Official Chicken Little thread

Why is he still in the game? And someone tell me why isn't Zimmer blitzing more?
Garrbage!!! he never makes a play - he never is in the backfield...he never does a damn thing - he's almost as overrated as Roy Williams.
this game reminds me of the minnesota game last year, just killin ourselves :bang2:
Cowboys suck! End of story!
Sarge said:
That ones on PArcells

How's that? We got the ball back after the stupid call and turned it over.
HomeOfLegends said:
How's that? We got the ball back after the stupid call and turned it over.

Field position is hows that.
31-19!!!!!!!!1 Lol
Crow with a side of apple sauce please
All those that panicked in this thread, look in the mirror.
Damn Glad ya'll don't run this team!

Dallas Victory.
I glad we gutted it out. Our team showed heart. Nevertheless, IMO, we need to beat Oak in order to fully exercise the demon that was the Skins collapse.
This is great w for a young team. They showed some character.
Sitting Bull said:
I glad we gutted it out. Our team showed heart. Nevertheless, IMO, we need to beat Oak in order to fully exercise the demon that was the Skins collapse.

I agree. We need to take this win and build on it. Our D really stepped up in the second half of this game, we need to continue that trend.

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