joe Schmo who’s currently a cashier at Walgreens.. I’d take any of them.

I’m so sick of having to watch him swiping it up after committing PI fouls and tackling guys 20 yards down the field.

*Please, Lord, grant me this one wish.*
Not happening he's a Jerry cornerstone, sorry doesn't look good for that wish.


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Finished 3rd in the league in tackles this year. *ducks and runs for cover*
you know how people were scared to be hit by Roy Williams or said the toughest RB they've tackled was Zeke, I'm sure every ball carrier was glad when Smith was making the tackle. Literally no chance of injury and they were probably dragging him for another 5 yards after contact.


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Fans need to do just what Jaylon said and watch the film.......and if they will do they will see how horrid he really is, I've been doing it most of the season just for laughs and entertainment.


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This will be a huge test for this organization next season: if this fraud is still a starting linebacker then it tells you this FO and coaching staff are bigger frauds than he is.
The fact that he remained a starter throughout this season has already cemented the perpetual ineptitude of the FO. He's a trash LB....period.

DC Cowboy

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If I could have one Cowboys-related wish come true above all others, it would be to see Jaylon “king of shameless self promotion” Smith released.

But who’s going to take his place?

Joe Thomas... Joe Dirt... Joe Schmo who’s currently a cashier at Walgreens.. I’d take any of them.

I’m so sick of having to watch him swiping it up after committing PI fouls and tackling guys 20 yards down the field.

*Please, Lord, grant me this one wish.*
i will take LB from Penn State and move Smith to the Will (for 1 more year),LVE at the Sam


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bad instincts, poor technique, complete ignorance to his poor play. Team and coaches have to see it on film, someone in the organization doesn't care. If he's not gone this offseason I'm going to say McCarthy is a pet coach, not the coach we need. Smith is easily one of the easiest decisions to make this offseason.
Perfectly stated. He should've been benched after the bye week, easy call.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
couldn't they just cut his foot off and put one of those fiberglass feet on like that guy who broke paraplegic records running with no lower legs. on a side note, he was convicted of murder and is in jail. I guess those legs didn't help him outrun the police. :(
well, that was a bad idea.